Overlord, Love Me Tender Chapter 4540:

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A person who is totally despised.

Now, actually wanting them and begging him for mercy?

Even though he was cold, he clearly felt murderous in the surroundings.

None of them could persuade themselves to speak up.

The other side.

Qiao Jin looked sideways, and glanced at the face of Qingcheng that was close at hand.

The girl’s hand was placed on his shoulder very casually.

There is also a playful arc at the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, the question she just asked was to increase the volume on purpose.

Intentionally, to stir up panic in the Huangfu family.

Qiao Jin just glanced at it, then took a step back.

I opened the distance between myself and Ye Qingluo.

He raised his hand and patted his shoulder. With his deep eyes, he glanced at the huge nine-tailed fox standing in the sky.

“I still want to live longer, talk as soon as I speak, don’t move my hands.”

The moment Qingluo’s arm came up that night.

Qiao Jin felt that his back was about to be pierced into a hornet’s nest by a certain emotion.

The emperor is still aside.

Does Ye Qingluo want him to die?

Ye Qingluo waved his hand with a smile: “At most, he just stares at you with his eyes, but he dare not really do anything to you.”

Qiao Jin said that he could feel death beckoning him just by staring at him?

The two are still chatting with no one else.

This is simply defying the people around you into scum!

The complexions of Huangfu’s three brothers and sisters became increasingly ugly.

Finally unbearable, Huangfu Fengyan clenched his five fingers, staring at Ye Qingluo’s eyes, a bit of resentment: “Huangfu Jin, moved us…you should know the consequences!”

Qiao Jin and Ye Qingluo are talking.

The sound stopped abruptly.

He looked at Huangfu Fengyan.

The ordinary and unremarkable face, under the eyes bursting with the coldness of Ling Xian, turned out to be a little strange and weird.

Huangfu Fengyan’s face paled in shock, but he insisted on continuing: “We can’t move the old man, but…you mother, we can still move! If you don’t persuade Ye Qingluo… as long as We have an accident, we are still on your mother a hundred times!”

“You can give it a try and see how long the old man can protect your mother!”

Following Huangfu Fengyan, words came out of his mouth every word.

The air around Qiao Jin seemed to be condensed with frost.

The emotion in his eyes is dark.

It’s like a whirlpool, raging under the eyes, as if to swallow everything.

This is the first time Ye Qingluo has seen such a big mood swing in Qiao Jin.

“What are you staring at? Huangfu Jin, you are an ominous person, and you are an idiot! You…”


Suddenly, a crisp applause resounded.

The slap was so crisp that it spread almost throughout the space.

“Huangfu Fengyan, his mouth is so dirty, do you want me to wash it for you?!”

A woman in an aqua blue dress appeared.

The woman holds a sickle like a crescent with a black streamer in both hands.

“Xiao Yi…”

When Qiao Jin saw the incoming person, the cold expression on his face suddenly disappeared.

The people here are Yan Xiaoyi and Gu Zixi who finally caught up with Ye Qingluo.

Yan Xiaoyi strode to Qiao Jin’s side, blocking him behind.

Immediately, he thrust the black sickle blade into the ground and looked at Huangfu Fengyan with a sneer: “Try another curse, and cut your tongue in minutes!”

With that slap, half of Huangfu Fengyan’s ears were buzzing.

The tingling pain made her almost unable to speak anymore.

As soon as it moves, it affects the muscles.

The pain is so heartbreaking!

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