Pay-to-Win-to-Immortality Chapter 784: The plan begins!, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Krypton Gold Chengxian!

The surprise prepared by Qingcheng Mountain’s beast control department is the ‘limited edition spirit beast’ that is equipped with the key talent talisman.

“Our department has cooperated with Krypton Store and has been deeply involved in the research of talent keys. We have many times more experience in matching talent keys than our counterparts in other schools. After matching the talent keys and keys with famous teachers in our department, The spirit beast has a high degree of compatibility and a strong effect. It is a must-have spirit pet for you to travel at home and open up wasteland for battle…”

As soon as this announcement about Qingcheng Mountain’s beast control system came out, it immediately aroused the interest of countless people. They rushed to Qingcheng Mountain from all over the country to purchase the limited edition spirit beast equipped with the talent key talisman.

Even if Qingcheng Mountain’s beast control system stipulates that in addition to money, the spirit beast must be willing to follow it in order for the sale to be successful, but people still can’t resist their enthusiasm.

Of course, because of someone’s mistakes, the Qingcheng Mountain Beast Taming System also stipulates that no matter how many spirit beasts are willing to follow, only one can be taken away, thereby eliminating the possibility of the spirit beasts being taken away from the whole family!

After hearing about this, someone shook his head and complained: “This regulation is not grand at all.” He also turned to Tu Shan and asked: “You think so.”

Tu Shan Mi Mi rolled his eyes and was too lazy to pay attention to him.

In the past few days, at the school gate of Qingcheng Mountain, in addition to people who came to inquire, there were also several street stalls.

The stalls are run by a group of spirits. They sell nothing else but the temperament and preference information of several limited edition spirit beasts released by the Qingcheng Mountain Beast Taming Department.

At the beginning, some people were still doubting whether the information bought by these monsters was true. It wasn’t until I saw the student ID cards of the High School Affiliated to Qingcheng Mountain posted by them, and saw that they could enter and exit Qingcheng Mountain Xiuzhen University at will, that I gave up these suspicions and stepped forward to buy them.

They all want to start with the temperament and preferences of the limited edition spirit beasts, so that they can be more confident in making them willing to follow them.

As a result, the business of these street stalls was surprisingly good, to the point where supply exceeded demand.

And this also made many people who saw it marvel.

People from other schools are sighing: “The teaching level of Qingcheng Mountain is indeed extraordinary. These monsters look very weak, but they actually have business acumen… A century-old famous school is really not just a boast!”

Xiong Da, Shan Ji and others sighed that this scene looked familiar: “When Su Mu was taking the exam, he sold Shangfu Bangbang Chicken in Qianshan. Now he sends his demons to sell information, and follow It was exactly the same back then… maybe this is called not forgetting your original intention?”

The Qingcheng Mountain Beast Taming Department was certainly aware of what happened at the foot of the mountain, but they turned a blind eye and did not care.

Their launch of limited edition spirit beasts equipped with talent key symbols is not to make money, but has an ulterior motive.

When the popularity increased and more people came, the Qingcheng Mountain Beast Taming Department immediately advertised for students:

“Welcome to apply for the Qingcheng Mountain Beast Taming Department. Not only will famous teachers give guidance on the matching of talent talismans, but you will also have the opportunity to personally participate in the research of talent talismans, so that you can have a deeper understanding of the talent talismans and use them better. At the same time, students of Qingcheng Mountain’s beast control department will also enjoy discounts and some hidden benefits when purchasing talent key talismans…”

Although this recruitment advertisement is not as good as “Eight Hundred Stainless Steel Stoves” and “Which is the Best School of Instrument Repair”, it has attracted a lot of attention on the Internet because of its popularity.

Many students who are about to take the exam are wondering whether they should take the Qingchengshan Xiuzhen University and choose a major in beast control?

Qingcheng Mountain is a century-old prestigious school with a guaranteed teaching staff. After passing the exam, you can take the beast control major as an elective, and you can also learn knowledge related to the key to talent… The most important thing is that there are discounts and hidden benefits.

These are really attractive.

Of course, many people are complaining:

“It’s not that I don’t want to take the exam from you, it’s just that the scores you charge are too high! Do you dare to adjust the score line lower? Otherwise, I will be a student you will never get!”

“Welcome to apply for the Qingcheng Mountain Beast Taming Department? Don’t you feel your conscience hurts when you say this? Please lower the score first, and then say welcome to us!”

The beast control departments of other colleges and universities were very angry after learning about this incident, and they all accused the Qingcheng Mountain Beast Control Department of trying to gain popularity.

The Qingcheng Mountain Beast Taming Department did not deny their accusations, and even said happily: “You can come and rub it too!”

Seeing this answer, the beast control departments of each school shut themselves down: We really want to take advantage of the popularity, but our strength does not allow it, we can’t!

Their knowledge and understanding of the key talismans of talents are simply not as good as those of the Qingcheng Mountain Beast Taming Department.

After all, so far, there are still many schools in the beast control department that have not been able to buy the key talent talisman.

How can we do research if we don’t even have any experimental objects? You start alone and the rest depends on your imagination?

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

The popularity of talent key talismans remains high, and has even increased by a few points.

One reason is the emergence of actual combat videos.

In the Yuanqiao Secret Realm, the spiritual pets with talent key talismans performed very well.

These spiritual pets often make crucial performances at critical moments by relying on their talents and skills, helping their owners and their teams to turn defeat into victory or turn danger into safety.

These scenes were all captured by the recorders carried by the pioneer cultivators. When they took a rest, they were taken out of the Yuanqiao Secret Realm and uploaded to the Internet. They received extremely high views and even made several of the spiritual pets become Internet celebrities. They became extremely popular!

And this also makes the has-been Internet celebrity Tushan Mi Mi very envious.

In addition, in the dungeons of each school, the spiritual beasts with talent key talismans also showed their power frequently and performed well.

These were also filmed and posted online.

Some strategies for matching talent key symbols also appeared in the forum with the encouragement of Krypton Store, attracting people to learn and discuss.

This has even given birth to many schools with matching symbols, such as the violent kitchen knife style of [Strong] with [Armor Breaking] and [Fangs], and the invincible style of [Hardening] plus [Counter Shock] and [Regeneration]. Human shield flow and so on.

There are even people who have analyzed and matched the talent keys that have not yet been released, and created a crazy self-harm style of [self-destruction] and [regeneration]… Of course, this style only exists in theory for the time being. As for whether it can be done To realize it, we have to wait until the relevant talent keys are released and then conduct experiments.

Nowadays, even the uncles and aunts in the vegetable market can talk about the matching plans of the key talents and talismans…

No matter whether what you say is right or not, your voice cannot be low and your momentum cannot be lost!

Another reason why the popularity remains high is the appearance of the blue symbol!

On the Krypton Store forum, the famous local tycoon ‘Batman who loves to eat hairy blood’ posted a blue talisman!

Also posted the blue symbol, there is a new account called “I am bloodthirsty, violent, and sell arms, but I am a good girl.”

The appearance of these two blue symbols immediately detonated the Krypton store forum, and became a hot search in an instant.

While people were asking about the properties and effects of the blue talisman, they sighed: Blue is indeed much more pleasing to the eye than green!

More people are lamenting: “I didn’t even get a green talisman, but the rich guy even got a blue talisman. How much money did this cost?!”

As for the latter question, ‘Batman who loves to eat blood’ and ‘I am bloodthirsty, violent, and sell arms, but I am a good girl’ both said that they got these two blue symbols and did not Spend money.

They didn’t lie, they really didn’t spend any money.

What it costs is experimental equipment and weapons production lines…

But people didn’t know the inside story. They just thought that these two were not only good, but also very lucky. They said enviously: “Boss, do you still need a thigh pendant? The kind that can talk!”

Different from the excitement on the Internet, the Life School hidden in Southeast Asia is enveloped in an atmosphere of anxiety and tension.

“Is there any news from Kuimulang?”

The elder who took over the task in the last sacrifice was anxiously asking the members of the School of Life who had just returned from inquiring about information.

The time for another sacrifice is getting closer and closer, but he has not yet obtained the technical information of the key talisman of the talent and the two brothers Su Mu and Su Ye.

When the day of sacrifice comes, the owner who does not get the satisfactory sacrifice may be angry and swallow him as a sacrifice!

The elder still dreams of becoming an immortal or a **** one day, but he doesn’t want to become a sacrifice.

A member of the School of Life cautiously replied: “There is no news about Kuimu Lang yet, but we have made another discovery!”

“What did you find?” the elder asked hurriedly.

“We discovered that Qingchengshan Xiuzhen University has had an abnormal reaction recently!”

“What kind of abnormal reaction could they have?” The elder snorted and said unhappily: “I see that their beast control system has been very exciting recently.”

“Qingchengshan Xiuzhen University has closed its gates recently and does not allow outsiders to enter. Even those who want to buy their limited edition beasts can only show their favor to the beasts outside the school gate…”

“At the same time, Qingcheng Mountain Xiuzhen University recalled many teachers who were previously sent to Yuanqiao Secret Realm. However, these teachers left quickly after returning to the school, with unknown purpose. However, judging from the way they acted, they looked very similar It’s tracking and searching for a certain target! ”


When the elders heard these reports, they were stunned at first, and then overjoyed.

While thinking and analyzing, he preached excitedly:

“Tracking and searching for a certain target? Are you looking for Kui Mulang and the others?”

“The teacher was also recalled from Yuan Qiao’s secret realm, which shows that Qingcheng Mountain Xiuzhen University thinks the matter is serious!”

“If Kui Mulang and the others failed in their operation and exposed their identities, Qingcheng Mountain would not have caused such a big battle! There is only one possibility for this to happen – Kui Mulang and the others succeeded!”

“Hahaha, great, I don’t have to sacrifice myself as a sacrifice to the omniscient and omnipotent Lord!”

This last sentence was what the elder was thinking in his heart.

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