Paradise of Demonic Gods Chapter 713: End

Whether Talant, Phillip or 4th prince all looked at the 5th Prince in front of them in shock, the power shown by the other side completely exceeded their estimates.

The three people’s information flow and each other, and high-speed communication has formed the situation.

Talant shouted: “How can this happen? What happened to his armor? Our attacks were absorbed by him.”

Phillip calmly analyzed: “Weird armor, you scan with Martial Intent, this armor is alive, a metal life slightly larger than Material Particle constitutes the armor, and they continue to pierce the heavens and the earth. This kind of radiating magnetic field force, then change, repair, strengthen itself. “

“It’s more than that.” 4th prince was shocked: “After all of our shocks have spread to him, all of them will be transformed by high-speed shocks from these shocking forces into high-temperature forces, and then absorbed by him. These high temperatures turn into their own power. “

Countless exchanges are completed in an instant. The three major Divine Level strongmen have analyzed the nano-armor in an instant. Although they do not know the specific principle, they also understand that the other party can convert the kinetic energy of the attack into thermal energy and then absorb the thermal energy Store it up.

Also, the upper limit of this absorption is very high, leaving most of their attacks almost helpless.

In the moment of the three people communicating, 5th Prince was not giving them extra time, and a few kilometers of tail flames shot from behind him. He was already shaking with the whole world, like billions. The thunderous thunder rushed over.

When the boxing came out, the power twisted the space, causing ripples and even blocking the sun in the sky.


It was too late to make any defense. The white light of the protective body burst instantly, and then the body of Phillip was smashed by a punch. The milky white Martial Intent of 1st stratum floated slowly from his body.

The 4th prince roared aside, the six Tao Dengtian swords played to the extreme, and an Sword Intent like the one from Jiuyou Hell stirred up from his mind.

At this moment, the mind left by Great Emperor Xuan You in his brain has finally been fully launched. Thousands of Sword Intent have stirred from his body. Sword Intent seems to bring the temperature of a hundred miles at once. It dropped by dozens of degrees, making everyone feel a deep-seated coolness.

4th prince‘s Mind Kingdom is the heritage of Great Emperor Xuan You. Based on Sea of Consciousness of 4th prince, the Ether Particles in the void is extracted and recast into a virtual human state.

This moment erupted completely, which is equivalent to all the virtual personalities gathered together to perform the seven Greatsword techniques of the Emerald Dynasty.

At the same time, Talant also launched the final strong move, and saw that a gray flame was burning up and down his body, and the entire person’s Martial Intent was constantly melting.

I sacrificed the gods, sacrificed their Martial Intent on the spot to the gray Evil God, and also exchanged for the power of the huge Evil God.

In a flash, a huge gray palm with a length of tens of thousands of kilometers descended from the sky. The huge palm was completely composed of strong Evil God power. Various mountains and rivers, animals, birds and birds, and even several countries were at war.

The palm condensed with the power of Evil God, just like a real country, fell towards the 5th Prince. The surging force tore the void and directly twisted the entire Great West City sky into darkness.

In the face of thousands of emerald dynasty seven Greatsword Sword Intent, and Talant sacrifices half of Martial Intent in exchange for Evil God power.

5th Prince The look at this moment has finally become extremely dignified.

“Come here!” Just one roar roared the atmosphere.

“I’ll let you see the true power of nano-arms again today.”

I saw that behind the 5th Prince, twelve spheres rose one by one, and the endless gravity wave emanated from the inside of the twelve silver spheres.

The earth makes a loud bang, constantly shaking and pulsating, like a dragon rolling in the ground.

The twelve **** are madly extracting the power of the core of Star under the feet, and the violent heat and kinetic energy radiation is constantly flowing towards the body of 5th Prince. The core position in the depths of the earth is burning and exploding at all times, emitting the power to change the entire earth, and now nano-armor can directly extract a part of the power of the nucleus to bless 5th Prince.

At the same moment, 5th Prince clenched his fists and looked at the giant palm and Sword Intent falling from the sky. The whole man’s warfare rose to an extreme. The black Martial Intent covering his body was a huge fist wrapped around him.

“Fist is power.

A fist is a power.

Powerful punch is power.

I want the whole world to fall under my fist. “

The will of the world is emitted from the black Martial Intent. Among the crackling sounds, the Martial Intent of 5th Prince is more condensed. It seems that it can condense the Training Technique body anytime, anywhere, and impact the Divine Level 2nd layer.

All the forces condensed towards 5th Prince‘s double fists. With the huge roar of thousands of miles, his fist and the turbulent Sword Intent collided with the giant palm.

A loud bang echoed into the sky, and ripples of layers erupted from where they met.

The next moment, the entire 5th Prince has shot a black line, flew obliquely toward the ground, and finally banged directly into a mountain range, lifted the mountain, tore the ground, and directly hit a dozens of kilometers Long canyon.

In a short period of time, the physical bodies of Phillip and Talant were shattered, and the Martial Intent of the three were weak at the moment. They had consumed almost all their power.

But looking at the 5th Prince that fell into the rubble of the earth, the three finally breathed out, and the next moment they looked at Fist Sovereign.

Seeing the extreme alert of the three men, Fist Sovereign shrugged and said, “Don’t watch me, your battle is not over yet.”


Suddenly, a silver fist has ripped Phillip and Martial Intent, and turned him into a sky light powder, then a sprint on the body, and then hit the Martial Intent of Talant into sky debris, the next moment Another punch hit through the air, the black will spread at the speed of light, and the black shock wave broke through the half of 5th Prince‘s body, breaking him into a piece of rotten meat, and even Martial Intent with 4th prince shattered more than half.

In a few moments, the three big Divine Level powerhouses were hit hard again, and the hands-on 5th Prince stood in midair, breathing heavily.

I saw that his entire right chest, including his right arm, had disappeared. At this moment, with the help of countless silver particles, he was reborn at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Obviously he didn’t take it that easy, especially Talant sacrificed half of Martial Intent and got the power of Evil God. The terrible power almost blasted him directly.

If you do n’t have the ability to absorb attacks with nano-armor, I am afraid that only Talant can take him seriously.

But now looking at the Phillip and Talant, which slowly squirmed in front of you, but could not be combined slowly, and looked at 4th prince, who paled and almost trembled in flight, the 5th Prince finally revealed the winner’s smile.

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