Overlord, Love Me Tender Chapter 608: Come on, fight!

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“Yin Boy!”

Ye Qingluo let out a coquettish scolding, and stepped into the air. The strong air current released under her feet continued to spread.

She stared at the Yin Tongzi with a cold chill in her charming eyes, and screamed: “Come on, fight!”

When the words are over, her whole person is like an arrow from the string, flying up into the sky.


Yin Tongzi showed fierce light, staring at this bold human who dared to pierce his eyes.

The other eye, still intact, was filled with scarlet murderous intent.

Ye Qingluo sneered, squeezed the feather fan, and launched an attack.

The lingering profound energy of the feather fan and the violent whirlwind are not the same level as before.

Especially the flexible silver wire, which is overwhelming and winding, and there is nowhere to hide.

After wave after wave of attacks, Ye Qingluo has become more and more courageous.

Yin Tongzi kept howling, avoiding Ye Qingluo’s attack.

But now the night is clearing down, the speed is faster than before.

Yin Tongzi couldn’t react at all, but for a moment, his body was covered with wounds of all sizes.

There was some flesh and blood, and blood came out directly.

The painful yin boy howled even more terribly.

Under the leadership of Long Yunzhan, there are still more than 20 monsters killed.

These monsters face such a fast team, how can they follow the Yin Tongzi howl.

Even if they can howl, there are only two dozen of them left, and they can’t cause the shock as before.

At this time, the night is clear, and the body is light, like a feather.

She felt her breathing became smoother, her body became lighter and lighter, and the speed under her feet became faster.

Even if she doesn’t use her footwork, the speed at this time, most people will never catch up.

My body has changed a lot!

After being promoted, not only her Profound Rank has improved, but her overall strength and physical fitness have also been improved!

She didn’t feel the slightest discomfort in her body and mind at all!

Even the internal organs that were shook by the howls of all the beasts have been repaired intact.

“Hoho–” Stupid humans! A group of despicable humans!

The yin boy howled and yelled, the child’s facial features on his face were already tightly curled together.

Its thick arms, constantly waving, flapping around.

Ye Qingluo avoided dexterously, tapped his toes, and surrounded it, the silver thread shot by the feather fan trapped it in it.

Suddenly, Yin Tongzi’s dancing hands stretched out, and a roar rang out, even after seeing his mouth, he spit out a huge ball of light.

The ball of light is the size of a yin boy’s head, which is equivalent to… the size of a huge boulder large enough to hold three adults.

Come straight in the direction of Ye Qingluo.

“Be careful, clear!”

Those onlookers made their hearts tremble with fright.

One by one, they reminded me, my heart hung in my throat and eyes.

Ye Qingluo is silly, Ye Qingluo is dumbfounded, Ye Qingluo is full of slumber.

Assi! What kind of trick is this special meow!

You can even spray a ball of light from your mouth!

Is it a monster or a little monster!

Ye Qingluo’s figure shook quickly, and while avoiding the ball of light, he couldn’t help yelling: “Take someone to evacuate quickly! The attack range of the ball of light of Yin Tongzi is very far!”

She can avoid the attacks of the yin boy.

It doesn’t mean that the brothers behind you can avoid it.

Under the anger of the yin boy, the ball of light released from his mouth was enough to sweep the forest.

Long Yunzhan and others responded quickly and immediately took everyone to evacuate.

Those monsters are chasing after them, and Long Yunzhan and others are too lazy to pay attention.

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