Pampered Underworld Marriage: Genius Baby Black Belly Mother Chapter 965: : That’s what belongs to him

Patriarch An Lan suddenly looked aggrieved and squinted at Long Yetian, “Then you didn’t have a chance to let this Patriarch speak? Turn around and leave, didn’t this Patriarch just stop you?”

The face of Patriarch Anlan, you can’t blame me, is very aggrieved.

To say, after getting along with Long Yetian for a few days, although Long Yetian’s temper is very cold, his eyes are black, and he looks like he wants to eat people. Others are afraid, but he is not afraid.

Behind his icy exterior, he is also a gentleman.

Such a man, as long as you don’t take the initiative to provoke him, he is cold, and he is at peace with himself.

Long Yetian’s low voice was a little hoarse: “Then Patriarch Lao Anlan will bring my husband and wife to see the elders.” It can solve doubts and never leave suspense.

Patriarch An Lan casually raised his eyelids and glanced at him, so anxious?

He said politely: “Your Majesty, the little prince, after breakfast, the owner of the family will take you there. If you want to see the elder, the journey is a bit long. He lives halfway up the mountain and never goes down the mountain.”

Lin Ziyi pursed her small mouth, looked at her father, and then looked at her mother, the grievance that the little face could not tell: “Father, mother, Yi’er is hungry.”

Lin Yunxi felt sorry for her son when she heard it, and said, “Ye, let’s go to see the elder after having breakfast!”

Long Ye looked at her with dark eyes, and instantly became tender: “Okay, Xi’er, then we’ll go after dinner!”

An Lanye saw Long Yetian’s completely different expression, the corners of his mouth twitched, and a faint smile flickered in his eyes. This Long Yetian must be just like him, a wife-loving fanatic who is afraid of his wife’s slave.

That’s how he is. Rong’er tells him to go east, but he will never go west.

A piece of unforgettable love, a person who can really understand you, that kind of feeling is so good that I just want to hold her in my hand and protect her!

He said with a smile: “Your Majesty, the little prince, come with the head of the family!”

“Yeah!” Long Yetian nodded indifferently.

But Lin Yunxi raised her lips slightly, this Anlan family owner is also cute!

There are not many good men in the world, but Patriarch Anlan is one of them.

An Lanye prepared a particularly rich breakfast for their family of three.

To say that the two would get up so late.

Lin Yunxi had a lot of complaints in her heart. Ye was crazy with enthusiasm last night. She thought she would be exhausted to death, but she miraculously woke up this morning.

This has to make Lin Yunxi think more, what must have been the stimulus for Ye yesterday?

Coming back to torment her so passionately and frantically, it almost cost her half her life.

After lunch, An Ningxi woke up and came to look for Lin Ziyi, wanting to chat with Lin Ziyi, she was able to speak today.

It’s just that the voice is hoarse!

Even so, the Anlan family is very happy.

An Ningxi has something to say to Lin Ziyi.

Lin Ziyi spoke to Long Yetian and Lin Yunxi.

Follow An Ningxi to leave.

And Long Yetian and Lin Yunxi followed An Lan’s family to the cliffs on the top of the mountain to meet the elders.

It took nearly an hour to reach the cave where the elder lived.

Lin Yunxi frowned, these hidden masters can really toss people.

I don’t want to live in a good house, but I want to live in a cave.

It is late autumn and the temperature on the island is very low.

Although Lin Yunxi has been walking all the time and is well-dressed, she still feels a biting cold wind.

There is even more wind in my ears!

Long Yetian carefully protected her, his handsome face swept across the surrounding environment from time to time.

“Here, it’s in the cave on the cliff.” Patriarch Anlan pointed to the pale yellow stone wall.

The interruption of the cliff, there is indeed a cave.

Long Yetian’s brows furrowed, he’s really a weirdo, so isolated from the world, is it really okay?

At least he doesn’t like this kind of life.

Patriarch An Lan said with a smile: “The Patriarch will go up first.”

After speaking, An Lanye’s arrogant figure rose into the air, and within a few vertical jumps, he had landed outside the cave.

Long Yetian lowered his head, glanced at the pale man in his arms, and tightened the cloak on her body.

Holding her, the slender figure flashed very fast, and a pair of bi people had fallen behind the Anlan Patriarch.

Patriarch Anlan stepped forward to lead the way!

Long Yetian glanced around the cave, which was very large.

And there is good air flow and the cave is dry.

As you go inside, the light of the Eidolon Stone gradually fills the cave.

Stone tables, stone stools, tea cups, and some simple daily necessities appeared in Long Yetian’s eyes.

In the center of the stone wall, on a milky white ice bed, surrounded by strands of white mist, sat a thin, white-haired old man.

The old man closed his eyes and was meditating cross-legged.

An Lan Ye bowed respectfully, with a very respectful tone: “Elder!”

At this time, the old man’s face was full of ravines, and his eyes flickered slightly.

The light of the Eidolon Stone hit his face, and his face covered with age spots was a little scary pale.

“It’s the owner of the house, what’s the matter with the old man?” The old man’s voice was old, as if it came from an ancient distance. Only now did he completely open his eyes. When he saw Lin Yunxi and Long Yetian, his eyes were still the same. face calm. An Lanye smiled and said: “Elder, these two are the lords of Tianhai Continent and Xuantian Continent. The lord of Tianhai Continent has been hit with Ming Sha, and now he has been killed by the spiritual qi crystal nucleus, but the emperor’s A string of strange blue suddenly appeared on my wrist

Beads, Your Majesty doesn’t understand, An Lan doesn’t understand either, so he has to ask the Great Elder to take a look. “

An Lanye’s gentle tone was full of respect.

Then the first elder raised his eyes and looked at Long Yetian with handsome and charming features.

After a while, it was taken back without any disturbance.

“That’s what belongs to him, just let him take it away.” After the first elder said these words, he slowly closed his eyes.

An Lanye frowned suspiciously, “What’s wrong with the elders?”

However, the Great Elder sat motionless as if he were dead!

Long Yetian’s heart suddenly set off a wave.

The elder’s old voice echoed in his ears: “It belongs to him, just let him take it away.”

He seems to understand what it means.

An Lanye looked at Long Yetian in confusion, “Your Majesty, what’s the solution?”

He is also confused, what is it that belongs to him, just let him take it away?

Such a phantom sentence is unbelievable!

Long Yetian’s eyes narrowed, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was a little cold.

“Patriarch Anlan, go back! I don’t even know what it means!” Long Yetian led Lin Yunxi to turn around. Such an obvious sentence undoubtedly proved that he was Long Ye’s rebirth.

My grandfather was right.

As for the crystal ball test of the Heritage Palace, there may be other reasons why it was not tested. Lin Yunxi was even more certain in her heart that Ye was Long Ye’s idea.

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