Pay-to-Win-to-Immortality Chapter 148: There is nothing that money cannot solve, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Krypton Gold Chengxian!

After sending Kevin away, Su Mu remembered something and hurriedly called Xiao Ai and asked him: “Has anyone placed an order for a multi-succulent magic weapon in the online store these days?”

Classmate Xiao Ai immediately replied: “There are three orders.”

“There are three?” Su Mu was stunned. He didn’t expect that the senior brothers and sisters in the cultivation study group were so well connected that they actually sold two fleshy magic weapons.

“If you have any orders for meaty magic weapons in the future, please notify me immediately.” Su Mu ordered.

“Yes.” Xiao Ai responded.

Su Mu took out his mobile phone, opened Taobao, found the nine online rune stores he had collected, and contacted the rune master: “Is the boss here? I will customize three more runes like last time.”

The talisman master of a store immediately replied: “Okay boss.”

It was then that he probably saw that the person who wanted to customize the runes was Su Mu, and he hurriedly replied: “Oh, I’m sorry, I just took a look, and I’ve received too many jobs recently. The runes you want , I’m afraid I don’t have time to draw, so you should find someone else.”

Immediately afterwards, the talisman masters from several other stores also responded. Although the words were different, the core meaning was the same: “No answer, thank you, get out.”

It wouldn’t matter if it was just one family, but several families in a row were like this, which made Su Mu very surprised.

Is business in the Talisman Array business really so good recently? But looking at the sales of several online stores, it doesn’t necessarily look that good.

After some questioning, a Talisman Master finally told the truth.

It turns out that the talisman masters in these nine online stores were all frightened by Su Mu’s “change, change, change” last time. They were afraid that he would continue to give in to change this time, so they would rather not take his business. .

After finishing, the Talisman Master also said: “Let me tell you the truth, doing your business is more tiring and hard than doing several other people’s business. I don’t have much hair to begin with. After doing your business After that deal, Shengsheng lost a lot of money, and the money I earned was not enough to support my hair. How can I dare to take your order?”

Seeing this answer, Su Mu was a little embarrassed. He really didn’t expect that he had satisfied Party A’s addiction last time, but he had frightened these Talisman Masters…

He hurriedly replied: “It was my fault last time, but didn’t we finalize the rune plan in the end? This time we will draw it according to the final plan, no need to change it.”

“Really not changing?” the Talisman Master asked.

Su Mu made a ‘swear to the heavens and the earth’ expression and promised: “I will definitely not change it!”

“Then I’ll think about it again…” The talisman master was still a little hesitant. It seemed that the previous damage was still a bit big.

Su Mu didn’t want to find another spell master. It would be troublesome and prone to problems, so he said: “Don’t think about it, let’s do this. I’ll give you a higher price for each rune.”

“How much will it increase?”

“Two thousand?”


This time, the Talisman Master agreed very readily.

Sure enough, as long as you are willing to spend money, not to mention everything, but many things can be solved easily.

Next, Su Mu used the same method to persuade (?) the talisman masters of the other eight stores, so that they changed their minds and were willing to take Su Mu’s order.

There was even a spell master who said enthusiastically: “Boss, if you increase the price a little more, I can let you change it any way you want.”

Su Mu: “…”

What a reality.

After securing these rune suppliers, Su Mu asked Xiao Ai to publish an announcement on the official website and Krypton store at the same time, announcing that the second round of sales would start in mid-July.

And there is also a countdown on the official website and the Krypton store. It is very big and can be seen as soon as the official website and Krypton store are opened.

You may not feel it at first, but a few days before the sale, it will definitely make a group of buyers extremely nervous.

On the day of sale, buyers will stay in front of their computers and mobile phones, constantly refreshing the page, waiting to grab it.

Now Su Mu only hopes to prepare more goods before the sale starts, so as not to sell out in a few minutes.

For this reason, it is obviously not enough to rely solely on the two rune figures of Xiao Ai and Amiya. So he ordered three more rune figures and corresponding transformation materials online.

With five rune figures, stocking efficiency will undoubtedly be greatly improved. Five rune figures can still be used when working in the house and will not affect each other. If there are more, it will not necessarily be possible.

“I wonder how Director Wen asked me about the venue.”

Su Mu wanted to call and ask, but he felt it was not appropriate.

It’s very interesting that Wen Wubin is willing to help with this, but if you keep urging me, isn’t that annoying? Do you not trust others or what?

Besides, with Wen Wubin’s personality, he will definitely do his best to do what he promised. Regardless of the final outcome, a response will be given.

So, wait patiently.

Su Mu was just thinking when his cell phone rang. He took it out and looked at the caller ID. What a coincidence, right? It was Wen Wubin who called.

“Is there any result about the venue?”

Su Mu suppressed the excitement in his heart, pressed the answer button, and said, “Hello, director.”

Wen Wubin’s voice came from the mobile phone: “Okay, where are you?”

Su Mu replied: “I’m in my yard. What does the director have to tell me?”

Wen Wubin did not rush to get down to business, but said first: “I heard that you followed Xiong Da and the others to the Baoxian Nine Chambers Cave two days ago, and annihilated a snake plague god? You did a good job. , but you can’t be proud, you know? Practicing one’s mind is also very important. Only by always maintaining a humble heart can you go further in your practice.”

Don’t mention it. After Su Mu came back, he was praised by teachers and students for slaying the snake plague **** and passing several basic courses in succession. Although he didn’t raise his tail, he was really a little proud.

After listening to Wen Wubin’s words, he straightened up and realized that there was something wrong with his mentality. He hurriedly said: “I understand. Thank you, director, for reminding me. I will definitely guard against arrogance and impetuosity and work harder.”

“It would be best if you could do this. Come to my office and I’ll tell you something good.”

Wen Wubin’s tone was no longer serious, and even contained a hint of a smile.

Su Muxin said it was impossible that the venue was really approved, right?

But he did not ask directly, but said: “What good thing is it? Director, can you tell me first?”

“It doesn’t matter if I tell you first.”

Wen Wubin laughed.

“The papers that we, several cultivation universities in Sichuan, have jointly submitted for you, have been published in magazines such as “Chinese Alchemy Journal”, “Journal of Fu Zhen” and “Magical Weapon Strength”.

These magazines are all top-notch academic journals on cultivation in China. If your paper is selected into these magazines, you will receive generous royalties. In addition, schools and departments also have corresponding rewards for articles published in first-class cultivation academic journals.

I asked you to come here just to get the reward. So, is it a good thing? ”

Su Mu responded: “It is indeed a good thing. I will come over right away. Thank you, director, for telling me.”

Although the venue is not guaranteed, it is still good to have money in the account.

The most important thing is that publishing papers in first-class academic journals will be of great benefit to future development.

Not only this time’s reward, but also the resources provided by the school and departments in the future will definitely be more than other students.

It can even affect professional ratings and the permission to borrow materials and books in the library.

Although the book masters in the library have almost been bribed by him, wouldn’t it be better and more awesome if he can do things by relying on his strength instead of going through the back door?

Wen Wubin and Su Mu chatted for a few words before hanging up the phone.

Actually, he is not in his office at the moment, but in a conference room.

In addition to him, there are also leaders and professors from other departments.

As early as two days ago, Wen Wubin had received news that Sumu’s papers had been published, and even received several sample publications. The reason why I had to wait until today to call Su Mu after the meeting was very simple… just to show off and show off.

I have a student named Su Mu…well, although he is not my student yet, it will be a matter of time.

How strong do you think this student is? Fight monsters and defeat the snake plague **** at the peak of Level 2 A! When doing research, I haven’t entered school yet. I just rely on ‘a few questions’ in the subject examinations. After sorting them out, I can publish them in first-class academic journals!

In ancient times, this was the talent of a national scholar who could kill thieves when mounted and bring peace to the country when dismounted.

You old guys, do you have any students like this?

Are you envious? Jealous or not?

Do you even need to ask? A bunch of big guys must be envious. If looks could kill, I’m afraid Wen Wubin would have been riddled with wounds from their glares at this moment. However, no matter how envious and jealous they were, they still maintained their identities and did not take action against Wen Wubin.

They are all thinking about one thing: “Is this old guy Wen Wubin adding medicine to the tea again?”

The bosses looked at the teacups in front of them, and then at Wen Wubin who was in the middle of the game, feeling a little nervous.

Then he glanced at the principal and others present, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief: “The principal and the others are also here. No matter how bold the old thief Wen Wubin is, he wouldn’t dare to poison the principal and bring him down, right?”

Wen Wubin didn’t give these people a chance to fight back. After pretending to be cool, he ran away: “I’m leaving first, and I have to rush back to give Su Mu a reward. Hey, this kid is so non-stop day by day, it’s really annoying me. The workload has also increased, which is really annoying.”


The big guys in the conference room all looked at Wen Wubin with an indifferent expression of “pretend, keep pretending.”

Someone else said: “You think he’s annoying? Leave it to me, I don’t think he’s annoying.”

These words immediately received responses from a bunch of big guys: “Yes, yes, if you find it annoying, leave it to us. Why are you pretending to be here?”

“Haha, I won’t let you, I’ll just pretend, I’ll make you mad!” Wen Wubin opened the door of the conference room, hummed a little tune, and left with a sullen look on his face. It was completely different from what he had just told Su Mu to guard against arrogance and impetuosity on the phone…

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