Paradise of Demonic Gods: 1267 war

Replace the heavenly heart with your own heart, and change everything into me. .

“This is …” Fang Xingjian‘s eyes narrowed, he felt a familiar breath from these tentacles: “It’s God of Truth, it’s the power of white …”

The strongest of the Thirteen Demon Gods, the source of colorlessness and phase, is also called white by countless people.

In Miracle World, he is called God of Truth, some worlds call him God, Root, Aka Xia Record, God of Creation and so on.

Now Zuo Qingcang seems to be directly supported by the power of white in countless worlds, even Fang Xingjian feels that there are many more special things, and the time axis generated by a certain cosmic chain is now Keep swinging.

As the robe dissipated, Zuo Qingcang’s long black hair drifted into the void.

At this time, the skin on his body was exuding a faint white light, that is, his body was constantly releasing a large amount of electromagnetic signals and photon streams outside the body every minute.

What’s more conspicuous is a white halo from the right shoulder to the left shoulder, condensing behind his head.

Zuo Qingcang at this time entered a state he called ‘combined path’, and the whole person was in a form of quantum sympathy. In this state, the power of the entire universe was directly quantified by him. The way of sympathy was received and became part of his body.

Not only that, as more and more white tentacles spread out of the void, one by one pierced his body, and more parallel universes gradually became part of his body.

And with the change of his physical condition, his face became heavier, and the white spots spread out from his pupils, spreading slowly towards the whole body. As these white spots spread, his face The color of pain was getting stronger and stronger, and even a white light slowly flowed out from the corner of his mouth like an air stream.

“This step was actually done.”

A sudden long sigh came from Fang Xingjian‘s mind, making him listen for a moment.

He quickly found the source of that sound, and saw that the part of Sea of Consciousness that originally belonged to the reversal of Shenmen was turned into a vague human form.

“Parosas? Is it you?!”

It is exactly what Fang Xingjian has experienced before, the strong man who composed the body with countless planets and finally gave him Shenmen to reverse this method.

Obviously this reversal of Shenmen, even if it is pure information, is also a secret door that he left inside Fang Xingjian, allowing him to appear here now and see the Tian Yi battle in front of him.

Parosas did not answer Fang Xingjian, but sighed: “Now Zuo Qingcang’s amalgamation, the scope of quantum sympathy is not just a timeline, even other parallel universes are under his control.

Are you using Bai’s power? Hmm … Bai represents the origins of countless worlds and lives. When played together with Dao, it is a perfect match … “

“Quantum sympathy? Harmony? What’s that?” Fang Xingjian asked.

Parosas didn’t speak, just a thought, a lot of information was swept out of Fang Xingjian‘s mind.

“Quantum can affect each other even across hundreds of millions of light years, because they are integrated. It’s like pulling one end of a rope, the other end will move.

The same is true of the universe made up of quantum people. Before the Big Bang, all matter and energy were one, and they condensed on an infinitely small point.

The birth of the universe is just an expansion of this integrated thing. In essence, he still exists as a whole, just like a balloon being blown up.

After opening the state of enlightenment, he can communicate with all things and become the controller of this integration.

As long as Zuo Qingcang’s perception, all matter, life, tangible, intangible, energy, mass, and even space and time can become part of his body.

Even you and I are no exception.

That is to say, as long as he is willing, then we will become him in an instant.

This was already extremely powerful, but now Zuo Qingcang has taken it a step further. He has used Bai’s power to communicate with other parallel worlds.

You need to know that after the beginning of the Big Bang, new timelines are constantly being split up because of different probabilities. Explosion or collapse? Death or existence?

Every time you choose, the probability of each time keeps the timeline constantly splitting, as if the dense branches are branched out from the trunk of the tree, and all the timelines and the collection of all parallel universes are a real The complete universe. A complete collection of universes is the entire multiverse.

For example, all branches and leaves are added together to form a complete tree, and all intact trees are added together to form an entire forest.

And Zuo Qingcang’s amalgamation is now heading towards mastering a complete universe.

But I am afraid that this state can only be exerted in the universe that Bai masters, and the burden seems to be too great.

With the power of Bai, it is still too reluctant. Just to communicate the parallel universes and master the source of each world, we must fight against Bai’s erosion again and again. I am afraid he has been preparing for this battle for a long time. It’s …

Fang Xingjian looked at the white spots that were spreading on Zuo Qingcang’s face. The expression on the other side became more and more fierce, like a dying beast, both eyes released a painful light.

But the opening of Hedao still seems to be over. As more and more white tentacles were inserted into Zuo Qingcang’s back, he saw a trace of light emerge from the void and turned into a man. The ghost image appeared behind Zuo Qingcang.

The man’s face is like a crown jade, and his long black hair is falling like a waterfall. In both eyes, there is a kind of self-confidence that is fully grasped, and his whole body reveals a kind of coldness that is completely like Zuo Qingcang. Different temperament, that is a kind of grace and luxury, unattainable.

Xu Ying is floating quietly behind Zuo Qingcang, just like his shadow.

Seeing the appearance of this man’s ghost, Parosas’s face changed: “Zongzong? How is it possible …” But after a moment, a glance flashed in his eyes: “So it’s so … no wonder … “

And as this ghost image appeared behind Zuo Qingcang, the pain on his face alleviated a lot.

“You go, Cultivation quantum organ.”

The next moment, accompanied by the other’s heart sound, Fang Xingjian only felt that his body was being dragged away by an invisible force, and the whole person seemed to leave this Space-Time at an unpredictable speed.

In his perception, Zuo Qingcang’s back is getting smaller and smaller, and the last electromagnetic waves in the ear is heard echoing in the endless void.

“Who are you coming first?”

In the next moment, twelve strands of heaven and earth are destroyed. Fang Xingjian exhausts from the sky with exhaustive and indescribable power. Everything in the entire universe seems to be torn into pieces in an instant, as if squeezed in a fish tank. Come in like twelve dinosaurs.

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