Overlord, Love Me Tender Chapter 709: Fight, take it seriously

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The students onlookers exclaimed.

I wanted to stop Long Yunzhan, but when I saw the face covered with frost, no one dared to speak.

Looking at the ground splashing with gravel and the ground shattering into slag, the students’ hearts were pumped.

Sir, will you be too serious about this battle?

This is our training venue!

In such a fierce battle, the field is broken so hard, how will they train in the future?

Long Yunzhan’s fierce attack caused Emperor Mo Xuan’s eyebrows to rise slightly: “Squad leader seems to have a deep hatred with me?”

“Qing Luo didn’t mean to use all his strength.” Long Yunzhan said coldly.

The first move failed, Long Yunzhan tightened and moved his palms, his profound energy burst out, his five fingers turned into eagle claws, and he attacked Emperor Moxuan’s neck again.

“The squad leader understood what Ye Qingluo said.” Di Moxuan’s long and narrow peach eyes, outlined in a curved arc, became more and more wicked.

He popped out his fingers, and his fingertips easily clasped Long Yunzhan’s fingers.

Immediately, with a slight pressure on his fingertips, he clasped Long Yunzhan’s arm, flipped it gently, and turned Long Yunzhan over and pressed his arm.

“Your squad leader has set a very good example for you. When fighting, no matter who the other party says, don’t fight as just a contest, but use your own toughest tricks.”

“You can treat your opponents as your opponents who kill your father, or the person you hate the most.”

The students were shocked.

Obviously, Long Yunzhan is not Master Mo Zun’s opponent.

Master Mo Zun didn’t use all his strength at all, so he could easily subdue Long Yunzhan.

Moreover, I can take this opportunity to give them guidance happily and easily!

The students would never think that the strength of their own class leader has regressed.

On the contrary, they believe very much in the strength of their squad leader.

This can only prove one thing.

The strength of Master Mo Zun is very powerful!

No wonder you can become one of the top ten elders of the General Hospital and the best among elders!

It’s no wonder that Master Qingluo would say that being able to fight against such a powerful person, saying that the blessings they have cultivated in the past life are simply their honor!

While speaking, Long Yunzhan, who was originally buckled in Di Moxuan’s hands, flew over his sleeves and saw flashes of light.

Long Yunzhan flipped his wrist lightly, and at some point he held a dagger in his hand.

Long Yunzhan’s reaction was extremely quick.

After breaking free from Emperor Moxuan, he turned over and thrust the dagger in his hand directly towards Emperor Moxuan’s chest.

Seeing, this dagger is about to touch Di Mo Xuan…

I saw that white figure quickly backed away and disappeared into everyone’s sight in the blink of an eye.

The students stared at their pupils in disbelief. When they looked around to search for the figure of Emperor Mo Xuan, they saw that Emperor Mo Xuan appeared behind Long Yunzhan.

The white robe is like jade, hunting under the strong wind.

The ink is flying, and the handsome and evil face is like a god.

Long Yunzhan quickly rolled forward on the spot, avoiding Emperor Moxuan’s attack range, and immediately attacked Emperor Moxuan again with a dagger in his hand.

His attack was uninterrupted.

And getting stronger, faster and faster.

I don’t know whether Long Yunzhan was aroused by fighting spirit and his attack became swift, or Emperor Moxuan deliberately released the water.

The two actually fought each other for a full half an hour, and there was no victory or defeat.

The rhythm is as good as ever.

Two of them, no one has the upper hand.

This battle reminded everyone of the battle between Ye Qingluo and the two instructors some time ago.

“Qingluo, when are these two people going to fight?” Yan Xiaoyi leaned to Ye Qingluo’s ear, looking at the terrible battlefield that had been tortured by the two in the battle, very distressed, “Let’s It takes a full month to build a training ground! A month!”

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