Pay-to-Win-to-Immortality Chapter 27: Test day, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Krypton Gold Chengxian!

June 7th.

As usual, Su Mu got up before five o’clock and took Qi Lian Pills on time at five o’clock to practice Qi nourishing techniques and eat the Qi of the morning.

It is precisely because I have to take the exam today that I need to practice more quickly. Even if his current spiritual energy value has exceeded the 1,000 mark, he still cannot relax. Every point he can get is every point. This is not only related to the final score, but also related to the cultivation university he will be assigned to after he succeeds in the exam.

A good cultivation university should have better teachers and other resources.

In order to strive for a better future, Su Mu did not dare to relax even with the Krypton Gold plug-in.

There is a road in the mountain of books, and diligence is the path, and there is no limit to the sea of ​​learning, and hard work is the boat. This sentence also applies to spiritual practice.

At seven o’clock, Su Mu finished his training and saw the breakfast made by his sister as soon as he opened his eyes.

Cooked vegetables, porridge and eggs… are usually delicious.

After washing up, Su Mu sat at the dining table and had breakfast with her sister.

Then he rested for a while. Seeing that the time was almost up, Su Mu exhaled a breath, stood up and said, “I’m leaving!”

Su Ye opened her mouth. She had a lot to say, but she didn’t know where to start. Finally, she raised her arms and danced vigorously, saying only two words: “Come on!”

Su Mu smiled and pinched her face lovingly: “Wait for my good news.”

When he went out, he met several neighbors. They all knew that he had to take exams today, and they all cheered him up.

Out of the gate of the community, Su Mu was about to scan a shared bicycle. A private car parked on the roadside suddenly poked its head out and greeted: “Xiaomu, you are going to take the exam, right? Get on board!”

Su Mu turned around and saw that the person calling him was a neighbor uncle in the community.

Looking again, there were already three people sitting in the car. They were all senior high school students, some from No. 7 Middle School and some from other schools.

“Uncle, what are you doing?”

“I am on vacation today. I have nothing to do, so I will come out as a volunteer and take you candidates to the examination room. Come on.”

“That’s it, then I’m not polite, thank you, uncle.”

When there was a car to sit in, Su Mu would not be pretentious and insisted on riding the shared bicycle. He trotted over, opened the door and got on the car, and said hello to the other three candidates on the car.

The three responded politely, and it was obvious that they were all nervous.

The neighbor’s uncle started the car and drove towards the examination room. Although there were cars coming and going along the way, it was very quiet. At every intersection, you can also see slogans such as “Please do not honk during exams”.

This year’s examination venue is at the Municipal Stadium.

There was still an intersection away, so the neighbor’s uncle stopped the car because roadblocks had been set up on the road ahead, prohibiting public vehicles from entering, and all cars transporting candidates could only get off and off people nearby.

“I can only send you here. Come on, take the exam and try to get into Xiuzhen University!” The neighbor’s uncle turned around and encouraged the four of them.

“Thank you, uncle. With your good advice, we will definitely do well in the exam.” Su Mu was the first to thank him, and the other three candidates also reacted from their nervousness, thanked him and got out of the car.

The city stadium was three to five hundred meters away from where we got off the bus. The road was full of people, including candidates, parents and teachers.

There are more than 20,000 candidates in the city, plus parents and teachers… there are at least 30,000 to 40,000 people gathered around the stadium.

Everyone’s expression is very nervous. No matter how confident they are in themselves or how sure they are about taking the exam, they will become nervous under the influence of this environment and atmosphere.

Su Mu had just walked to the gate of the stadium and was about to look for the teachers and classmates in his class when he heard a cry from the side: “Oh no, I forgot to bring my admission ticket!”

Su Mu, like the surrounding classmates and parents, turned to look in the direction of the sound.

A classmate was sweating in a hurry. His parents kept complaining beside him, scolding him for being careless. How could he give his admission ticket to Luo’s family during the exam…

The police walked over and after briefly understanding the situation, they first said to the classmate’s parents: “Okay, please stop saying a few words. What’s the use of complaining now? On the contrary, it will make the child more nervous, in case it affects the child. It’s too late for you to regret it.”

Then he said to the careless classmate: “You left your admission ticket at home, right? Come on, I’ll take you back to get it.” She pulled him and rode on a motorcycle parked nearby.

“Someone forgets to bring their admission ticket again. It has become a must-have drama every year.”

“I don’t know what these people think. Don’t they check their belongings before going out?”

“Don’t blame others, check yourself quickly to see if you forgot to bring your admission ticket.”

While people were talking, they checked their belongings one after another.

If you find that you didn’t bring your admission ticket now, you can go back and get it with the help of the police. By the time the exams were about to start, it was too late.

Su Mu also checked and found that the admission ticket was in his pocket and there would be no **** drama.

Then he also found his classmates and class teacher.

The head teacher is giving final instructions before the exam:

“When the bell rings, you will line up to enter the examination room. Don’t rush.”

“In the past two years, some candidates were deprived of their qualifications and kicked out of the examination room due to crowding and other things such as rushing to the entrance. Don’t make fun of your own future.”

“After entering the examination room, find the position given on the admission ticket and stand. When it is announced that the examination has begun, use all your strength to activate the spiritual energy in your body. Do you understand? Don’t be nervous, don’t panic, just do as usual. , bring out the best in yourself…”

Actually, Lao Ban has said these words countless times, but he still can’t help but remind him again.

And everyone listened more seriously than usual.

After waiting for about twenty minutes, a bell rang.

This ringtone is not the usual electric bells heard in schools, but the sound is very much like a wind chime, ‘ding-dong-dang-dang’, soft and pleasant, but it can be clearly transmitted to everyone’s ears. No matter how noisy the surroundings are, you can still hear clearly.

It also has the effect of calming the mind and soothing tension.

The head teacher looked serious, clapped his hands and said: “Go and line up, take the exam well, I’ll be waiting for your good news outside.”

Su Mu and his classmates walked to entrance No. 8 according to the markings on the admission ticket.

They will enter the stadium that has been transformed into an examination room from here.

There are a few policemen standing at entrance No. 8. They are only there to maintain order and respond to unexpected situations.

The person responsible for checking admission tickets and candidates is a rune array. Candidates only need to hold up their admission tickets and walk through the rune array.

Many people passed in front of them, but the rune circle remained silent and there was no response. People couldn’t help but wonder whether it was useful or whether it was just a decoration.

However, at this moment, an alarm suddenly sounded!

The rapid and harsh sound made everyone’s scalp numb with shock.

It is the rune array that emits it!

What happened?

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