Overriding the Heaven Chapter 1123: Go straight over

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The first thousand one hundred and twenty-three chapters walked directly over

The road ahead is dangerous.

Furthermore, Chu Yan can feel that this seemingly flat and safe avenue, the hidden dangers in it, may be better than all that I have experienced in the past.

But any problem has a solution.

“Since that treasure was prepared by Chu Xing himself, for him, he should have the ability to go through here.”

Chu Yan’s brains are running fast at this moment, speculating.

A large amount of information is constantly analyzed and filtered in his mind.

“Chu Xing’s body is bound to be far less condensed than mine, so it is absolutely impossible for him to rush from here.”

Thinking of this, Chu Yan’s eyes condensed, and he looked around.

The entire ring, to be precise, is a huge ice cave, smooth and clear, and the surface is covered with white snow. At this moment, under the refraction of sunlight, it glows with a pure silver luster.

Observing carefully for a moment, Chu Yan found a clue.

On this seemingly smooth surface of ice and snow, there are some very shallow traces.

The traces are twisted and twisted, like a complicated line, going up and down in this ice cave, after winding a large circle, to the end of the ice cave.

It looks like a guiding line, as long as you follow this line, you can walk the whole distance.

But this line is too complicated and has a very large span. One section of it starts from the ground, clings to the smooth snow wall around it, winding upwards, and then stretches and twists on the top of the ice cave. .

This is not so much a trace, as it is—the crawling track of a snake.

Chu Yan knelt down, slowly rubbing his fingertips on the traces in front of him.

The trace itself is very shallow, but when the fingertips lightly slide over it, you can still feel a slight roughness.

This feeling is like this trace, densely covered with very small scales, which can even be said to be invisible to the naked eye.

“Sure enough.”

Chu Yan got up, he already understood what was going on.

His eyes are deep, looking towards the end of the ice cave.

“On this road, as expected, only Chu Xing can walk, because only he can become a demon python and swim along this track with the animal body.”

In Chu Yan’s mind, at this moment, he can even simulate the form of Chu Xing swimming in the body of a snake.

“Go forward from here, then circle around, go up along the side wall, and then close to the dome, swimming slowly—”

“This is not only a reward for Chu Xing to be able to complete the road of Zhanling and enter the Tianya Sect, but also a test for him.”

“From what Chu Xing said before, it seems that my speculation is not wrong. This treasure map was given to him by the Ziwei Gate.

But if the treasure map was handed to him by the Emperor Taiqing in Chu Xing’s mouth, I don’t know.

Since that is said, as long as Chu Xing can obtain the final treasure, it also means that he has passed the assessment of Ziwei Gate.

Then he can also enter the Ziwei Gate. “

At this moment, many pieces of information that had previously appeared to be chaotic in Chu Yan’s mind, all came together to form a whole, handed over from end to end, and they all made sense.


Chu Yan slowly uttered three words.

Some time ago, although he had learned a lot of information in the Tianya Sect, he still didn’t understand the Ziwei Sect in detail.

It’s not that Chu Yan didn’t want to go, but that he prevented himself from acting too eagerly and arousing the suspicion of interested people.

And judging from the performance of the Tianyazong disciples, although the Ziwei Gate is very famous, it is not accessible to ordinary disciples.

The expressions on the faces of those disciples who mentioned the Ziwei Gate when they said these three words were full of piety, respect and yearning.

But the specific details, they don’t seem to be very clear.

So in Chu Yan’s plan, he intends to gradually understand this organization formed by the disciples of Tianya Sect as time goes on.

Looking at the ice cave in front of him, Chu Yan thought in his heart: “Since the treasure here was prepared by the Ziwei Gate for Chu Xing, now that the news of Chu Xing’s death is confirmed, the Ziwei Gate should be very Take away the treasures here soon.

But from now on, the wind and ice are still there, which means that the treasure is there for the time being.

But if it takes a little longer, it won’t be easy to say. “

Chu Yan looked ahead.

The way that Chu Xing can walk, he can’t walk, because he is not a half-man and half-beast monster.

“But this doesn’t mean I can’t help it.”

The corners of Chu Yan’s mouth curled up, and he stepped straight forward.

Since there is no shortcut, use the simplest method to force it through.

It’s like if you don’t know how to break the formation, then hit the formation, or the person who broke the formation.

When the first step was taken, a blue light appeared on the surface of Chu Yan’s body.

The Yunshui Mantle was aroused, covering Chu Yan’s whole body.

When I stepped out in the second step, a ghost of armor appeared in the water cover.

This is a projection that can provide defense after Chu Yan killed Xiao Taijin a long time ago and used all his sharp weapons to fuse them.

Although it is only an image, its power is comparable to a low-level magic weapon.

When the third step was taken, a faint lustre appeared on Chu Yan’s body.

The third stage of the Starlight Domination Body-the Diamond Body.

At the same time, the blood in Chu Yan’s body also surged crazily.

Soon, he walked to the snow-covered area.

In the air, there is only a slight air current.

Chu Yan kept walking and continued to move forward.

This ice cave is about exactly one hundred feet away. After walking this one hundred feet, you can come to the place where the treasure is placed.

Soon, Chu Yan felt that the airflow around him began to become rapid.

You can even see with the naked eye, the air current is like a blade, wiping it quickly.

It didn’t take long before the first layer of defensive water cover built by Chu Yan began to fluctuate.

The air currents, like clusters of arrows shot from the sky, hit the water cover, and the surface of the water cover swayed like water waves, and at the same time it made a midsummer rainstorm, and the rain crackled like plantains.

When I reached the twentieth meter, the bursting air blast exploded Yunshuishi’s defenses with a bang.

The blue light exploded all at once, tearing scattered traces on the ground.

The denser air current shot in anger at this moment, and Chu Yan’s ears were full of ear-piercing blasts of torn void.

A stream of air flow hit the defensive projection.

The eye-catching sparks bloomed all over Chu Yan in an instant.

At first glance, Chu Yan seemed to be a burning man. At the first glance, his eyes would be sore and sting.

When I reached the fortieth meter, with a bang, the defensive shadow exploded.

The tumbling airflow instantly formed a high pressure, which forced the space around Chu Yan’s body into a depression.

Chu Yan walked through it, and all of a sudden, it formed a trajectory out of thin air, and the airflow from the shot was instantly absorbed and twisted to pieces.

But in the depression of this space, there are only two breaths.

Without the water cover and the defensive projection, suddenly, a denser air current shot towards Chu Yan himself.

Furthermore, as it continued to deepen, the snow on the ground was about to move at this moment.

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