Overriding the Heaven Chapter 1204: You exposed

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Chapter 1,204, you are exposed

As the ink in the eyeballs became more and more dense, the black chains also rose from Chu Yan’s feet.

These chains are bloodstained, and you can even see countless dead souls, roaring, roaring, and crying around them.

The ground under Chu Yan’s feet also began to melt, turning into billowing magma.

This scene is like purgatory, appearing in the world.

But at this moment, Chu Yan’s body suddenly trembled.

His brow furrowed slightly.

The darkness in the eyes also showed a hint of ripples.

The chains that had been lingering constantly, at this moment, it seemed as if they had lost control, they had become directionlessly dancing everywhere, even colliding and entangled.

“You are…struggling…”

“Aren’t you talking nonsense.”


“You actually played a sneak attack. It seems that the mood of the last few days has made you very nourishing.”

“I just…yes…try it…”

“Let’s lie to the ghost, it’s obviously the technique I just mastered, and it makes you feel threatened.”


“If you don’t speak, you just acquiesced, but do you think you will succeed in this way?”

The two tones were alternated from Chu Yan’s mouth at this time.

If there are other people present at this time, you will definitely be surprised to see this scene.

A person talking to himself, being able to speak in two tones and two tones, is also considered a miracle.

The dark chain, like a poisonous snake, struggled for a while, then crashed to the ground again.

The magma on the ground also stretches and shrinks at this moment, and the area is sometimes large and sometimes small, enough to entangle people to death: whether you want to become bigger or smaller.

Finally, after two full hours, the black in Chu Yan’s eyes gradually receded.

The skin that had been dry and shriveled on the arm has also regained its elasticity and moisture.

The scary nails that grew out of the fingertips also slowly retracted and disappeared.

As everything returned to normal, Chu Yan suddenly turned pale, clutching his chest, and knelt to the ground on one knee.

He was gasping for breath, sweat gushing out without warning, and instantly turned into a stream, soaking the ground soaked.

After a while, Chu Yan’s expression gradually returned to normal.

He sits on the ground, his eyes deep.

Raised his left hand and looked at the buckle that did not appear in his palm at the moment.

“It seems that in a short time, you can’t use this.” Chu Yan murmured.

This time the other party’s sudden attack is a dangerous signal.

Chu Yan has been carefully dealing with the one behind the gate of hell.

That person is really strong, so strong that even if he occupies Chu Yan’s body, he can rub dozens of heavenly states of mind on the ground at will.

So Chu Yan must always pay attention to the other party’s changes, and can’t let the other party recover enough to take the initiative to occupy his body.

But recently, various sudden changes have disrupted Chu Yan’s plan.

Several times of tonic, obviously made the person behind the gate of **** more confident that he could take away Chu Yan’s body.

Fortunately, this time, Chu Yan didn’t let the opponent succeed after a fight.

But what if next time?

Chu Yan didn’t dare to gamble.

In fact, after receiving this exercise from Kongxian this time, Chu Yan has also thought about it carefully. Using this exercise to deal with the general state of mind by himself shouldn’t be a big problem.

So he originally planned to use the gates of **** less in the future.

Now it seems that this thought of myself made the person behind the gate of **** feel scared.

The other party was worried that there would be no chance of tonic in the future, so he took the risk this time.

“Oh, you used to be scared.” Chu Yan looked at his palm and sneered.

The slightest response was not received—this was also Chu Yan’s expectation.

However, Chu Yan didn’t care if the other party was asleep, or deliberately didn’t speak.

“There is no next time.” Chu Yan said lightly.

“To be precise, there is no next time that belongs to you.

You know, this time you made a fatal mistake in your shot. “

A cold look appeared in Chu Yan’s eyes.

“You let me find a way to deal with you, and more importantly, I know that my previous worries are unnecessary.

Of course, your strength is very strong, but the premise is that you have to take control of my body, so that you can exert the strength to crush the heavens.

But when you don’t have a physical body, that is, in my body, your strength is actually weaker than I am now. “

“Heh…heh…you are happy…just so…”

It seems that because of Chu Yan’s depreciation, the one behind the gate of **** was unhappy, so he responded.

But Chu Yan didn’t care what the other party said.

The other party’s opening at this moment has confirmed that his guess is correct.

“You are only weaker than me now.

But I’m not sure, the reason why you are weaker than me, is it because your consciousness came out of the gates of hell.

If it is, then you should be thankful that I haven’t confirmed it yet.

And if not, the real situation is that if you are weaker than me without a body, then you are done.

As long as I confirm, I will immediately strangle you in my consciousness.

You took the initiative this time, but you made a huge mistake. “His Royal Highness Chu sneered.

“You are happy…just fine…” The other party still repeated the previous words.

“Yeah, I am really happy now.

Because of the knot that has troubled me for a long time, this time I finally found a way to deal with it.

Do you know that because of your existence, I have been incomprehensible for a long time.

Failure to understand your thoughts will affect your cultivation.

Just kill you now, I think I will make another leap. “

“You are happy…”

“Well, I don’t want to waste saliva with you anymore. In short, remember that this opportunity is exposed by yourself. You can wait for my counterattack.” Chu Yan raised a finger. , “Remember, I am different from you. Once I make a move, I will never fail.”

After speaking, Chu Yan stood up.

With a smile on his face, he stepped out of the Guixu Tower.

Outside the Guixu Tower, in the courtyard, Xiaotangtang seemed to be tired from flying, and was lying on the ground to rest.

When Chu Yan came out, it stepped over and rubbed against Chu Yan affectionately.

It didn’t know what happened in the time-space cage before, but it felt that something was wrong there, relying on the instinct of the monster beast.

Now seeing Chu Yan come out, it still feels familiar, so Tangtang’s heart is relieved.

Chu Yan held Tangtang and stroked the other’s head with his hand, a thoughtful look appeared in his eyes.

This day is the first day of September.

At noon that day, an unexpected visitor arrived at the Qingqiu Gate of the Middle Tang Dynasty.

Accurately speaking, the arrival of this person was as early as expected by the head of Qingqiu Sect and others.

I just didn’t expect this one to come so quickly.

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