Overriding the Heaven Chapter 3616: End

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We just passed the life-and-death crisis for a short while, and now we are here again? “Have you forgotten that this kind of erosion is continuous? We can endure it now because we have just made a breakthrough and still have some foundation. But over time…under the drag of this kind of erosion, you feel

Is it still possible to break through the life-threatening realm? Hope will only become slimmer. ”

Chu Yan shook his head slightly and said.

These words frightened Chen Li!

This kind of thing is true or false!

They shouldn’t be frustrated because of this!

Don’t do this!

“Even so, in my opinion, blessings and misfortunes depend on each other…”

Chu Yan said slowly.

“Blessings and misfortunes depend on each other? Where do we start talking about this?”

Chen Li asked doubtfully.

“Our current situation is very dangerous… Do you understand this?”

Chu Yan asked.

“I understand…it is indeed dangerous!”

Chen Li nodded repeatedly and said.

If we don’t break through the realm of life-threatening within a short time, it will undoubtedly be a dead end. If this is not dangerous, what is dangerous?

But what is the blessing that Chu Yan is talking about?

This made Chen Li puzzled.

“If we can break through the life-threatening realm in a short time, we should be able to obtain the terrifying power contained in the mountains, thus greatly increasing our strength…” Chu Yan said seriously: “It’s all because of the erosion we feel now. Power, in fact, is the mountains! If we can control the mountains, we can use them for our own purposes, not to mention that the mountains contain extremely terrifying forces

Power. ”

“There is such a good thing!”

Chen Li’s eyes suddenly lit up.

If there is such a good thing, she can try to work hard!

“But if we can’t do it… we will probably be sucked dry by the mountains and die suddenly here!”

Chu Yan’s words immediately made Chen Li’s smile disappear.

It’s life and death at every turn, who can be happy?

“It’s just that the greater the risk, the greater the reward… Coupled with this situation, we can no longer control anything. We can only work hard to break through the life-threatening situation.”

Chu Yan said again.

Everything he said was reasonable, but Chen Li still accepted his incompetence more or less!

Isn’t it?

Who can accept this kind of thing?

Chu Yan smiled, looked at this place a few more times, and was ready to leave.

That’s right, before the prince died, he left them the method of returning to the trial place of Xiaoyao Immortal Palace.

It is extremely difficult to come from the trial place of Xiaoyao Immortal Palace, but returning… is not that difficult!

As long as there is a corresponding method, it is enough.

Afterwards, Chu Yan and Chen Li discussed it and returned to the trial place of Xiaoyao Immortal Palace.

Buzz buzz!

After some hard work, Chu Yan and Chen Li returned successfully.

Just as the prince said before he died, coming is difficult, but returning is not that difficult.


But as soon as they returned, Chu Yan and Chen Li realized something was wrong… The trial place was very peaceful, not as noisy as before.

Previously, it was the demon clan and the prince who were making a big fuss!

Even the disciples of Xiaoyao Immortal Palace started fighting each other. At that time, there were heavy casualties and the earth shook!

It is so quiet now… something is wrong, something is very wrong!


At this time, another figure suddenly passed by from high in the sky! “Quick, quick, quick! There are wounded here! Get treatment quickly! We can’t let our fellow sect members die just like this… The **** demon clan has caused such serious casualties to us. It really deserves death! Pick us

Attack during the Immortal Ranking Competition! “Yes, demon clan, hateful demon clan!” They were very worried about being expelled to the border by our human race, so they tried every means to retaliate against us! Otherwise, we will definitely be able to enter our Immortal Sect Ranking Competition as promised

Okay! They are all monsters, **** monsters! “Damnable demon clan, hateful demon clan!” If it weren’t for the demon clan, how could it be like this! Ah, ah, ah… I really get angrier the more I think about it! Monsters, monsters, monsters! I must kill all the demon clan in this life, kill them all!

The demon clan and I are at odds with each other! “It’s not just you!” We also hate the demon clan very much! Not a demon clan, do we need this? How could we? It’s all the monster clan’s fault! Everything is caused by the demon clan! In fact, I have always suggested that we should make a big move

Attack and directly wipe out the demon clan from the fairy world! “”Ha ha ha ha! This thing is easy to say, but extremely difficult to do! Have you forgotten that the demon clan is lingering on the edge of our fairyland? We can’t take the initiative to go to such a fringe place to look for monsters to deal with him

Are you guys? ”


While everyone was talking, they were looking for the injured monk from Xiaoyao Immortal Palace. If it was a dead fellow disciple, they would take the body back.

“It looks like it’s over…”

Chen Li looked at Chu Yan and said.

“That’s not surprising.”

Chu Yan shook his head and said: “After all, after so many changes, do you think this Immortal Sect List can continue?”


Chen Li sighed and said.

Is it because Chen Li really doesn’t understand these things?

She also witnessed the whole process!

Under those circumstances, it is no longer possible to continue.

“So now we have a problem…”

Chu Yan said again.

“Yeah, we should think about how to explain this!”

Chen Li said seriously.

Yes, Chu Yan and Chen Li never showed up during this turmoil.

This kind of thing is actually very strange and abnormal!

It is enough to arouse suspicion that such outstanding disciples like them don’t show their faces at all and don’t know where they are.

Therefore, if you don’t have a good reason yet, it’s probably really hard to explain!

“We have to take this matter out directly… maybe we can also pass it on to the demon clan.”

Chu Yan thought for a while and said.

“Push it to the demon clan?”

Chen Li’s eyes lit up and he said.

“Yes, I blame it on the demon clan… Have you forgotten? When we first started, we were indeed trapped by the demon clan. I believe there are not a few people who are trapped by the demon clan in this way. It’s just that we are pretty good. He’s not dead.”

Chu Yan chuckled lightly and said: “In that case, let the demon clan take the blame directly! Let’s just say that we were trapped by the demon clan, and something happened afterwards, and we have been unable to come out.”

“The accident happened because of the prince and the others… This seems to be a valid reason!”

The more Chen Li thought about it, the more he realized it was feasible!

Anyway, the Demon Clan is indeed one of the culprits. Letting the Demon Clan take the blame cannot be said to be a fault!

This is what the demon clan deserves!

If the Monster Clan doesn’t do this kind of thing, can they still push it to the Monster Clan? You can’t!

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