Pay-to-Win-to-Immortality Chapter 63: New business opportunities?, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Krypton Gold Chengxian!

Golden Summit Hotel lobby.

Su Mu sent Yuan Jue, the admissions teacher of Emeishan Xiuzhen University, to the door.

Yuan Jue turned sideways and said: “Send it here. It’s very cold at Golden Summit, and the wind is quite strong. You haven’t established the foundation to become a formal cultivator, so don’t go out to avoid catching a cold.”

“Okay, then walk slowly.” Sumu stopped on the trail.

Yuan Jue stretched out his hand, shook Su Mu’s hand, and said with a smile: “As I said before, we at Emeishan Xiuzhen University very much welcome your arrival. We also believe that you will be able to succeed in your studies at our school. ”

Su Mu also smiled: “I will seriously consider it. Regardless of whether I choose your school in the end, I have great respect for your school. The same goes for you, teacher. In addition, I would also like to thank you for helping me Certified online store ”

“It’s just a little effort. Even if I don’t help, you will be qualified to open a store in a short time. Okay, I’m leaving. I look forward to seeing you at Emeishan Xiuzhen University in the new semester.”

After saying goodbye, Yuan Jue turned around and pushed open the closed glass door in the hotel lobby.

A biting cold wind blew in, causing the temperature in the lobby to drop suddenly.

At this moment, Yuan Jue’s hair flew like a flag.

Su Mu was dumbfounded.

Before this, he had always thought that Yuan Jue was one of the few people in Emeishan Cultivation University who was not bald or bald.

Because Yuan Jue has a lot of hair on her head, she even has a handsome side-parted hairstyle.

Until now, Su Mu knew that Yuan Jue was also suffering from hair loss and had become bald. The center of his head was bare, with only hair on the sides. The right side was left long and combed to the left, thus covering the bald spot in the middle.

It’s the look of the Fire Cloud Evil God in “Kung Fu”.

This would not be a problem in normal times, but the wind at Jinding was very strong at the moment. Yuan Jue was busy chatting with Su Mu and forgot to release the Wind Avoidance Technique, so the truth was exposed.

However, Yuan Jue is not that old and looks quite handsome. With such a hairstyle… Well, you can refer to Chen Kun or Hu Ge, who was transformed into the look of the Fire Cloud Evil God.

It’s really unacceptable!

Su Mu wanted to laugh but didn’t dare to laugh, it was very hard to hold it in.

Yuan Jue was still unaware. After walking out of the hotel, he waved his hand, and a cold light bloomed from his mobile phone, turning into a flying sword and floating in the air.

He turned around and waved to Su Mu, stepped on the flying sword, and turned into a ray of moonlight and disappeared into the night.

If you don’t look at the post-modern artistic hairstyle, the posture is still very handsome…

Su Mu waited until he was completely gone before returning to the room.

On the way, Emeishan Xiuzhen University was completely crossed out from the candidate list.

I thought that if I joined Emeishan Xiuzhen University, I would fly in the night sky with a Mediterranean hairstyle in the future. The area without hair shines in the moonlight, like a small moon. The side with hair was waving like a flag, and he felt shuddering…

For the sake of hair and image, although Emeishan Xiuzhen University is very strong, let’s forget it.

But then again, in this world where cultivation and technology are so advanced, haven’t there been any drugs to treat hair loss?

Is cultivation useless for baldness? Or do the big guys think that baldness doesn’t matter and just ignore it?

If I can develop a drug to treat baldness and hair loss in the future, can I make a lot of money?

Hey…this is a business opportunity.

Su Mu’s eyes lit up and he could do more research in this area in the future.

Because Yuan Jue came to visit, Kevin went back to his room early and did not pester Su Mu to chat until eleven or twelve o’clock as usual.

It’s rare for Sumu to be clean tonight.

Although the rich tuition fees are generous, it is not that easy to earn.

After getting along with him for a few days, although Kevin’s tone of voice has not changed much, the words he uses are no longer as weird as before. Words such as ‘Oh, my God’, ‘You ugly woodchuck, I’m going to kick your ass’ are rarely or even never said.

This is progress, at least Kevin thinks so.

He was very satisfied with Su Mu, the language teacher.

This language teacher is worth hiring until he is bored to death by his nagging…

Su Mu returned to the room and began to draw luck charms and make peach blossom fragrant pills. He made a batch before 11 o’clock, then picked up his mobile phone and called SF Express.

The only person who can come to Jinding to pick up items at this point is Hu Niao. Ordinary couriers may not be able to get here during the day, let alone at night.

More than ten minutes later, a “doo-doo-doo” knocking sound came from the window.

Su Mu walked over, opened the curtains and opened the window. A hawk immediately got in, glaring at Su Mu with a mixture of sadness, displeasure, and anger.

At this point, we still have to work. Whoever it is, I’m afraid they won’t have a good look.

What’s more, this hawk has already fallen asleep in its nest, and there is a female hawk beside it. The two birds are working hard to lay eggs, but they have to end midway because of Sumu. , leaving the warm nest and the female bird, running here to receive the parcel in the dark and cold night.

To be honest, it doesn’t have the same wings as Gusumu. It is already very professional and treats customers as God.

Su Mu filled out a few express orders, separated the Luck Runes and Burning Peach Blossom Pills into bags, and handed them to the guard bird.

The latter threw all these things into the dimensional bag on his chest, and then laughed twice, full of ridicule and contempt. Before Su Mu could react, he got out of the window and disappeared in an instant.

Su Mu was a little confused.

Did I just be laughed at by a bird? Damn it, why is that flat-haired beast laughing at me? Why are you laughing at me?

Bad review! Be sure to give a negative review!

Su Mu was very depressed. Did these animals form a group to bully him today?

If he had known that the hawk was mocking him for being single and not even as good as a bird, he would probably not be depressed, but would be furious.

After delivering today’s goods, it was already 11 o’clock. Su Mu took a Qi Refining Pill and started practicing at night.

At 1 a.m., the practice ended.

Su Mu wanted to take a shower, but found out that at this point, there was no hot water in the hotel. As a last resort, I had to make do with wiping it, then went to bed, took out my phone, and started to doze off.

Nowadays, if you don’t play with your mobile phone for a while before going to bed, you can’t fall asleep at all.

Actually, I don’t know what I am playing, but I just want to play, otherwise I will always feel that something is missing.

Su Mu opened Taobao and entered his online store.

When he has nothing to do these two days, he just likes to browse his online store and read the posts posted by talented netizens in the question and answer column.

Most of the posts in today’s Q&A are asking when the product will be back on the shelves.

Other than that, there are trading posts and bragging posts.

The former is needless to say, but the latter is a carnival for the European emperors. Each one brags about how lucky he is and how many top-level runes and fragrant pills he has opened, which makes many shameless buyers hate him. He gritted his teeth and even criticized them directly under the post.

It’s a pity that Su Mu doesn’t have the power to highlight it, otherwise he would definitely put these bragging posts in the most conspicuous position so that everyone can see his conscience.

If you can’t sell good products, it’s not because of me, but because of you!

“Hey, what is this?”

Suddenly, Su Mu’s eyes were attracted by several strange posts.


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