Pay-to-Win-to-Immortality Chapter 770: Operation Leaf Catching, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Krypton Gold Chengxian!

The group of people who appeared at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain were sent by the School of Life.

Qingcheng Mountain has always been a tourist attraction, filled with tourists.

After this group of people arrived, they did not take rash action. Instead, they disguised themselves as tourists and spread out, secretly observing the situation of the affiliated middle school and monitoring Su Ye’s whereabouts.

Originally, they wanted to observe for a longer period of time to make their actions more confident, but time did not allow for it.

Whether it was the urging from the omniscient and all-powerful Lord, or the news that the masters of Qingcheng Mountain were about to return from Yuanqiao Secret Realm, they had to speed up their actions.

In a small town at the foot of the mountain, inside a B&B.

The members of the Life School, who had been scattered for several days, were gathering in a room for a meeting.

Although the curtains in the room were not closed, the situation inside the house that people outside saw was different from the actual situation. Similarly, even if someone can hear the sound in the house, it is not real.

In this room, a mirage illusion spell has been deployed to prevent detection.

Inside the room.

A man was sitting on the sofa. After glancing at his companions, his eyes fell on a skinny man.

“Zhen Shui Earthworm, tell me what you have observed in the past few days.”

They don’t use each other’s real names. Instead, they use names drawn from the twenty-eight constellations as code names.

The skinny man code-named Zhen Shui Wei has the ability to command insects in his fusion-modified genes. Not only can he make the insects obey his orders, he can also make the insects turn into his eyes and ears.

So this person is very good at spying on intelligence.

Zhen Shuiworm, who was named, immediately introduced: “In the past few days, I asked Chongzi to follow Su Ye in relays, and found that she went to and from school every day. In addition to a tiger spirit, she also had a winged bird to pick her up.”

“Do you know the strength of Tiger Spirit and Biwing Bird?”

“The tiger spirit’s cultivation level is about level four or five, while that of the winged bird is much worse and can be ignored. It’s just that some teachers in Qingcheng Mountain often follow Su Ye when picking up their spiritual pets and relatives. ”

Everyone in the room frowned. This situation is a bit tricky.

It was Zhen Shuigui who made a suggestion: “But I found that Su Ye is very greedy. Every day after school, he would buy some food at the roadside stall in front of the school. Maybe we can start in this direction? ”

“You mean to put medicine in the food you eat to charm Su Ye?”

“That’s right!”

The man sitting on the sofa, codenamed Kui Mulang, after listening to Zhen Shuigui’s suggestion, thought about it for a moment, shook his head and said: “No, it’s too dangerous to act at the gate of Qingcheng Mountain Affiliated High School. The probability of failure is also too high.”

A woman next to her was chewing an apple, and her appearance was obviously nothing special, but she was inexplicably fond of her. She chuckled and said, “Among the people who pick up students at the school gate every day, there are quite a few cultivators. If you really want to drug me, I’m afraid you’ll be discovered immediately. It’s such a bad idea!”

Zhen Shuixiao’s face darkened, and he snorted coldly. He wanted to get angry, but for some reason, after looking at the woman, he couldn’t get angry, so he could only close his mouth and stop talking. .

“Okay, having an idea is better than having no idea at all, no need to be so sarcastic.”

Kui Mulang reconciled, and after reprimanding the weird woman, he asked Zhen Shuiworm: “Did you let your insects try to enter Qingcheng Mountain Cultivation University to find out information these days?”

Zhen Shuigui replied: “I tried it once, but as soon as I entered the campus of Qingcheng Mountain Xiuzhen University, a lightning bolt appeared and burned my insects to ashes. I didn’t send any more insects because I was afraid of alerting the snake. Go in. ”

Kui Mulang nodded, waved his hand, and a screen of light appeared in the room.

It was during this time that he surveyed and drew the map of Qingcheng Mountain.

He said to Zhen Shuiworm: “Draw the route Su Ye takes to and from school every day!”

Zhen Shuiworm immediately complied with the instructions. As his spiritual power surged, a red line appeared on the map.

Kui Mulang stared at it for a moment and said in a deep voice: “It is obviously not possible to arrest people with drugs at the school gate. Fortunately, there is still a distance between the Affiliated Middle School and Qingcheng Mountain Xiuzhen University. We can set up an ambush on the road… …”

Someone raised a question: “What should we do with those Qingchengshan teachers who followed Su Ye? We have a limited number of people. Even if we launch a sneak attack, we are not sure to kill them all with one blow. If we get into a fight, wait until Qingchengshan sends reinforcements. , not only can we fail to complete the mission, but the entire army must be destroyed!”

Kui Mulang said: “So we have to find a way to separate Su Ye from the others before taking action…”

Having said this, he turned to look at the weird woman: “I’ll leave this task to Fang Ritu for you to complete. Is there no problem?”

“No problem.” Fang Ritu threw away the leftover apple core and clapped his hands: “I’m not as good as you in other aspects, but my tongue is really good. Leave this job to me. Just right.”

She stuck out her tongue and licked the apple pulp at the corner of her mouth. It shows that the tongue is not only flexible but also very long.

Kui Mulang continued to assign tasks: “When Fang Ritu separates the people and leaves Su Ye alone, Kang Jinlong, you will immediately blow up the mirage to hide the truth from people passing by.”

“Got it.” The man codenamed Kang Jinlong played with the cigarette case in his hand, and wisps of smoke came out of his mouth, creating a mirage illusion for the room.

Kui Mulang glanced at the remaining people with sharp eyes: “When the mirage comes, we will arrest them immediately. We must act quickly, and we must arrest Su Ye before Qingcheng Mountain can react!”

Everyone’s expressions became serious and they all responded: “Understood, act quickly!”

Kui Mulang nodded with satisfaction, and then said: “Do you have any suggestions or additions to the action plan? If not, just take the time to rest, and we will start the action tonight!”

“Are you so anxious?” Fang Ritu frowned slightly.

Kui Mulang glanced at her and said coldly: “The Lord can’t wait any longer. If we don’t act, we will be the next sacrifice.”

Hearing this, Fang Ritu stopped saying anything, while the others were shocked.

In the blink of an eye, it’s evening, and it’s time for evening self-study in the attached high school.

As usual, the school gate is surrounded by many parents who come to pick up students. There are also many vendors selling various snacks here.

Biyiniao and his wife were waiting at the school gate early. When they saw the school gate open, they hurriedly flapped their wings and flew up, shouting “chirp, chirp, barbarian” at the same time.

“Stop barking and come out. Don’t you think it’s noisy if you bark like this every day? Be careful of being accused of disturbing the people!” The powerful tiger king appeared at the school gate, complaining. The person next to him was none other than Su leaf.

The Biyibirds glared at the powerful tiger king fiercely, and then flew to Su Ye’s side, showing their attentiveness with a burst of “chirps, barbarians, barbarians”.

After saying goodbye to his classmates, Su Ye bought some snacks at the school gate as usual, and then sat on the back of Biyiniao.

Dali Tiger King also wanted to sit up, but was met with strong protests and objections from the Biyiniao couple: “You don’t even look at how much you weigh. If you want to sit up, our backs will be broken.” You can’t break it, just keep running on the ground.”

The helpless Tiger King had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​riding a bird.

Several teachers from Qingcheng Mountain have already received their spiritual pets and relatives, but they did not leave in a hurry. Instead, they waited for Su Ye to come with them as usual.

Everything is no different from everyday life.

Everyone was talking and laughing, walking on the way home… Oh no, only the powerful Tiger King was walking on the ground, and the rest of the people and spirits were flying in the sky.

While running wildly, King Dali Tiger raised his head and looked at the group of flying people in the sky with admiration under the moonlight. He hummed in his heart: “What’s so great? I’ll ask the master to teach me how to fly the sword another day. Once I learn how to do it, , I can also fly with a sword, hum!”

Having been with Tu Shan Mi Mi for a long time, it was inevitable that he would develop some bad habits. At this moment, he couldn’t help but imagine how handsome and cool he would be when he learned how to fly a sword.

While I was thinking happily, I suddenly heard a bell ringing in my ears.

Immediately afterwards, another urgent message came: “All faculty and staff, rush to the conference room of the Academic Affairs Building immediately. There is an emergency meeting.”

This voice has a very strange magic power, and people can’t help but believe it without thinking about how weird it is.

Even the teachers at Qingcheng Mountain were affected, and it was difficult to detect that something was wrong in a short period of time.

“Emergency meeting? What happened?”

“I don’t know, something big must have happened, we have to get there quickly!”

“Yes, yes, hurry up!”

These teachers hurriedly tried to speed up their flight, but they did not forget Su Ye and said one after another: “We will take you and go back quickly!”

Not far away underground, people from the Life School are hiding here using earth escape techniques.

Zhen Shuiworm ‘saw’ and ‘heard’ the situation outside through his bug, and couldn’t help but be a little anxious: “No, the teacher from Qingcheng Mountain did not leave Su Ye behind, but wanted to take her with him.” .”

Kui Mulang was still calmer and said in a deep voice: “Don’t worry, I’m the housekeeper Ritu.”

Fang Ritu ignored Zhen Shui Earthworm. Her lips split into three parts at this time, just like a rabbit’s mouth. Her tongue moved flexibly inside, and it actually changed into another voice, preaching : “Su Ye returns to the attached middle school immediately, the principal has something important to see!”

Similarly, this sentence is also full of magic, and people can’t help but believe it without suspecting that it is weird.

“Ah, the principal wants to see me for something? Then I have to go quickly.” Su Ye had no doubts.

The teachers did not become suspicious and said one after another: “Okay, you go back to the attached middle school first, and then we will pick you up after our meeting here. Or inform your brother and ask him to pick you up.”

Only one person muttered: “Strange, why don’t you call to inform me and waste your spiritual energy on transmitting messages?”

Someone soon helped explain: “It’s probably because the phone is out of battery, there’s nothing strange about it.”

The person who raised the question nodded and said no more.

Soon Su Ye separated from the teachers, one went down to Qingcheng Mountain, and the other group went up Qingcheng Mountain.

When the distance between them was almost close, Kuimulang, who had been following Su Ye on the run, immediately ordered: “Kang Jinlong, it’s your turn, spit out mirage!”

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