Overriding the Heaven Chapter 1934: Many viewers

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The first day passed quickly.

The reaction of everyone in Tongzhou City to Gu Weiting’s arrest was still slightly out of Chu Yan’s expectations.

The number of mortals and monks who came to watch, increased over time.

Furthermore, everyone showed obvious intentions for the three flogging punishments in the morning, midnight and evening.

But Chu Yan soon figured out.

Everyone knows what Gu Weiting has done, and they dare not say anything.

Today’s behavior of the Bai family is tantamount to saying that it was a sigh of evil for them.

More importantly, it also solved the future problems.

In the future, they don’t have to worry about this frenzied old man rushing to their family or sect to do something.

But the “rational people” and “people of justice” that Chu Yan expected did not appear on this day.

However, since the Gu family member sent the news back this morning, the Gu family must have known about it by now.

Next, let’s see how Gu’s family responds.

“I didn’t come the first day, so I was really calm.” Chu Yan snorted coldly.

In fact, in his heart, he hopes that the Gu family can make a move earlier.

The longer it is, the more it shows that Gu’s thoughts are deep.

But, as Chu Yan often said.

So what can I do?

Now before Gu’s family, it’s Yangmou.

They must answer.

And no matter how you connect it, it’s very hot.

What’s more, Chu Yan didn’t put Baoquan on using Gu Weiting to attract Gu’s family to take action.

A few days later, if your Gu family continues to play dead.

Then I will come!

The next day, there were still many onlookers.

And the number is more than the previous day.

From the people’s discussion, Chu Yan knew that the people who came to watch today were not only from the city of Tongzhou, but also from the nearby city and the sect, and there were also people who made a special trip.

The vast majority of them were looted by Gu Weiting.

Today, just to witness his tragedy!

“Gu Weiting, you also have today!”

“You killed the two deputy heads of my sect back then. I didn’t expect that you would also be retributed!”

“Gu Weiting, if you cut you a thousand knives, you will be wiped out, it will be cheaper for you!”

“You are a scumbag, you are a cultivator!”

“You sacrificed your reputation for the Gu family, but now you become an abandoned son of the Gu family. You are to blame!”

“Gu Weiting, the 30 vain tribesmen of the Wang Clan of Milling Iron City, do you still remember!”

“My cross-heart sect has always made good connections, but because you followed the inheritance techniques left by the ancestors, you were severely injured when you took charge. It has not been healed. The ancestors have passed down the inheritance overnight. Destroy, Gu Weiting, I curse that you will live forever and be tortured today!”

As time goes by, more and more monks come to curse.

The crowd was filled with indignation.

Chu Yan is also eye-opening.

Unexpectedly, there are so many sects and families who have been hurt by Gu Weiting.

If it hadn’t been for Chu Yan to use the formation as a barrier to block the crowds coming in like a tide, I’m afraid Gu Weiting would have been chopped long ago.

But looking at these angry monks at this time, Chu Yan’s mood became more and more weird.

Actually, I didn’t mean to look down on low-level monks.

Any high-ranking cultivator, including Chu Yan himself, is promoted from the real martial realm little by little.

But Gu Weiting, you are also a master with three levels of heaven and mind.

How do you go to rob and slaughter those families and sects, often you don’t even have a heavenly state of mind?

If you look at it this way, you are really insulting, and you haven’t gotten much benefit.

Chu Yan raised his eyelids and glanced at Gu Weiting on the flagpole.

The face of this servant is also extremely ugly at this time.

The face that was cleansed by Chu Yan with magical powers, at this moment, because of shame, it rose to purple-red, like an eggplant the size of a human head.

Chu Yan sneered twice in his heart: “In this way, the Gu family hasn’t come to rescue you yet?”

As soon as the voice fell, Chu Yan suddenly raised his brows.

Divine consciousness spread, and among the crowd, I found the state of mind that had entered for a few days.

In the past few days, I didn’t stay here much, but after looking at the crowd for a while, he turned and left.

However, Chu Yan could clearly feel that these people fell into his own eyes.

Sen Leng, icy cold, as if looking at a dead person.

These people looked at their gazes, and they didn’t make Chu Yan feel hatred.

So Chu Yan estimated that these few cultivators of Heavenly Mood are probably not members of the Gu family.

Not a member of the Gu family does not mean it has nothing to do with the Gu family.

These cultivators are either the guardian of the Gu family, or they were found by the Gu family to see if they can find the master behind Chu Yan.

After all, what Chu Yan is showing now is a state of mind and a heavy state of mind.

At this level, I’m afraid that people from Gu’s family will be killed. They will not believe that it was Chu Yan who seriously injured Gu Weiting and then hung him here to provoke him.

In the Gu family’s calculations, this young monk with a single heavenly state of mind is just a cover. Behind him, there must be a triple-layered state of mind!

Split a few strands of mind and fall on these monks.

Because of the huge gap in spiritual consciousness, these few days of mind, at this moment, have not seen Chu Yan’s lock-in.

Their eyes were cold, they crossed Chu Yan, and after a few glances at the Bai Family Mansion, they left in different directions.

A total of four people went to four different houses in Tongzhou City.

It can be seen that they are more cautious.

The four houses are all in the old city, and they are not too far away from the Bai family.

“Is it tonight?” Chu Yan guessed in his heart.

The next day passed quickly.

There is still no one from Gu’s family.

However, the news of Gu Weiting’s arrest has spread to several surrounding cities at this moment.

Even in the small sect thousands of miles away, people rushed over all night, just to spit at Gu Weiting.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan’s heart became more determined to pay the price of blood for Gu’s family.

Not only for the ancestors of the Bai family and Huang Ze, but also for these sects and families.

At night, the crowd watching Gu Weiting did not decrease significantly compared with the daytime.

But at this time, those who are still here are basically monks from the surrounding area.

As for the local mortals and monks in Tongzhou City, most of them have already returned.

The Bai family released the news today, to the effect that five days later, the evil cultivator Gu Weiting was beheaded in public in order to sacrifice to the ancestors, Huang Hufa, and the spirits of the monks who died in the hands of Gu Weiting.

So the monks staying here at this time are all waiting for that day to come, so they can see the moment when Gu Weiting was beheaded.

These monks, using their magic weapons, illuminated the open space in front of the old house of the Bai family as bright as daylight.

Five days, for the monks, is not that long.

Most people are meditating on the spot at the moment, waiting for the next daylight, when you can see the beloved flogging punishment.

When the moon was high in the middle of the sky, Chu Yan’s spiritual sense caught the four cultivators who had left during the day, leaving from their respective houses and coming towards the old house of the Bai family. .

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