Pay-to-Win-to-Immortality Chapter 527: Let’s have an Infernal Affairs, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Krypton Gold Chengxian!

It turns out that just when Professor Jing’an left, Su Mu’s krypton gold plug-in was activated, allowing him to get a rather strange knowledge:

[Skills on the breeding and training of needleworms: 3 points (not worth mentioning), Level 3 C].

Although Su Mu is not a professional in animal control, he does know a little bit about this needle-mouthed insect.

Because this zerg is a toxic parasite, it has a special chapter in the book “Human Parasitology” of the Department of Pills.

It belongs to the invertebrates, class Nematoda, and is a poisonous insect found in extremely harsh environments. It is named because it is shaped like a steel needle.

In the Buddhist “Rise of the World”, it is believed that this poisonous insect was first brought out of **** by evil demons and beasts, so it is also called the poisonous insect from hell.

If it is a wild needleworm, after it parasitizes in the human body, it will release a highly toxic poison immediately, break the flesh and tendons, burrow into the bone and marrow, and harm the life of the host. Even if it is a cultivator, it will be the same Can’t resist.

But this needleworm didn’t do that, so it must have been trained and raised by Professor Fake Jing’an.

Su Mu frowned slightly and thought quickly in his mind:

“Looking at Professor Jing’an’s previous reaction, he obviously believed what I said, but why did he still get such a poisonous insect for me? Could it be that there was something leaked in my previous words and deeds that made him have a problem? Doubt?”

“No, if I really leaked the secret, he would definitely choose to kill me directly. Even if he uses needleworm, he will make it take effect immediately instead of staying dormant. Because he has already made it clear in front of me If he doesn’t kill me because he is a member of the Life School, why are he still waiting for me to report him?”

“If I didn’t leak something, then it’s very likely that it’s the problem of this fake Professor Jing’an himself.”

“It seems that he is not completely at ease and trusting even in his own people, so he made such a move on me. Not only to monitor me through needleworms, but also to find out if he thought I would When you threaten him, kill me with needleworms.”

“Similar things have been done in He Kui’s memory. It can be seen that this is probably still a ‘tradition’ of the life school…”

According to the records in the book “Human Parasites”, the refined needleworm will establish a special connection with its owner. As long as the owner does not give an order, it will not release toxins, but will lurk quietly. Under the host’s skin, the host’s words and deeds are monitored and passed to its owner at any time.

But as long as its owner gives instructions, it will immediately release the poison, get into the brain, and kill people!

That’s why Sumu speculated that Professor Jing’an wanted to use the needleworm to monitor or even control him.

But Su Mu didn’t panic.

Although this parasite is powerful, through the research of ancient medical doctors, several insecticide methods and poisons have been invented, which can even effectively prevent the harm caused by its attack.

There are corresponding medicines in Sumu’s special storage device for storing elixirs.

But he did not take medicine immediately to kill the needleworm. Because as long as he attacks a pair of needleworms, Professor Fake Jingan will notice it immediately.

Needlestomes are extremely good at hiding and are difficult to detect without causing symptoms.

If Professor Jing’an had just walked with his front legs, the hematoxylin on his hind legs would have killed the needleworms, it would be strange if people didn’t become suspicious!

It would be bad if this alarmed others and affected the mission.

“We have to find a way to eliminate this security risk to the greatest extent without being discovered…”

Su Mu thought of this and turned his attention to the knowledge of [Needleworm Breeding and Training Techniques] provided by the Krypton Gold plug-in.

Speaking of which, Su Mu was also quite puzzled, why did the krypton gold plug-in trigger breeding and training skills?

Do you want me to open a parasite breeding farm in my body? Damn, that’s scary!

Thinking about it carefully, Su Mu understood that it was probably because Stylostomes are parasites that survive by sucking the blood of the host. This made the Krypton Gold plug-in think that he was raising Stinging Insects, and thus gave him Such a knowledge.

Since we have training skills, can we let this needle-mouthed insect, after being ‘trained’ and ‘adapted’, be transferred to his subordinates, pass on false news to deceive Professor Jing’an, and stage a show of ‘Infernal Affairs’? ?

Thinking of this, Su Mu immediately took action and used krypton gold to improve the [Needlemouth Insect Breeding and Training Skills] to 10 points (perfect), and the grade reached Level 3A.

When he looked at the details again, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but curl up.

It’s done! This perfect version of breeding and training skills can really make fake Professor Jing’an lose his wife and soldiers.

However, to achieve this effect, several special materials are needed…

At this moment, there was a knock on the door. This time it must be Xu Yue and Chunhu Yue.

Su Mu changed his mind and had an idea.

He didn’t open the door immediately. He answered and went into the toilet, peed and washed his hands. Pretending to be casual, he took off the bracelet-like storage instrument and placed it on the sink. Then he left the toilet and opened the door.

As expected, there were Xu Yue and Chunhu Yue outside the door.

Chun Huyue looked him up and down, and asked with a smirk: “Why did it take so long to open the door? Don’t you do something shameful and bad? Let me see how much toilet paper you used.”

Su Mu has a black line on his head.

Uncle, you know so much! I’m different, I’m too pure and I don’t understand what you mean at all.

He used sound transmission at the same time and said to Xu Yue and Chunhu Yue: “Professor Fake Jing’an came here just now and gave me a needleworm. My current words and deeds are all monitored by him.”

When Xu Yue and Chun Huyue heard this, they both remained calm. Chun Huyue continued the joke just now, saying that she wanted to check the toilet paper in the trash can.

However, the seemingly normal chat was just an illusion. At the same time, they were still using sound transmission technology to communicate secretly.

“Once the needleworm is refined and raised, it will establish a special connection with its owner. It is easy to eliminate it, but it will be noticed by Professor Jing’an immediately, which is the most troublesome.”

“That has to be eliminated. We can’t let it stay in Su Mu’s body forever, right? This is a remote-controlled bomb. If you fail to take medicine in time when it explodes, Su Mu will be killed. ”

Xu Yue frowned slightly and glanced sideways at Chun Huyue. Although she didn’t say anything, she couldn’t help but mutter in her heart: “Why does she care so much about Su Mu? Doesn’t she also want to steal students from me? Right? Damn it, I have to guard against both the teacher and my brothers and sisters. How miserable.”

Chun Huyue was puzzled by her look, and was about to ask when she heard Su Mu say: “Actually, I already have a way, but I just lack a few materials…” He quickly explained the plan.

After hearing this, Xu Yue felt a little uneasy: “Where did you learn the taming method? Can you do it?”

Su Mu replied: “I asked about it from He Kui. Let’s try it first. If it doesn’t work, think of other ways. In the short term, Professor Fake Jing’an will not detonate this needleworm. We still have time.” ”

Anyway, He Kui is dead and has no evidence to prove anything. Everything can be blamed on him.

Although Xu Yue was suspicious, she didn’t ask any more questions. She just sent a message: “I have the materials you lack, but the needleworm is on you. How should I give it to you so that it won’t be discovered?” ?”

“I put the space bracelet on the sink in the bathroom. The spiritual code is 6 and 8. You just put the few materials inside.”

Xu Yue immediately said: “I’ll borrow your toilet for a moment.” This was not said using voice transmission.

Su Mu didn’t use the voice transmission, raised his hand and pointed: “It’s over there, you can do whatever you want.”

Xu Yue got up and went to the toilet, while Chunhu Yue suddenly remembered something and almost couldn’t help showing a surprised expression. She asked via voice transmission: “Su Mu, when did that fake Professor Jing’an come here?” You?”

Su Mu calculated the time and sent a message: “He came twenty minutes ago and left a few minutes before you came. By the way, when he left, he said that you had already come up. I don’t know if that’s true. Other teachers and students also had needleworms in their bodies.”

Chun Huyue said via voice transmission: “Needlestomids are not easy to catch and cultivate, but we still have to find a way to screen the teachers and students… But there is something weirder than this!”

“What’s the matter?” Su Mu asked curiously.

Chun Huyue replied: “When we arrived at the hotel, we saw Professor Jing’an in the lobby on the first floor. In order not to arouse his suspicion, we chatted with him for a few words. The time was about ten minutes ago. .”

Su Mu was a little surprised: “Ten minutes ago? No, at that time, the fake Professor Jing’an was still here. Who did you see? Is it a clone technique?”

“It is unlikely to be a clone technique. Most of the common clone techniques are illusions, and the clone’s strength is limited. But the fake Professor Jing’an we saw in the lobby has full spiritual power and is not low in strength. The fake one you met Professor Jing’an even blocked the attack of Level 3 B. Unless this person’s strength has entered the realm of demigods, how could he be sent as an undercover agent by the Life School? To rely on drugs? ”

Su Mu also agreed with this analysis and made another guess: “Then, could there be two members of the School of Life pretending to be Professor Jing’an?”

“This is possible. Two people, one wearing the skin of Professor Jing’an, appeared in the hotel lobby, attracting most people’s attention, and creating an alibi. The other only needs to use illusion to change his appearance and come over Looking for you, their initial plan is to poison you, it can only take a few minutes. Even if you don’t wear human skin, it will be difficult for you to see through the illusion in such a short period of time.”

Su Mu nodded slightly. He really did not see the flaw in Professor Jing’an’s illusion.

Xu Yue walked out of the toilet at this time.

She first gave Su Mu a look to indicate that the matter had been settled, and then said via voice transmission: “No matter what the reason is, we have to report the information quickly to monitor and investigate the fake Professor Jing’an. We must also make corresponding adjustments! ”

“That’s right.” Chun Huyue agreed and would report it immediately.

She quietly turned on the ringtone of her cell phone, pretended to be on the phone, got up and walked outside the house, saying as she walked: “I’ll go out and take a call, you guys talk first.”

At this time, Xu Yue used sound transmission to ask about pill formation.

“Where did you learn how to form elixirs? How come you form elixirs so quickly?”

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