Perfect World Chapter 1243: Break

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The bamboo is as white as jade, almost transparent, multi-colored light Myriad Daos, Ruicai Chongxiao, Ray Mang, Primal Chaos surging, mystical and amazing!

Shi Hao never thought that a bamboo can be like this, like splitting heaven and earth apart, that place should not be near, divine light flying, Shengxia transpiration. ∷

“It doesn’t look very far, but I don’t know if you can approach. I don’t dare go the next way.” The old farmer said, between words, he turned into a Phantom, drifted backward, and eventually fell into a cliff It becomes a carved picture.

Shi Hao pauses for a while, and then takes a firm step, just for Warding Evil Divine Bamboo. You have already seen it, how could you stop!


A drop of blood, Battle Spear pierce through void, flew towards Shi Hao. The intensity and the killing spirit were really trembling, and divine soul was going to be rigid.

Strong as Shi Hao, his heart throbs, fleshly body is actually out of control, eroded by murderous aura, difficult moves, he is about to ruptured.


Shi Hao yelled, space between the eyebrows glowing, Primordial Spirit seemed to be burning, constantly turbulent, and finally there was like golden Wangyang boiling!

This is divine soul struggling, burning, boiling!

He got rid of that Imprisonment, took a deep breath, and waved the Encompassing Sword tire hacked forward in his hand.


Sword Embryo collided with that Battle Spear, and multi-colored light between two weapon rushed into the sky. It was ignited like a Stars and exploded here.

At the same time, Shi Hao was shocked. I felt that the strength of this Battle Spear was sharply reduced. Otherwise, it would be possible to stab Stars. But at this time it was throbbing.

With a moan, the **** Battle Spear turned into a bat and flew out. This is an Hero Spirit. It is very powerful and dares to attack forward.

Shi Hao understands that it originally had amazing power, but was restrained by Sword Embryo in his hands.

You know, many Hero Spirit along the way saw Encompassing Immortal Sword and evaded, and they were afraid to close to.

And this bat. Dare to attack.

The bat is red and bloody, and the eyes are golden. At this time, it suddenly swells up, emits terrible sound waves, turns into blazing ripples, and hits Shi Hao.


Encompassing Immortal Sword glowing, light rain bursts, Caixia diffused, blocking the ripples. There is a Human Form creature on Sword Embryo, just like Juxia Flying Immortal.


Finally, a gorgeous rays of light exploded, and the bat screamed. Run away and never show up again.

Here, calm, Shi Hao panting, his chest violently undulating. space between the eyebrows There was a slight crack there, and blood bleed out. He was cold all over. Thought it was going to die.

Dangerous place!

It was not an illusion just now. The Hero Spirit was different from outside the mountain gate. It was strong and cold. murderous aura sent it through. If it was not suppressed by the Encompassing Sword tire, Shi Hao was in danger!

Because that power is not his level, it is too horrible. Maybe it will be body possession into his head and replace him.

How many years have passed, how can the remaining Hero Spirit still be like this, can it restore some of the memories that it once lost?

Shi Hao is not calm and even trembles, because just looking at it just now is actually too danger, that bat is strong and outrageous.

“In the past, some people came in. If it was Heavenly Deity, how did they escape the kiss of death?” Shi Hao talk to oneself.

He caressed Sword Embryo. Without this thing, everything would be different. He believes that if other Heavenly Deitys come in, they must have reliance and secrets.

“The old farmer also said that the more powerful people come in, the greater the repression.” Shi Hao gaze glittering.

On the next road, he moved quickly.

“Well, why is it so far?” Shi Hao was surprised and saw the white bamboo clearly, but it was still a long way away without close to.

You know, he has extremely fast!

Finally, after half a hour, Shi Hao didn’t know how many miles they were traveling, near the foot of the mountain.

There is still a lot of land here, there is no vegetation, only scorched earth, barren, separated between Shi Hao and Stone Mountain.

“嗷 …”

The next moment, something that caused scalp numbness happened, Shi Hao only stepped in here, countless Hero Spirit appeared, like tens of thousands of malicious spirit mourning, overwhelming, dense and numerous, and flung towards Shi Hao.

A variety of lights are emitted together, such as Dragonbird, Demon Ape, Spider, and bats. Various powerful creatures are displayed together, and Shi Hao is killed. All are incomplete Hero Spirit.


At this moment, Encompassing Immortal Sword roars, sending out thousands of Myriad Daos Sword Light, blazing is extremely fierce, fighting fiercely here.

The forehead of Shi Hao has been broken into unknown pieces. He did not leave without leave from the body. Countless Hero Spirit rushed to him at Primordial Spirit and wanted to occupy it.


Encompassing Immortal Sword stabbed into the bodies of Hero Spirit, some screamed and fled, some turned into flying ash, and some were not afraid of death, and still rushed forward, to be submerged in his body.

Booming, Shi Hao wore a broken Armour, rusty and mottled. Suspected to be left by Thunder Emperor, the whole body was full of holes. At this time, it broke out in full, Thunderbolt billion Myriad Daos.

Even so, he was overwhelmed by Hero Spirit. This place boiling, Ghosts Cry and Gods Howl, all beings screamed!

I do n’t know what happened that year. There are countless Hero Spirits here. There are too many divine souls killed in battle. Now the residual soul stays here, with resentment, to tear everything up.

This is completely different from those Hero Spirit outside the mountain gate, full of danger!


Blood rain, Shi Hao‘s fleshly body is almost ruptured, revealing the bones. Those creature flocked in and wanted to sink into his body and collide with its skeleton.


The Shi Hao cut back, the light rain of Encompassing Immortal Sword pervaded itself, and even Jian Feng entered his body, which was extremely tragic.

He really did not expect that when he came here to pick Warding Evil Divine Bamboo, he would encounter such a thing, everything was beyond expectations.

Unclearly, I do n’t know how long it took, Shi Hao found that the Hero Spirit had escaped. This Sword Embryo was shaking, it was like buzzing, and then everything was calm again.

Shi Hao‘s body is tattered and covered with blood, and his brain is a bit blank, he doesn’t even know what just happened.

“Is it over?”

He got up and moved on.


At the foot of the mountain. A boulder ruptured came out of a nearly transparent person, and was then illuminated by the sun. It was brilliant and glorious, multi-colored light overflowing heaven.

Vajra family!”

Shi Hao was taken aback. This is creature made of Vajra petrify. It is rare, but extremely strong, but it has already been made into Puppet.

split second, this Vajra person burst out with the power of overflowing heaven natural law. It’s going to die.

However, another natural law in this place appeared immediately. The suppressed Vajra person Rule converged and began to decline again. Finally, it was half Realm stronger than the Heavenly Deity Realm person.

“Suppression!” Shi Hao talk to oneself, remembering the words of the old farmers, here is doomed to suppress intruders, but also gives hope that Vajra people are higher than Heavenly Deity Realm. Not to make people completely desperate.


This is a game of great war, heaven frightening. The physique of the Vajra family is extremely strong, unparalleled. Pure savage collision, to break up Shi Hao.

This is fatal, because the skeleton in Shi Hao is broken at this time, and it is at golden Ancient Temple. Hammered by War-God imprint, he has not healed now.


Vajra family Puppet is brave invincible/Wudi, and the Shi Hao has a conqueror-like duel!

Blood in blood. The bones all flew out, Shi Hao experience/meeting with heavy injury, he really did not expect a danger like a purgatory trip, like purgatory.


Thousands of shocks and collisions, the Shi Hao is almost torn apart, the ground is covered with blood, and there are bones that collapsed. He finally broke the Vajra family!

“I won?” He was short of breath, all wounded, and the bones on the ground flew back one by one, re-entered him and spliced ​​together.

It has never been fierce, not dueling with the world-famous genius, but just fighting a Puppet left over by Immortal Antiquity Ruin, which makes him feel complicated.

Next, Shi Hao ascending the mountain will go to close to, the most Ancient Warding Evil Divine Bamboo.

The moment he turned back, he saw that the Vajra family Puppet was reorganized, and it was intact again, and then disappeared into a boulder and disappeared.

He took a cool breath!

Shi Hao came to the top of the mountain, Thunderbolt disappeared, leaving only Primal Chaos , which was wrapped in white Warding Evil Divine Bamboo that was white and even leaves.

This bamboo towers into the sky, the thickness of the water tank is really gorgeous, divine aura blows its face, making people feel filthy, this seems to be the most noble plant of world.

It can restrain Curse and Annihilation.

“Reverse Heaven and Earth.” There are only four words here, does this describe this bamboo?

Shi Hao is silent. He thought of all kinds of Menace, so can this bamboo be unravel?


At this juncture, a dark Metal person walked up, suddenly appeared, the whole body glittering Great Dao traces, solid Immortality, it was daunting.

Dark Immortal Gold ?!” Shi Hao was shocked. There is a Metal person here. There are no impurities in the body, all are Dark Immortal Gold.

Too extravagant, who made this?

Soon, he understood that this was once a powerful creature with Supreme combat power, but was surrendered, cut off Life, and forced refining to Puppet.

It’s still a Puppet!


Human Form‘s Dark Immortal Gold banged into the sky. As a result, it penetrated vault of heaven, a large star exploded outside the area, and Stars fragments were directly bombarded.

Shi Hao is cold all over. What kind of power is this and how does he fight?

However, there is still an inexplicable natural law here, forcibly suppressed, so that the combat power of Human Form Dark Immortal Gold is sharply reduced, and finally only stronger than Heavenly Deity.

“So again!” Shi Hao was shocked.

“I came from the other side of World and followed a Immortality from previous years. The result is die.” Dark Immortal Gold actually sent out such a paragraph of Divine Consciousness remnants.

Shi Hao is stunned. This is Foreign Land creature. I followed a Immortality creature to kill here. What is doings?

Beside Warding Evil Divine Bamboo, a piece of purple boulder glowing appears with a imprint, which is a creature. It is terrifying, as if it can cross eternal river of time and cut off time.

He sat there, wondering whether he was happy or sad, and said, “Funny, my name is Immortality. It is ridiculous to come here to find the so-called Warding Evil Divine Bamboo, unravel Menace. If it is known, is it ridiculed or indifferent? “

“I’m weird with Menace, what’s broken ?!” He finally went crazy, shouting, and then gradually disappeared.

Shi Hao was shocked, staring blankly at the purple stone wall, unable to say a word, what happened that year? He caught something vaguely.

There is a hole in a section of bamboo of Warding Evil Divine Bamboo, from which white juice is continuously dripped, and it drops down and converges at the root of the bamboo to form an Pond, a pool of divine light million divine liquid. (A good activity to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow ~ point / public account (wechat add friend-add public account-just enter dd), join immediately! Everyone has a prize, now pay attention to dd immediately WeChat public account!) (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!

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