Overriding the Heaven Chapter 668:

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Chapter six hundred and sixty-eight

Chapter 668 The sixth mistake

“Sister Jiang!”

Hang Fei Ji Kuang Shen, Chu Yan immediately came to Jiang Panmeng.

At this moment, Jiang Panmeng’s expression is painful, his pretty face is almost bloodless, and even his lips are pale, and his body is trembling. The sight of it makes people heartache to the extreme.

“I, I’m fine…”

But even so, she is still doing her best.

Desperately squeezing out a smile, she asked in a trembling voice: “How is Sister Shen and Sister Shen…”

Chu Yan took out the pill to replenish blood energy, hurriedly stuffed it into her mouth, and then looked at Shen Qing: “She is all right, but she is still in a coma.”

Hearing Chu Yan’s answer, Jiang Panmeng’s eyes finally showed a trace of relief.

“Sister Jiang, your physique–” Chu Yan asked after hesitating.

He just heard what Ji Kuangshen said.

According to the other party’s opinion, the small bronze pot possesses the ability to deprive the monk of his natural physique.

In other words, Jiang Panmeng is no longer a flaming phoenix body.

Turning his head to look at the small bronze pot that fell on the ground, Chu Yan saw that the small pot was broken when it fell to the ground.

The red light that originally fainted inside, including the dancing phoenix, has also disappeared.

“No more…” At this time, Jiang Panmeng spit out a word.

Chu Yan’s heart twitched.

Jiang Panmeng, Li Xiu and Su Jianyuan, are friends that Chu Yan met when he was still in the apprenticeship stage.

Moreover, everyone has experienced life and death together, so they can safely give their backs to each other’s brothers and sisters.

Lost his natural physique, although Jiang Panmeng’s talent for cultivation is still there, all the martial arts and talents he originally mastered cannot be used.

To practice, she must start from the beginning.

Furthermore, her blood is taken away, and her body will be far weaker than in the past.

It’s like a mortal patient who is seriously ill, but her brain is still sensitive, but her energy is not enough to support her in using this body for a long time.

“I, I’m okay, just take a rest and just a little bit, you go and see and see other people…” Jiang Panmeng tried hard to squeeze a smile, hoping that Chu Yan would be at ease.

At this time, Chu Yan forcibly resisted the anger and sadness in his heart, and got up to see other people.

But as soon as he got up, there was a loud roar, like a beating war drum, from a distance.

“Chu Yan!”

Chu Yan’s face changed, and he immediately raised his head, and suddenly saw Ji Kuangshen, half of his body already bloodied, and he didn’t know when he had stood up and stood on a pile of gravel facing him.

At this moment, Ji Kuangshen looked strange to the extreme.

His body seems to be inflated, a lap larger than before.

The dense wounds that were originally on the body have also become bigger, the skin is open and fleshy, and the black and gold smoke inside, as if to burst the body, constantly squirming and spilling out.

The half of Ji Kuangshen’s body that was almost exploded, as well as the wound on his chest, were also covered with a thick layer of black and gold smoke at this time.

And his eyes, at this moment, have also turned black and gold, so that people can’t see the look in their eyes.

What’s even more frightening is that he has a mouth at the moment, and deep in his throat, there is also black and gold smoke entangled, as if his throat is stuffed with long black and gold hair.

He looked around at this moment, as if he was a monster.

“You are not dead.” Chu Yan narrowed his eyes, his gaze was slightly slanted, and he looked at the soul-locking gun that was inserted diagonally on the ground in the distance, quickly calculating the distance and time between each other in his mind.

“I will die soon.”

Although his body looks like a monster at the moment, Ji Kuangshen’s mind seems to be clear at this moment.

“You have ruined my plan, even if I die, I will drag you to bury you!”

Opened his mouth and shouted violently.

Ji Kuangshen aroused the power of the whole body.

Because the ancestor’s divine mind is constantly awakening, Ji Kuangshen’s power has not decreased but increased.

The power he released at this time is not completely his, but the power from the ancestor’s divine consciousness!

Boom, boom!

The whole hall shook at this moment.

Big stocks of air wave, surging crazily, condensing the impact, and constantly impacting around.

Suddenly, the ground was shoveled into a depression.

“Only you can move now, and you are definitely not my opponent!” Ji Kuangshen roared again and again, his momentum continued to rise at the same time.

“Ji Kuangshen, you seem to have forgotten one thing.”

At this moment, Chu Yan suddenly spoke lightly.

Hearing the unusual calmness in the other’s tone, Ji Kuangshen couldn’t help being taken aback.

“What did I forget?” Ji Kuangshen asked.

“I have your last mistake before, I didn’t say it.”

“You are fooling around, I will make you speechless now!” Ji Kuangshen’s body shook suddenly, as if he had thought of something terrible, and he was about to take one step.

But Chu Yan looked at each other with sharp eyes, and continued: “The sixth mistake–“

“Shut up!” Ji Kuangshen yelled angrily, as if his voice would not exist as long as his voice was over Chu Yan.

Chu Yan ignored his attitude and continued: “That’s because you underestimated my realm.”

“What?” Ji Kuangshen couldn’t help asking back.

“I can’t beat you with the second stage of the Ning Vessel Realm, but I can’t beat you with the second stage of the Ning Vessel stage!”

“What are you kidding, is it possible that you still want to be promoted in the battle?” Ji Kuangshen couldn’t help laughing when he heard Chu Yan’s words, “Besides, there is no environment for you to be promoted here.”

“Of course I can.” Chu Yan raised the corner of his mouth and let out a sigh of relief.

The next moment, Ji Kuangshen was surprised to see that with Chu Yan’s body as the center, there was a wave of spirits.

“This, how is this possible!” He couldn’t help but exclaim.

“Taiyi Log Needle!”

Chu Yan stopped answering him at this time. His body was tense, and the spiritual energy stored in the Taiyi log needle was vented crazily at this moment, and then injected into the meridians.

Since the original strength is no longer possible to defeat the current Ji Kuangshen, then increase your strength!


There was another loud roar, the spiritual energy of the spirit jade stored in the Taiyi log needles suddenly appeared like a flood, rushing out violently, engulfing Chu Yan into a spiritual tide storm.

“Where is the aura of this,” Ji Kuangshen couldn’t help being stupid, “It’s still so rich, it’s impossible!”

The next moment, he shouted hoarse again: “Don’t be kidding, with such a little aura, it is possible for other monks to be promoted. For you, it is absolutely impossible!”

“What about now?” Chu Yan looked at Ji Kuangshen, showing an unpredictable smile.

He flipped his wrist, and suddenly, dozens of spiritual crystals fell out and piled up in front of him.

The spiritual tide storm that revolved frantically around him suddenly increased in concentration again.

“Ling, Lingjing!” For a moment, Ji Kuangshen only felt his scalp numb.

He couldn’t help but look around for a week, and when he saw random people everywhere, he muttered to himself: “The spirit crystal of the statue in the Garden of Thousand Beasts turned out to be the spirit crystal used to drive the statue in the Garden of Thousand Beasts!”

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