Pay-to-Win-to-Immortality Chapter 774: Strange divine items, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Krypton Gold Chengxian!

“You…why did you just do it?!”

Kui Mulang glanced at Kang Jinlong, whose body and head were separated, and then at Su Mu and Caimao. His face was full of shock, and his voice was trembling.

Su Mu sneered: “He can’t even talk, and he still yells so loudly, why don’t I do something? Is it possible that I still want to keep him and treat him to a hot pot meal?”

Then he turned to look at Xiong Da: “Speaking of hot pot, I’m a little hungry. Teacher Xiong Da, didn’t you cook hot pot today?”

Xiong Dabai glanced at him and said: “You eat hot pot every day, do you still want your butt? What, you want to come to our place to eat? There is no hot pot, do you want a piece of bamboo?”

Su Mu took the bamboo from Xiong Dada and took a bite. It was delicious and sweet, even more delicious than sugar cane.

Kui Mulang took a breath at this time and continued to tremble: “Your process routine is wrong… Shouldn’t you try to coerce and induce first, and then torture you?”

Su Mu couldn’t help but laugh: “Who stipulates that this process must be followed? Everyone is very busy. Be sincere, wouldn’t you like to skip these tedious steps and save some time?”

Kui Mulang and others want to say no, we don’t want to save this time at all. But before they could speak, Su Mu said again: “Actually, it’s for your own good that I’m being direct.”

“For our own good?”

Fang Ritu’s eyes widened, and he couldn’t figure it out. How could he become a human after killing him?

Your mouth is more deceptive than mine?

Su Mu said in a matter-of-fact tone: “Of course it’s for your own good. I’ll skip the complicated steps and get straight to the point, so you can avoid torture. Ask yourselves, is this for your own good? Hey, I am People are just too soft-hearted.”


Fang Ritu, Kuimulang and others were all speechless.

Are you too soft-hearted? You are still Ren Xianqi!

You may be soft elsewhere, but your heart is so soft!

Kui Mulang spat out a mouthful of blood and gritted his teeth and said: “It’s so shameless, you actually asked us to ask ourselves. According to your opinion, do you want us to be grateful to you and thank you even after we are killed? Your ‘grace of killing’?”

Su Mu shook his head and said: “That’s not necessary. I don’t care about fame and wealth. Of course, if you insist on thanking me after your death, then I can only accept it and cannot reject your kindness.”

The waterworm said sadly: “Thank you? Thank you so much! We can’t wait to eat your flesh and drink your blood!”

Su Mu did not pay attention to his threatening curse, but was just curious: “You are not vampires or werewolves, so why do you still have such a hobby? Have you also integrated these genes? Forget it, let’s not talk about this. Nonsense, let’s do business…”

Kui Mulang and others thought that Su Mu was finally going to start the interrogation, but he simply skipped this step.

“You must be like the person just now, you don’t know anything to say, right?”

Kui Mulang and Fang Ritu were about to nod when they saw Su Mu raise his hand and gesture towards Caimao and Dalihu King.

Caimao and Dali Tiger King immediately stepped forward, swung their knives and claws, and killed several members of the School of Life.

Kui Mulang’s eyes were red and he was gnashing his teeth with hatred.

Now he can see that Su Mu has no intention of interrogating them at all, he clearly wants to kill them all!

The Qingchengshan teachers such as Xiong Da and Shanji who were standing by did not care about this and did not stop it. Instead, they acquiesced to Su Mu’s behavior.

Kui Mulang couldn’t understand. Could it be that these people in Qingcheng Mountain didn’t want information from the School of Life? Or do they have other channels to get information?

Holy shit, is there really an undercover agent within the School of Life?

These questions of Kui Mulang could not be solved in the end, because he was soon broken by the powerful tiger king and died.

Seeing that Fang Ritu was about to reach her, he couldn’t help but feel very nervous.

She didn’t want to die, but she didn’t want to reveal the information about the Life School either. Because once she revealed it, even if she could survive at Su Mu’s hands, she would not live long.

But after rolling his eyes, Fang Ritu had an idea and said quickly: “I am willing to cooperate with you. I will tell you whatever information you want. I just ask you to spare my life!”

Her words may seem ordinary, but they have a special magic power that makes people unable to help but believe her and want to spare her life.

Because she quietly used the ability of [Black Beast Tongue] again.

Obviously, Fang Ritu planned to use lies to deceive Su Mu and others in order to find a way out.

In her opinion, the Qingchengshan teacher who was trained by the Black Beast is not here. Her [Black Beast Tongue] should be able to work again and deceive everyone!

Sure enough, after listening to her lies, King Dalihu, Caimao, Su Ye and others all showed hesitation and sympathy.

“There’s a show!” Fang Ritu was overjoyed and continued to talk.

But this time, before the words came out of her mouth, a figure swooped over and dug its claws into her head.

It’s the pheasant!

It also cursed in its mouth: “How dare you show off your [Black Beast Tongue] in front of me? Don’t you know that what I hate the most is that rabbit who can only lie?!”

Hey, is there any gossip?

Su Mu immediately asked Xiong Dayin out of curiosity.

Xiong Damu didn’t squint his eyes, and replied via Chuanyin: “Pheasant was deceived by blackmail beasts many times back then. From money to feelings… he was deceived all over again.”

Su Mu sighed secretly in his heart, he really didn’t expect that there is such a layer of love and hatred between the pheasant and the blackmail beast.

Soon, only the last member of the School of Life was left.

When he saw the powerful Tiger King approaching him, he couldn’t help shouting: “Kill me, and you will have no place to ask for information!”

“You don’t have to worry about this.”

Su Mu grinned, and in the eyes of this member of the Life School, he looked extremely awe-inspiring and terrifying.

“In my case, only the information provided by the dead is the most authentic and credible.”

This member of the life school was stunned, wondering how he could provide information when all the people were dead?

It wasn’t until he was killed by the Vigorous Tiger King that his soul flew out of his body. Just as he was about to escape, he was sucked into the gourd hanging around Su Mu’s waist by an irresistible suction force. Only then did he realize that Su Mu, from the very beginning, Just to win over their souls.

It’s a pity that I understand now, it’s too late.

“Thank you for your hard work.” Su Mu nodded to Caimao and the powerful tiger king.

As a boss, you have to praise your subordinates when it’s time to praise them. After all, it doesn’t cost money to praise others.

Caimao didn’t respond, already immune to his praise. Su Mu could praise her a hundred times, but it would be better for Su Ye to praise her once.

The Dali Tiger King was very excited and almost didn’t bother Su Mu to ask him to praise him more.

After praising Caimao and the powerful Tiger King, Su Mu stuffed the last section of Lingzhu into his mouth, patted the gourd on his waist, and said via voice: “Hurry up.”

The sound of drums immediately came from inside the gourd, and only Su Mu could hear it: “One soul, one hundred thousand yuan and two bottles of spiritual wine.”

Su Mu immediately bargained: “Fifty thousand yuan, a bottle of spiritual wine.”

It’s not that he lacks the money and spirit wine, but he just doesn’t want to agree too readily, otherwise, Gu will definitely push the envelope and demand a price increase next time.

Gu is also used to his haggling, but he just complained: “Half the price at once? Isn’t that too harsh?”

“Isn’t this a routine operation? Didn’t your parents teach you that if you can bargain for something, you have to cut it in half?”

Gu said quietly: “My dad won’t teach me this. As for my mom… I don’t even know who she is.”

Su Mu suddenly felt embarrassed, mentioning the sadness of others, and said quickly: “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it.”

Gu changed the topic: “It doesn’t matter, you just need to pay me the price of 100,000 yuan and two bottles of spiritual wine.”


Su Mu and Gu quickly agreed on the price. The spirit wine remained unchanged, still two bottles for one soul, but the price was reduced to fifty thousand.

“After you go back, remember to give me the money and spiritual wine as soon as possible.” Gu warned worriedly.

“I know, hurry up!”

“Don’t worry, I’ll do it quickly.”

While Su Mu and Gu were bargaining, Su Ye put on gloves and started touching the equipment.

After training in Yuanqiao’s secret realm, she is already very skilled at this kind of work and will not be frightened by corpses.

Soon she found many magic weapons, talismans and elixirs from Kui Mulang and others.

Caimao and Dali Tiger King also cut off the non-human parts of these people’s bodies due to the fusion of alien beast genes under Su Mu’s orders.

These will be sent to the research institute of Krypton Store.

On the one hand, it is to study the genetic changes inside; on the other hand, it is to try to extract genes from it and make related talent keys.

“Brother, come and see, what is this?”

Suddenly, Su Ye, who was touching the equipment on Zhen Shuiworm, found a strange thing and hurriedly called to Su Mu.

Su Mu hurriedly walked over, and Xiong Da and Pheasant also surrounded him.

The strange thing found by Su Ye was contained in an iron box covered with runes. It was shaped like a pile of rotten meat, with blood on it, and exuded a pungent odor. And the negative effects of making people irritable, angry, bloodthirsty and murderous.

“This is a divine item!” Xiong Da suppressed the anger rising in his body and ordered in a hurry: “It’s such a strong negative influence, close the box quickly!”

Su Ye closed the box obediently.

The rancid smell and negative effects disappear immediately.

Su Ye turned to look at Su Mu, Xiong Da and others, and asked in surprise: “What’s wrong with you?”

Su Mu explained the situation and then asked: “Were you not negatively affected by this divine item just now?”

Su Ye shook his head: “Besides the smell, I didn’t feel anything else.”

Obviously, Su Ye’s European Emperor talent came into play again, making the influence of divine items miss her.

The European Emperor is the European Emperor, you have to accept it!

Su Mu sighed with emotion, and then asked the drum through a message: “Do you know the origin of this sacred object that looks like rotten meat?”

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