Overriding the Heaven Chapter 1452: Tracking

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“Huh?” Meng Xin’s eyes narrowed, “Who is it?”

“This person must have a certain relationship with our Ziwei Sect and Tianya Sect.” Head Dog said: “He is here, and he has hidden his identity.”

“How to say?” Meng Xin asked in confusion.

“At the time, I felt it should be like this.

The original goal of this person was not Xi’s family.

Because of some special reasons, maybe the Xi family provoked him, or something else happened.

This person came directly to Xi’s house and started killing.

Since Xi’s family works for the Ziwei Gate, he asks for help.

But I didn’t expect that this person was sinister and cunning, beyond imagination, and made the guru who came to the rescue suffer.

It is very likely that it is because of this incident that the relationship between the Xi family and this family has been exposed.

So the man came all the way in and took away the ore from here.

As for why his goal is so clear–“

Speaking of this, the head dog paused and continued: “The patriarch of the Xi family was taken away by others, so the other party should have known this building from the other party’s memory.”

“That…” Meng Xin opened his mouth.

The head dog seemed to know what he was going to say, and responded directly: “As far as I know, the Xi family only does things for the family, but what exactly the family is going to do, it seems that no one has ever revealed it to the Xi family? “

“That’s it.” Meng Xin nodded.

“If this is the case, Master Meng can rest assured that the purpose of this sect’s arrangement here, that person will not know.” said the dog.

Hearing these words, Meng Xin’s hanging heart was relieved.

But his brows are not stretched out.

Because of this incident, knowing the reason and method of the other party’s arrival did not have much effect.

It’s best to be able to catch the opponent now, ask him if he is in the same party, and then kill them all together, in order to avoid future troubles.

It’s the same as before. There is no need for Meng Xin to speak. The head dog smiled and said, “Please rest assured, Master Meng. Although we still don’t know the identity and origin of this person, as long as we can catch this person , Won’t all problems be solved?”

Meng Xin’s eyes suddenly brightened: “You mean…”

The dog’s face suddenly turned straight, and he nodded and said: “Master Meng remember what I said before?”

Meng Xin thought about it for a moment, and suddenly understood.

But before he spoke, the head dog said: “Yes, it’s hard to escape with wings.”

This time, Meng Xin didn’t show any relief on his face.

His heart jumped suddenly because of the words said by the head dog at the moment.

If it’s only once, it might be accidental.

Two times, it can be said to be a coincidence.

So three times in a row, the other party seems to be able to see through his heart and know what he is thinking at the moment, it would be a little bit——

Thinking of this, Meng Xin couldn’t help but looked up at the dog.

At this moment, the head dog is ordering something to his subordinates, seeming to feel something, turning his head and looking at Meng Xin, with a smile.

Meng Xin’s scalp was numb, and all the hairs on his body stood up.

A chill oozes out of the bone marrow uncontrollably.

He can swear that this is the first time in his life that he feels this way when facing a monk whose realm is far lower than himself.

Even Meng Xin decided in his heart that he could stay away from the head dog in the future. No, it was any one of these six groups. As far as he could go.

At this time, Meng Xin was still feeling terrified. One of the head dog’s men had already taken out a flying sword according to his instructions and flew into the air.

This man was in mid-air, going up and down several times, sometimes with burning eyes, looking into the distance, sometimes closing his eyes, and sniffing hard in the wind with his nose, as if to breathe something special odor.

With these actions, the direction this subordinate is facing has gradually corrected.

From being aimless at the beginning, to gradually narrowing the scope, to the end, what he faced was already Chu Yan’s direction when he left.

On the ground, the head dog saw this scene and whispered something to another man next to him.

The other man immediately spread his hands out.

Suddenly, a ray of light appeared, and before the hand, it condensed into a light curtain.

Above the light curtain, the mountains and rivers are vividly visible. Obviously, this is an extremely detailed map.

And soon, there was a scene that shocked Meng Xin even more.

With the flick of the palm of his hand, the map on the light curtain can be continuously zoomed in and out.

When you zoom in, all plants and trees in the area displayed on the map can be clearly seen.

When it shrinks, the nearby mountains are trending, the rivers are flowing, and you can see it at a glance.

At this moment, the head dog looked at the monk in mid-air, and following the other’s gestures, he kept saying some numbers that Meng Xin couldn’t understand.

The man who showed the map quickly pointed on the map according to the numbers and directions spoken by the head dog.

Every time you click, a red dot will appear on the map.

In the beginning, it was just a few sporadic, incomprehensible red dots.

But after a while, as the red dots keep increasing, Meng Xin gradually sees the way.

These red dots are probably the direction that the monk left and the area where he is now!

“With this method, who can escape?” A layer of cold sweat oozes from behind Meng Xin, “And it’s impossible to prevent it. It’s me, and I would never think that someone would track it this way. “

After a while, the map marking was completed, and the monk who flew up in the air also fell down.

The head dog bowed his hand to Meng Xin: “Master Meng, after this person left Xi’s house, he went all the way to the southeast. During this period, he did not change his direction.

I doubt his final destination is in this direction.

Moreover, the speed at which this person leaves has also changed significantly.

When he was at Xi’s house, he used some kind of flying magic weapon.

It should be a treasure in the spirit boat now.

Don’t hesitate, I’m going to grab him now.

I think there may be other secrets in this person. “

At this time, facing the head dog, Meng Xin no longer dared to think about it.

What the other party said, he just nodded and said yes.

But when the head dog was about to leave, he hesitated for a while, and still said: “After this is done, do you want to report the alarm to the general?”

When talking about the shocking generals, Meng Xin’s waist couldn’t help stopping, and a touch of longing appeared in the depths of his eyes.

According to the classification of the Ziwei Clan disciples, if he only looks at the realm, Meng Xin only needs to take one step forward and be promoted to the third level of the Heavenly Mind Realm, then he is qualified to fight for the qualification of one of the eight war generals.

Although it is only a qualification, it is also a glory that people can look up to.

Meng Xin’s words are temptations.

The head dog didn’t turn his head back, and said directly: “The six-person team is only responsible for investigation and tracking. As for how to deal with people after they are caught, and what information they can get, they will be handed over to Master Meng at that time.”

Meng Xin stood there, after a long time, nodded, showing a satisfied look.

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