Phantasmal Genesis Chapter 343: Meng Ke’s departure

   Recently, practitioners at the Mangshan Holy Land discovered that the number of official personnel entering the camp suddenly increased.

   An official training base was quickly erected on the outskirts of the camp. The wall was 20 meters high, as if isolated from the world.

  ”What are they going to do?” Chen Xiao is the management of the camp, and he learned about the changes in the periphery of the camp the first time.

   is the most communication bridge between the camp and the government. Wang Yang sat opposite him, poured tea leisurely on himself, shook his head and smiled.

   “I heard that recently many official training bases were attacked by pigeons.”

   “That artificial intelligence?” Chen Xiao understood at once.

   Meng Ke’s shelter is in the sacred place of Mano Mountain. Even the mushroom egg bombing can’t do anything. Within a few days, the chaotic energy and violent radiation outside the camp were cleaned up by Meng Ke, and people can go out normally again.

  The official extraordinary strength training base was attacked by pigeons, and now they ran to the camp to build a new extraordinary strength training base. Needless to think about it or know that they want to use Meng Ke’s shelter to build a safe camp that dare not be attacked by pigeons. .

  With Meng Ke, no one dares to invade the Holy Land of Mount Mang.

   The sky collapsed and the sky collapsed. If Meng Ke wanted to shelter the base, he would shelter them together. If he could bring Meng Ke, a super powerhouse, into his own camp, it would be best.

   just like, the official regards Meng Ke as his own umbrella.

   In addition, Meng Keben rarely shows up, does not talk about them, and will not trouble them.

   very clever approach.

   If Meng Ke doesn’t care, it’s impossible for Chen Xiao, the manager of the camp, to take care of official affairs.

   But unfortunately, Meng Ke also realized this loophole.

   The pigeon obviously won’t attack Meng Ke, no matter his strength or their relationship.

   If the official seeks protection from Meng Ke, how can the pigeon oppress the official?

   This undermines his plan, which Meng Ke absolutely does not allow.

   “It looks like I have to start.” Stretching in the magic tower, Meng Ke got up and walked out the door.

   After the chaos came, the traces of human activities on the earth were greatly reduced. The abundant magical energy caused plants to mutate and grow wildly. At this time, the sun from the sky seemed to be brighter, and the air was fresh and natural.

  Because of the shelter of Meng Ke, many insects that have not mutated crazy due to magical energy came into the camp unknowingly. It is like an uncontested wonderland, and there are bursts of crisp insects from the grass.

   These insects evolve slowly, and most of them still retain their once gentle habits.

   But if there is no shelter from Meng Ke and the Mang Mountain Camp returns to the embrace of wild nature, these insects that have been in a state of incompetence for a long time will probably have to be swallowed by the same kind outside that have changed their appearance.

  Because of the shelter of the strong, they live longer but are also more vulnerable, such as flower buds in a greenhouse.

   Meng Ke walked all the way through the camp. The place has changed from its original primitive state. Even the houses that used to be stone buildings are now covered with verdant vegetation, which is full of vitality.

   People came and went on the street, and the cultivators who came with the giant beast saw Meng Ke hurriedly evade, let a road aside, respectfully watched Meng Ke go away by the side of the road.

   This is a kind of respect for the strong. Everyone knows that without Meng Ke, the camp would not exist.

  ’s subordinates rushed into the office, and Chen Xiao only knew about the presence of Meng Ke, and soon he came to Meng Ke.

   “Mr. Meng.” With a respectful bow, Chen Xiao followed Meng Ke and walked forward slowly.

  People always want to make their lives better. As long as they have the opportunity, after their material needs are basically met, they will begin to pursue spiritual enjoyment. Meng Ke has seen that outside many houses , A pot of gorgeous flowers is placed there on the windowsill, as if it can make people feel a touch of warmth in this chaotic era.

   The road to practice is always boring. There are so many cultivators in the camp who want to become stronger, go out to challenge, and exercise their fighting skills. Of course, there are also those who regard practice as a part of life, but they are not the most Important leisure cultivator.

   Anyway, in the camp, chaos will come on top of the strong, as long as they do not leave the camp, the chaos will be far away from them.

   Chen Xiao didn’t dare to say a word, nervously afraid that he would say the wrong thing when he opened his mouth, but followed silently.

   He has managed the camp very well. Fighting incidents are rare, and often encountering civilians coming to the door are trivial things that can be resolved by mediating.

   He saw Meng Ke always looking around, and he felt like a leader inspecting the work, and he was checking the results of their work.

   Fortunately, as for the security of the camp, he manages well. He has never slackened for a day. Chen Xiao can be completely proud of the current order in the camp.


  Meng Ke’s step forward suddenly stopped.

   “I’m leaving.”

   Chen Xiao was taken aback.

  ”Leave? When will Mr. Meng come back?”

   He hasn’t realized that Meng Ke’s leave may be forever. He asked as if his friends were separated and would meet again the next day.

   Meng Ke looked at the sky, the blue sky was extremely clear, and the pale white clouds like ribbons lay across the sky. At first glance, it seemed to penetrate the sky and see the vast universe behind.

   This time, Chen Xiao understood, and hurriedly asked:

   “Mr. Meng is going there? Let us follow you!”

  Meng Ke did not speak or answer.

   The next second, his figure disappeared out of thin air, making people caught off guard.

   Chen Xiao stayed in place for a few seconds, and those around who saw this scene boldly stepped Chen, where’s Lord Meng? “

   Chen Xiao looked at the sky in a daze. There seemed to be a figure in a vast expanse of time. The sky that I saw for a long time seemed strange.

   The cool breeze blew straight across his face, rarely making him feel a bit of chill.

   Winter is coming soon.

   Chen Xiao looked at the person who asked.

   “Mr. Meng is gone.”

  ”Gone? Where did you go? When will Master Meng come back?”

   Chen Xiao looked at this person as if he was looking at herself just now, with a face full of doubt and at a loss.


   “Maybe, I will never come back.”

   After speaking, Chen Xiao suddenly felt a little upset, and turned around and walked to the guard station.

  ”What? Lord Meng will never come back again?!”


   There were undulating exclamations behind the   , and the crowd who heard the news shouted out in surprise.


   They never thought that Meng Ke would leave one day.



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