Paradise of Demonic Gods Chapter 450: Battered

Fearing everyone’s surprise, shock, and horror, Fang Xingjian‘s fist slammed into the head of the Buddha.

It looks like a fly is hitting the face with a fist, but the effect is amazing.

I saw that the head of the whole Buddha was struck by a big hammer for a moment, and the whole head was sunken with the fist of Fang Xingjian as the center.

In the bracelet, Talant said lightly: “Black Magic Law in the grey-robed vein is mainly the power that summons the life of Other World. In front of this, it summons a higher life called ‘wanfo’ and merges with itself. It is level 6 Black Magic Law. , Which has the characteristics of power to shuttle the void. “

While speaking, Wanfo’s eyeballs flew out after a punch of Fang Xingjian, his nostrils were deformed, his cheeks were completely ruptured, and in a scream of horror, Fang Xingjian had already been punched again.


After this punch, the power is transformed layer by layer by Sword Bone, but the violent power is transformed into an infinite sword power, which is directly bombarded into the deformed head of Wanfo and turned into thousands of Sword Qi.

Vessels, muscles, bones, and nerves, countless things are torn, shredded, and stirred by these Sword Qis, and the flesh bursts into the sky.

Two consecutive punches banged Wanfo ’s head into a fan powder. Fang Xingjian stepped out again and stepped directly on Wanfo ’s shoulder. It was as if he had knocked the building open with a tank and Fang Xingjian stepped on it. Wan Fu’s entire shoulder collapsed into flesh.

But after three consecutive strikes, Wanfo finally reacted again. Thousands of fists behind him slammed out again, one after another without Enters Void empty, and then sent the power into the body of Fang Xingjian and exploded.

Brain, stomach, heart, chest, lower body …

Hundreds of tons and thousands of tons of force were constantly crushed, blasted, and raged in Fang Xingjian‘s body, but he could not even open one of his blood vessels.

The 29-level superior Divine Armament strength does not mean that the Fang Xingjian‘s body is very hard, but that while almost maintaining the physical characteristics of each of his flesh and blood, it has infinitely strengthened his toughness between Material Particle.

Each Material Particle and other Material Particle are penetrated by the force of a large sky mine Earth’s magnetic field, and then closely linked.

The brain, blood vessels, and nerves are still soft, but extremely tough. Raging forces act on them, but they can’t tear the connection between Material Particle at all, nor can they cause real physical structural damage.

Let the opponent ’s boxing force raging in his own body, Fang Xingjian doubled his palms together, the collapse of the sword body was launched, and the whole person seemed to become a sword that is indestructible and that everything is not cut.

A sprint in the place, the sound waves wafted in the sky, Fang Xingjian‘s body pulled out a long wave of air, which had completely broken through the body of Wanfo.

Then the ringing sound continued to come out, and I saw that the figure of Fang Xingjian almost became a black line, penetrating Wanfo’s body again and again, unloading the entire opponent into eight pieces, turning them into countless The minced meat burst out.

As a master of Great Earth Temple and the best of grey-robed Mage, Wanfo naturally has a powerful life force comparable to his 29th class Knights.

I saw his thousands of palms frantically exerting force, beating, and agitating the air around them into a large storm. The divided flesh continued to regenerate and reorganize, but still had no way to get back and forth between Fang Xingjian.

He is like a big piece of fat to be slaughtered. It doesn’t explode in disorder, causing a big earthquake and a raging wind, but he can’t stop the other party from dismembering him.

The crowd standing far away looked at this scene in shock, even the Pope of the Bright Sect, the strongest present, opened his mouth and remained speechless for a long time.

After all, in the original Horned Frog Valley, the 27th grade Pope is already the strongest, and one punch and one foot is enough to overturn a street.

But the huge monster that suddenly appeared, just a hurricane generated by the waving of one thousand hands, is enough to set off a small town, the power of fists to beat the earth, enough to generate a small earthquake.

Even if he becomes such a monster, the opponent can still use his power to shuttle the void to directly explode the human body.

If such a monster attacks the Horned Frog Valley, everyone in the field can’t stop it.

And such a horrible monster, but crumbling under the attack of Fang Xingjian, has no resistance.

Watching this scene in shock, Ice Palace Saintess murmured: “It’s too strong, it’s … too powerful.”

The priestess on the other side couldn’t speak in horror either. Suddenly, she saw a fist and a foot that overturned the ground, breaking through the clouds and monsters, and then saw that such monsters were beaten without any fight. The power is just a blank in my head.

The King of Blood was paler, and as he watched each defeat, large swaths of flesh and blood were constantly annihilated and evaporated, and he couldn’t speak for a long time.

He sighed inwardly: ‘I ’m afraid I ca n’t reach the strength of my life. ’

When there is only a small gap between people, there will still be an incentive to catch up, but when the gap is so high as Everest, people will only look up and can’t even mention the slightest competition.

The high priest of the leader of Ice Palace sighed, and the master brother Thain of the Bright Sect flashed regret.

But no matter what they think, they can’t change the movement of Fang Xingjian. A wave of heat is rolling in, accompanied by thousands of Ether sword waves sweeping out at high temperature, turning the last remaining part of Wanfo into ashes.

Fang Xingjian‘s body flickered slightly while countless remaining bodies were struggling in the flames. His right hand stretched out and scratched the ground. The small lizard covered with gray skin had been caught by him.

With the experience of dealing with the bracelet Talant last time, how can he not guard against this trick that Great Earth Temple is used to.

Holding the tail of a small lizard, Fang Xingjian said: “You Great Earth Temple, you really like to escape as small animals.”

The little lizard looked at Fang Xingjian with fear in his anger, wow shouted: “Since you know I’m Great Earth Temple, don’t let me leave? Don’t you fear our Great Earth Temple revenge?”

Fang Xingjian said: “How many of you Great Earth Temple come here, how much I kill.”

At that moment, Talant, the incarnation bracelet, said with a stream of information: “Leave him to me, Fang Xingjian, a fanatic like him, you can’t ask anything about torture.”

Fang Xingjian said lightly: “You better not play tricks.” Then, you put the little lizard directly on the bracelet. Immediately, numerous tentacles were born from the bracelet, and the little lizard’s body was inserted in the blink of an eye. He turned into a part of his own flesh.

The next moment Fang Xingjian‘s body flickered, and he had reached the pope. coldly asked, “How much do you know about human trafficking?”

The Pope ’s face seemed to be ten years old all at once, and it seemed that he could not bear any resistance, and the whole man looked mournfully and said, “What do you want?”

“Everyone involved in the trafficking incident has to die. You also have to pay for your sins, as the Guangzong Disbanded on the spot.”

Speaking, he turned his eyes, looked at the King of Blood and the High Priest of Ice Palace, and said, “Tanichi will give it to the Ice Palace High Priest and the King of Blood.

This is all done in one day. “

Almost every time Fang Xingjian said a word, the pope’s cheeks trembled. When he heard that he would eventually dissolve the Emperor Guangzong, he also said that the position of the leader of the valley union was given to others, and his eyes were already flushed.

Just listening to his hoarse voice and asking, “What if I don’t do this?”

Fang Xingjian said: “If I move at full speed, in about two hours, I can kill the entire Horned Frog Valley, everyone in the Bright Sect, do you want to try?”

The pope lowered his head bitterly. He wanted to resist, but the courage to resist disappeared when he thought of the other person’s just killing the messenger.

“My apprentice Thain, he is not aware of all this, I hope you can spare him.”

In Heaven’s Perception, the other person does not seem to have any signs or emotional reactions to lying.

Fang Xingjian ordered nodded: “If it is true, you can.” (To be continued.)

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