Pay-to-Win-to-Immortality Chapter 283: What the **** is this?, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Krypton Gold Chengxian!

Although the fox demon’s demonic power has been suppressed, the ability to observe people’s emotions is still there. Seeing everyone’s reactions, he knew what they were thinking, and hurriedly said: “Heroes, I really have an eighty-year-old child! I am practicing at least After a hundred years, is it not strange to have a child in his eighties?”

“How do you explain the three-year-old mother?” Lu Da asked with a sneer.

“Uh.” The fox demon hesitated for a moment, then asked cautiously: “Does it count that my mother has been dead for three years?”

“Get out!” Lu Da snorted.

“Great!” The fox demon nodded and bowed in response, then quickly lay on the ground and rolled away.

Lu Da raised his eyebrows, and the handcuffs and shackles on the fox demon immediately flashed with talisman lights. A strong current came from the handcuffs and shackles, electrifying the fox demon with a crackling sound. Not only were the hairs on its ears and tail all curled by electricity, but it also exuded a faint fragrance.

The heat is just right, all that’s needed is salt, cumin and chili sauce.

The husky opened his mouth and looked at the fox demon, drool dripping down.

It does not covet the beauty of the fox demon, but covets his delicious taste…

After the handcuffs and shackles stopped discharging, Lu Da released a healing spell on the fox demon and gave him a sip, which not only restored his blood bar, but also restored the electrical burns on his body.

The fox demon still has some important information in his mouth, and we cannot let him die like this.

“Did you enjoy it? Do you want to do it again?”

Lu Da squatted beside the fox demon and poked his flesh with his finger.

Well, it has changed from cooked meat back to raw meat, and the recovery from treatment is good.

The fox demon shook his head repeatedly. Although the injury was treated in time, the pain was still there and had not even diminished at all.

He was crying, looking aggrieved and pitiful: “Didn’t you tell me to get out?”

“I want you to die, will you go? Stop playing this trick with me!”

Lu Da sneered and said: “Let me ask you, what exactly is hidden under this ice crevice? Why does it spew out strange negative energy? You lead people to read the words on the stone tablet, saying that they want to sacrifice , is it a sacrifice to the thing hidden under the ice? What is your purpose? Were the patrols that disappeared in the snowy mountain area related to you? Sacrificed? ”

The fox demon closed his mouth and said nothing.

What is surprising is that Lu Da did not continue the cross-examination and stood up directly.

“You have a tough mouth. If you don’t want to tell me, it doesn’t matter. I’ll take you back and give it to my senior brother Shang for trial. He studied four majors: elixirs, tripod food, beast control and weapon repair. , I am the best at cooking monsters like you.”

It was only now that Su Mu knew what Uncle Shang was majoring in.

Gu Ranxi was puzzled and asked him in a low voice: “Why is it that after studying the four majors of elixirs, tripod food, beast control and weapon repair, I am the best at cooking monsters?”

“Of course I am good at it.” Su Mu explained: “The two majors of Dingshi and Beast Control have the deepest research on monsters, from what monsters are most afraid of, where their weaknesses are, to how to dissect and cook them. There is a whole set of theories and practices. As for elixirs and weapon repair, it is reasonable to use some torture tools and poisons during interrogation, right?”

Use poison on torture instruments? How the **** is this reasonable?

After hearing this, the fox demon felt chills all over his body and shivered. He felt that he had fallen into the hands of these cultivators. He was really a miserable fox demon.

He hurriedly shouted: “Wait! Aren’t you supposed to promise me various benefits first? Why did you skip this step?”

Lu Da frowned and said: “Who told you that there is such a step? Our attitude has always been to be lenient if you confess and lenient if you resist! Since you resist, you will naturally be dealt with strictly! You still want us to promise benefits? Do you think you’re playing a ‘protagonist and a supporting role’? I never dreamed of such a good thing!”

He was too lazy to pay attention to the fox demon anymore, and he could also see that the fox demon was just messing around and had no intention of confessing honestly.

He has seen many monsters that won’t shed tears without seeing a coffin, so he doesn’t find it strange.

Lu Da called an officer under his command and ordered: “Da Biao, you lead a team of people to **** this fox demon back to the base and hand it over to my senior brother Shang. If on the way, this fox demon dares to do anything unusual. , just kill him!”

“Yes!” the officer responded, immediately ordered a few very strong soldiers, used his flying sword, and escorted the fox demon back to the frontline base.

They are all stronger than Su Mu’s team. In addition, they usually train in the fierce snowy mountains and have adapted to the environment here. Even if the wind and snow here are very strong, they can still withstand the wind and snow. The sword flies.

The fox demon knew very well what he was going to encounter next. Unfortunately, he was restrained by handcuffs and shackles, suppressing his demon power. He was unable to struggle at all. He could only shout: “You can’t torture me, I want to torture the spirit beast.” The protection organization complained to you!”

Lu Da sneered: “Are you out of your mind? The Spiritual Beast Protection Organization is for protecting spirit beasts. You are an evil monster, how dare you say that you are a spirit beast?”

The fox demon said: “Why are you embarrassed? Don’t you humans always say that ‘foxes are not demons, and **** is not coquettish’? Since we foxes are not demons, we should be spiritual beasts!”

This time, not only Lu Da, but Su Mu and the others also had a black thread: Could this fox demon have been brain-damaged by the phantom poison and the violent explosion just now?

“Take him away!” Lu Da waved his hand. This slippery fox demon should be sent back to Senior Brother Shang for trial.

Lu Da believes that despite the fact that the fox demon is pretending to be stupid now, in the hands of Senior Brother Shang, there are only two endings. One is to obediently explain everything clearly, and the other… is just a job in the cooking class. Son.

Is it really true that the “Recipe Collection of Exploring the Secrets of Mountains and Seas” that everyone in the cooking team has is just a decoration?

The fox demon was escorted away by Dabiao. In order to prevent him from shouting and causing unnecessary trouble while flying in the sky, Dabiao also blocked his mouth…

After seeing off the fox demon, Lu Da turned around and asked the officer in charge of the unmanned reconnaissance drone: “Zhuzi, have you gained anything over there? What is that thing under the ice crevice?”

This time they brought several unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, controlled by several technical soldiers, and placed them all under the ice crevices, keeping a distance from each other.

In this way, firstly, it is convenient to detect all the situations under the ice crevices in time; secondly, it is to prevent problems below. As long as not all unmanned reconnaissance aircraft are destroyed, at least some situation can be reported back.

Zhu Zi quickly reported: “Captain, the unmanned reconnaissance drone sent back some images, but… I can’t tell what they are.”

“Huh?” Lu Da became interested and walked over quickly.

Su Mu and the others were also full of curiosity and hurried to follow. Soon, on the computer screen, I saw the image data under the ice crevices sent back by several unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

For a time, a question appeared in everyone’s mind: What is this?

This ice crevice is bottomless. The unmanned reconnaissance drone photographed a huge… uh… how should I say, a huge cloth rope mop in the ice on one side of the ice crack? And it’s still very messy.

“This…can’t be flying noodles, right?!” Kevin exclaimed.

Su Mu rolled his eyes at him and said: “Even if there are flying noodles, it is impossible for them to come here. Besides, how do these things look like noodles? It is still possible to say that they are hair!”

Su Ye looked at it carefully and nodded: “It really looks like hair…”

Gu Ranxi, Lin Junjie and Xun Ling also joined in to discuss what was sealed in the ice.

Some people say that it is the Mop Demon, a demon formed from the resentment of unwillingness to clean the house since ancient times; others agree with Su Mu and Su Ye’s guess that it is hair, born of the resentment of all people with hair loss!

There have been many discussions, but few are reliable.

Lu Da ignored their discussion and asked Zhu Zhu: “Have you analyzed these things in the ice layer and what they are most likely to be?”

Zhuzi replied: “After analysis, the result given by the psychic brain is hair!”

“Is it really hair?” Lu Da glanced at Su Mu and Su Ye.

Have you really been convinced by these two brothers and sisters?

“Whose hair is it?” Lu Da asked.

Judging from the information transmitted back by the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, this ice crack is at least a few hundred meters deep. From a hundred meters down, there is this kind of hair. It is not only wide but also plentiful…which The demon is famous for his thick hair?

“Could it be the forbidden woman?” Xun Ling asked.

She majored in beast control. She had seen the introduction of Jin Po in the textbook and knew that this monster was famous for its long and abundant hair, and its hair was also a harmful weapon.

Su Ye shook his head and said: “It doesn’t look like it. The forbidden woman is a kind of monster in the sea. Of course, it is not impossible to be sealed in the dangerous land of the snow mountain. But the problem is that the forbidden woman is not such a big one… …If this were forbidden, it would have to be over a hundred meters high, right?”

After Lu Da pondered for a moment, he said: “Zhuzi, think of a way…”

“Give it a shot?” Zhuzi raised his head and asked.

These unmanned reconnaissance drones were equipped with firepower systems. He thought Lu Da wanted him to blast away the ice and get some specimens out.

“What the hell.”

Lu Da reprimanded angrily: “The ice here is obviously used to seal this weird thing, not to mention whether the little firepower of the unmanned reconnaissance drone can blast it away. If it is really If it is opened, the things sealed inside may slip out, and we will cause a big disaster!”

“Then what do you want me to do?” Zhu Zhu asked.

Lu Da said: “Look, can you use the psychic scanning system of the unmanned reconnaissance drone to scan and analyze what is hidden in these hairs?”

“I’ll give it a try.” Zhu Zhu nodded and responded, his hands dancing rapidly, bringing up an afterimage. He wrote out rune codes one after another and passed them to one of the unmanned reconnaissance drones.

After a while, the psychic brain really gave the results of the scan analysis.

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