Phantasmal Genesis Chapter 401: Goal: 5 village views

This battle is like a fuse, and the relationship between the practitioners and the ascendants of Journey to the West, which is already inextricable, has officially reached its lowest point.

In various cities in the world, the Ascendants formed alliances and unceremoniously started fighting with the native cultivators of Journey to the West.

This battle is just like the battle of the Conferred Gods back then, spreading from cultivators to ordinary people in the world, and even the dynasty of the world.

An ascendant named Wang Mang gathered a mortal power in the mortal world, and started a cultivation ceremony with tens of thousands of mortals.

At the same time, in addition to practicing, he also brought a wave of technological development.

Let the entire human civilization begin to enter the road of development that combines cultivation and technology.

Technology, this is a magical power that has never appeared in the Journey to the West, or it can be said that this is the most original and purest power in the world.

The fairy can understand this power and even deduce it according to his own experience of exploring the laws of nature. However, science and technology also need a matching productivity.

From the ideological level, Wang Mang has surpassed them.

In the final analysis, technology is just like aura, a tool that blooms human imagination. How to use this power depends on the user.

The purple energy pillars that reach the sky rise in the mortal world of Journey to the West, and they are everywhere, and there are such purple energy pillars where there are ascenders.

However, after the ascendant and the cultivator are completely broken, there will be no cultivators where there are ascenders, and there will be no ascenders where there are cultivators.

Seeing that the ascendants began to gather the mortals, the cultivators were not far behind, and went directly to the mortal emperor, and said the matter with enthusiasm and jealousy.

The war seems to be about to intensify. Fortunately, in the heavens of this world, there is indeed a time difference. There is a day in the sky, a year on the earth, and the immortals in the fairy world have not realized the importance of this matter.

Their unchanging thoughts have never seen everything in the world in their eyes. In their eyes, the only enemies of immortals are demons and ghosts.

A mortal cultivator?

There are not a few that can fall into their eyes.

And this gave the ascendants on the ground a certain amount of time. They did not launch a fierce offensive at the first time, but developed in an enclosure like the Cold War.

Ascendants are like this. This is what the practitioners of Journey to the West hope to see. In their view, the game of practitioners is not fighting and killing, but conspiracy calculations.

They are accustomed to this mode of fighting, and they will never tear their faces when they meet, and only make small moves behind their backs.

Many cultivators started to come into contact with some Ascenders silently. In addition to trying to extract useful information from them, they also wanted to induce conflicts within the Ascended. It would be best to let their Ascended Alliance disintegrate from within.

But they can’t think of anything, and they can’t count it. All of these ascended ones have actually been assimilated by Meng Ke’s thoughts, and they are highly submissive to Meng Ke in terms of the information level of the contained objects.

How can such an Ascended Alliance be separated and disintegrated from within?

However, in order to delay the time, all the Ascendants started acting, all kinds of anti-reconnaissance techniques, anti-routines, and anti-discrimination. Every Ascendant was selected by Meng Ke after countless years in the lower realm. Journey to the West The calculations of these cultivators seem to them as naive as children playing.

Everyone has great perseverance and greatness. Such a group of people gather together, and their thoughts are highly unified. It is definitely an incomparably terrifying force.


This is a group of people who are used to dancing on the tip of a knife and wandering on the edge of death. Ease is obviously not what they want.

In the mortal world, when the ascendant’s power has developed to a certain level, countless warships are suspended among the emerald green mountains and forests.

An information map appears in the general meeting room of the Ascended Alliance.

Wu Zhuang Guan, three words are clearly written on the map.

“At present, it can be determined that Wuzhuang Temple is the most powerful place for human cultivation in the mortal world. There is a human being’s strongest dispersal of immortals. This person has a certain reputation in the heaven and is admired by countless people. , Regarded as the ancestor of the earth immortal, he is our goal this time.”

In the general conference room, the twenty strongest cultivators in various fields wear different clothes, but four of them wear exactly the same white coats.

A handsome man in a military coat was speaking. A mechanical doll-like little boy was lying on his shoulders with a stiff expression.

“In order to prevent him from being able to sense that we are targeting him by means, we gave him the nickname “Cannibal”.”

Journey to the West, speaking out the law, it seems that there is really a way of heaven, under the way of heaven, as long as you call a big person by the name, he will have some thoughts accordingly.

“Everyone knows that those cultivators are actually not in our eyes, and our real enemy is Heaven, If Tianzun wants to destroy this world, I will do my best to help He completed this task.”

“Master Han, why are we attacking Wuzhuang Temple?” One person looked at the army coat in confusion.

“Why? Because the ‘Cannibal’ is strong enough, what we have to do is not to kill him, but to assimilate him and let him join us.” The army coat said seriously.

In this way, everyone in the conference room understands.

The main reason Tianzun came to Journey to the West is because it is strong enough here, there are many powerful cultivators, Tianzun wants to become stronger, so he has to assimilate and swallow these people instead of killing them.

“So that is to say, our goal is to defeat the ‘cannibal’, and then let Tianzun swallow and assimilate him.” Someone enlightened.

“Yes, the strength of the’cannibal’ has reached a stage that all of us can’t see through. However, under Tianzun’s exploration technique, it is still shown that his strength is the nineteenth stage, and our strongest is only the tenth stage. In the seventh stage, facing such an enemy, it cannot be said that I have encountered a strong enemy.”

“However, the Earth Scp Foundation will provide us with containment items as weapons. In terms of combat effectiveness, don’t worry.”

Everyone nodded, and they felt relieved when they heard the contents.

Be aware that the strength of the containment item cannot be measured by the level of cultivation.

A simplest example, if there is a child with the characteristic of being touch-and-death containment, then even if the Jade Emperor touches him, he will die immediately.

The containment object is such a domineering existence, independent of the rules, it is almost as domineering as the plug-in in the game, but the universe cannot be repaired, the plug-in is blocked, and you can only watch the plug-in become more and more. The more, there is no way.

Finally, the meeting ended, and everyone chanted from their hearts.

“For Tianzun.”


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