Overriding the Heaven Chapter 1255: City

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While speaking, the big bone fish has been forced in front of everyone.

At this moment, everyone can no longer see what the big fish looks like.

What you can see at this time is the endless stretches of ribs like a twisted passage in the void.

The ribs stretched forward and disappeared into the depths of darkness and chaos, and the breath of death was oncoming.

The golden light wrapped around Chu Yan and the others, making crackling noises constantly at this moment.

The appearance is as thin as hair, but densely packed with cracks.

The whole ball of light is shaky at this moment, as if the next moment, it will be completely broken.

“Hold on to the people around you!”

At the moment of his death, Chu Yan shouted violently.

At this time, there can be no more hesitation.

As soon as everyone grasped each other tightly, Chu Yan’s face turned pale in front of his eyes, spreading out his long-established formation.

“Ice Pattern Yin and Yang Formation!”


In an instant, with the formation in Chu Yan’s hand as the origin, an ice wall, thousands of blades high and wide, stretched out and blocked between them and the big fish.

Chu Yan didn’t know who was holding his arms at the moment, but he could clearly feel that both palms were shaking.

Just now, if even one-thousandth of the blink of an eye was at night, the ball of light that everyone was in would be swallowed by this big bone fish.

Although the ice wall is also snowy white, compared to the desperate whiteness brought by the lifeless bones of the big fish, it still makes people feel a lot more comfortable.

At this moment, the air also seems to freeze.

After a while, Furui poked out her head cautiously and asked softly: “Did you succeed?”

As soon as the voice fell, with a click, a huge crack suddenly appeared on the ice wall.

Everyone’s expressions suddenly changed.

And this crack, like a **** burst, tore the entire ice wall to the breaking point.

The figure of the big bone fish reappeared after a huge scattered ice cube.

Everyone took a breath.

They can all see that the formation that Chu Yan just inspired is definitely not the weak one.

I’m afraid that even if you are trapped in a heavenly state of mind, you won’t be able to break free so easily.

As soon as I thought of this, everyone had just calmed down a little, and once again they hung in their throats.

But at this moment, Chu Yan’s expression is still calm.

The formation map was inspired by him, so only Chu Yan himself understood that the purpose of the ice pattern yin and yang formation was not to completely block the bone fish.

The purpose of this formation is just to buy Chu Yan a few breaths!

From this point of view, the purpose of the ice pattern yin and yang formation has been achieved.

Just as the ice wall was completely shattered and the desperate figure of the big white bone fish appeared in the eyes of everyone again, a dazzling fire burst out of Chu Yan’s palm.

The flames expanded and stretched instantly.

At this moment, it was as if a scorching sun appeared in this dark chaos.

Another image that is enough to kill Tian’s state of mind was stimulated.

So far, all the high-level formations that Chu Yan prepared for the return of Yun Ao Jiang Nation have been consumed.

This time, instead of bursting in all directions, the fire burst out straight in one direction.

As for Chu Yan, the ball of light they were in was pierced by flames and melted into a big hole in an instant.

However, due to the terrifying impact of the formation, the ball of light they are on has also gained a great thrust. At this moment, it is like a meteor, shooting in the direction set by Chu Yan.

Behind Chu Yan, there were constant exclamations.

Although it was thrilling, with this rushing momentum, they once again opened a clear distance from the big bone fish.

Just before they had time to make everyone cheer, they found that the golden ball of light carrying them, with a click, was completely shattered.

Before the ball of light was hit by the big bone fish, the surface was covered with cracks, and it was on the verge of collapse.

Now it was directly melted into a big hole, and it was pushed forward at a high speed for dozens of miles. Suddenly, it could no longer bear it, and it exploded completely.

The people in the ball of light were suddenly thrown into this dark vortex.

In an instant, Chu Yan felt a cold chill, rushing towards him from all directions.

This feeling is like stuffing you into a wooden bucket full of ice water.

But before he got used to this feeling, a gust of force pulled him in one direction.

This force is huge, and it comes very suddenly.

Not only Chu Yan, but everyone around him couldn’t react.

Suddenly, everyone was dispersed.

At the same time as the exclamation came, everyone was thrown farther and farther.

Chu Yan only felt that the sky was spinning.

At this moment, he felt like he had fallen into a large spinning ball, surrounded by weirdness and noise, but he couldn’t see any picture clearly.

“No! They were all brought in by me. I must not let them have an accident!”

Chu Yan bit his tongue abruptly.

Through this stimulus, his brain is instantly clear.

Turning his head and looking around, Chu Yan saw that it was Uslanma who was holding his arm tightly at this moment.

However, Uslanma was just trying to support her, clenching her teeth tightly to keep her body from being thrown out.

The vigorous pull made her and Chu Yan look like two pieces of paper, and the connection between them could be torn off at any time.

Chu Yan slammed his arm, firmly grasped Uslanma’s arm, and then turned to look at the others.

At this moment, he saw that Lin Miaoran, Li Xiu, Su Yuqing and others had been swept away several miles away from him.

If this distance is on flat ground, for Chu Yan, there is no problem at all.

But at this moment, he was reluctant to stabilize himself and Uslanma’s figure, let alone care about others.

Fortunately, everyone was not dispersed.

They are divided into three parts.

Chu Yan and Uslanma are the fewest people.

Lin Miaoran was with Shen Qing, Su Jianyuan and others at this time.

Li Xiu, Su Yuqing and others were caught together.

At this time, everyone is as if they are really in the whirlpool of the sea, constantly spinning and falling down.

This process was surprisingly fast, almost when Chu Yan could see where the others were, suddenly, he felt his body empty.

When he lowered his head again, Chu Yan suddenly saw a scene that he will never forget.

A majestic and huge city appeared below him.

At this moment, everyone is like a meteor, falling towards the city.

Although the distance between them is only a few miles now, based on the angle of this fall, when they fall into the city, the distance between them is normal for hundreds of miles.

It’s impossible to gather everyone in this mid-air.

The only thing that is feasible is to wait until after falling into that city, before converging.

The thoughts turned sharply, and Chu Yan made a decision in an instant.

“Tang Tang!” Chu Yan shouted immediately.

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