Overriding the Heaven Chapter 2276: Departure

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Uslanma is naturally not the only one who is reluctant to leave Chuyan at this time.

Everyone understands that everyone will be very busy for a while.

Chu Yan went to the ancient country of Shenwu to practice, and the challenges he encountered would inevitably be more and greater than those of Shangguo.

Lin Miaoran and others rebuilt the sect and kingdom in Shangguo, and developed Xianchu.

Li Xiu, Su Yuqing and others will return to Yunaojiang Country to rebuild the Broken Star Tower.

These things will take decades to achieve results.

So this also means that after a hundred years or so, it will be difficult for everyone to meet again.

Fortunately, most of the people now have entered the heavenly state of mind, and their lifespan has been greatly increased.

For a hundred years, as long as there is no accident, there will be no gap between yin and yang.

Everyone said goodbye to Chu Yanyi at this time.

Not long after, a whirlpool of spiritual energy suddenly appeared in the clear sky.

A large area of ​​the sky is thickened like sea water.

Everyone at the scene looked up, and immediately saw a big ship, revealing an incomparably majestic aura, slowly sailing out of the spiritual vortex.

The bow of this big ship is bigger than a mountain.

Furthermore, as the big ship continued to sail out, the taste of oppressing the world and traversing the ancient times made people’s souls tremble.

A whole world, at this moment, seems to be obscured this time.

Ordinary people in front of this big ship, looking only at the size, I am afraid they are like a stone facing a mountain, so small that it is almost negligible.

On the mast of this big ship, a flag that obscures the sky is hunting in the wind.

The wind and thunder are rolling around the banner. I’m afraid that the first-level cultivator of the Heavenly Mind Realm will be directly shattered and turned into mud as soon as he approaches.

This scene made everyone at the scene even more shocked.

And on this banner, there is a huge “Shenwu” written on it.

These two words, I don’t know how much sharpness it contains. It makes people look at it, and the eyes sting, and the Taoist body seems to be broken into pieces.

Uncontrollable fear arose in the hearts of everyone present.

“The tolerance of the ancient country is truly extraordinary!”

“It turns out that this is the legendary ancient country sect!”

“I was cultivating in Shangguo. I thought I had become a Master. Now, in the eyes of the monks in the ancient country, we are also frogs at the bottom of the well.”

“There are people outside, and there are heaven outside the sky. There is nothing wrong with this statement.”

“Although the Shangguo sect also has flying magic weapons, there is no sect that can match the ten, no, one percent of this big ship!”

“Looking at the weather in this ancient country, Shangguo is the real fairyland with the strongest combat power. When you get there, it will be equivalent to a small landlord, far away from the prince.”

In the hearts of everyone, there is awe and fear.

These feelings and thoughts were all uncontrollably expressed on the face.

But Chu Yan is different from everyone else.

When he saw this big ship that instantly filled the sky, although he was absent for a moment, he quickly calmed down.

Compared with everyone’s exclamation, all kinds of thoughts flashed in Chu Yan’s eyes for an instant.

He remembered what Chu Qiangdong said to himself in the imperial city of Nanyuan County.

“Chu Qiangdong said that his mother was picked up by a huge ship that broke through the air.

I also practiced in Tianya Sect for a long time. Although I have seen many flying magic weapons, I have never seen any of them that can be said to be a huge air-breaking ship.

Today, this big ship of the ancient Shenwu country has the feeling of a giant ship that Chu Qiangdong said. “

As soon as I thought of this, Chu Yan’s eyes couldn’t help but show a bright light.

The City of Glory, the giant ship that broke through the sky–At this time, Chu Yan felt that he was getting closer and closer to the truth of his mother’s departure.

When the female nun that I saw last appeared on the bow of the ship, Chu Yan condensed his mind, stepped forward in the air, and bowed his hands in a salute.

The female cultivator is naturally the senior sister of the three Shenwuzong.

This time, her younger sister and uncle never came together.

Although she is only one person at this time, standing on the bow of this big ship does not make people feel abrupt, on the contrary, there is a kind of integration, like a beautiful female repairman, and her feet are astonishing. .

While Chu Yan is paying homage to the female practitioners, the female practitioners are also carefully examining Chu Yan.

In two years, she also wanted to see how much Chu Yan had improved.

At this time, Chu Yan, although his aura was restrained and did not show all his strength, he hovered in the air, but he gave people a feeling that the galaxy universe revolved around him.

And he himself is more like returning to the market from the sea, unfathomable.

“It seems that the progress is greater than I thought.” The female sister nodded secretly, “It seems that Zao Wou-ki’s loss to him is not wronged at all.

We have also estimated before, if Zao Wou-ki won, how much improvement would he have in two years.

Although Zao Wou-ki is already a real wonderland, in terms of potential, compared with Chu Yan, it is still a lot worse.

But I am a little curious in my heart. “

The female cultivator pondered for a moment, her gaze flicked over Chu Yan again, and she said in her heart: “According to the truth, it is impossible for the country to cultivate such a powerful monk.

This is like planting trees in the commonplace. In the saline-alkali soil and desert, it is never possible to grow towering trees.

Also even if Chu Yan is extremely talented, he is the son of luck once in a century and a thousand years, the training resources of Jiangguo and Shangguo should not be enough for him to complete such a promotion.

It should be like this now. In addition to his amazing talent, he also has all kinds of adventures and opportunities. “

The female sister guessed in her mind.

However, she didn’t care much about Chu Yan’s adventures and opportunities.

After all, inquire about other people’s secrets at will. It is a big taboo in the interaction between monks and monks, and it is normal that one sentence will turn against each other.

She came again this time, just to take Chu Yan to leave.

The nun moved her finger, and the spirit rushing around the ship smashed, splitting a road like a tide.

When Chu Yan saw this, he turned around and waved goodbye to everyone, then flew towards the road, and after a while, he stepped on the deck of the big ship.

At this time, Chu Yan saw that the hull of this big ship was so big that it could be described as inconceivable.

At a glance, it was as if a mountain and river were placed in it.

Among them, the mountains are undulating, the rivers are rushing, and even under the clouds and fog, you can see colorful neon, and the city is towering.

The female cultivator did not rush to tell Chu Yan anything.

Leaving from here, it will take a long time before reaching the destination.

If there is anything, it is too late to say on the road.

“We’re leaving now.” The female cultivator said lightly to Chu Yan and waved her hand.

Boom, boom!

The roar that seemed like a flood of Tianhe came out immediately.

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