Overlord, Love Me Tender Chapter 3848: Fuck again!

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Di Mo Xuan glanced at him coolly.

Thin lips are frivolous, with a non-smiling smile: “If you have that kind of thought, do you think you can live till now?”

The cold look in his eyes made Pei Sheng couldn’t help shrinking back, with a look of horror.


He was so wronged that he wanted to cry, okay? !

The person who paired him with Ye Qingluo is the old man.

What does it have to do with him? 1

He was shot while lying down too!

Di Moxuan withdrew his gaze, when his gaze fell on Ye Qingluo.

The light between his eyes became gentle and pampered.

Ye Qingluo, who was taken into the arms of the man, wrapped his hands around the man’s waist and abdomen naturally, then raised his head and looked at Di Moxuan: “Are you tired? Is there any injury?”

“Not tired.” Di Moxuan leaned over, dropped a kiss on her forehead, and said warmly, “Don’t worry, nothing can hurt me in this realm.”

Seeing that his face is indeed not uncomfortable, Ye Qingluo sullen his face, hooked his finger, and pinched his waist and abdomen hard: “It makes you not have a good rest, while I sleep After finishing, you still do other things behind my back! Can’t you take a good rest?”

Know that I love her and take care of her body.

Why don’t I know, I feel sorry for myself, take care of myself.

Listening to the girl’s worries, Di Mo Xuan’s eyebrows flicked a faint smile.

As he bowed his head and approached the girl’s face.

The black eyes, like obsidian, gradually dyed a dark and deep luster.

It seems like…

There is a certain kind of affection that needs harmony.

He sticks to her ear, his voice is very hoarse, with an obvious meaning: “How can I rest well, you know.”

Ye Qingluo: “…”

The face is black!

Nima, she doesn’t understand! I don’t want to understand either!

Ye Qing gave him a blank look and raised his hand to push away the man’s broad and sturdy body: “Get out!”

The interaction between the two.

In the eyes of everyone, it is called a sweet tooth sour!

Especially when he watched Ye Qingluo unscrupulously pushed Di Mo Xuan away, and arrogantly let Di Mo Xuan “roll”.

They were all stunned.

I’m afraid…

Is the first person who dare to let the Lord Emperor go away?

Look at the greasy smile of Lord Emperor Emperor, and his tenderness with Xianlian.


The emperor can be so bold and unscrupulous, it is all the spoiled of the emperor.

The profound practitioners of the major forces once again deeply felt it.

The love lingering between Lord Emperor and Mrs. Emperor.

The profound practitioners already knew this.


It is only now that Huangfu Zhentian seems to understand something.

His whole person is dumbfounded.

I opened my eyes wide, staring at the two embracing people in shock.

Emperor, Lord Emperor and Ye Qingluo…

The two of them…

Huangfu Zhentian couldn’t believe his eyes.

Immediately turned his head and stared at the three people behind him.

The three of the Huangfu family were pale, and their bodies were trembling slightly.

When I met Huangfu Zhentian’s gaze.

The three of them subconsciously looked away.

Huangfu Zhentian immediately understood: “The three of you…have already known it?!”

Huangfu Fengyan bit her lower lip and whispered: “Grandpa, we want to tell you…but…but you didn’t give us a chance to speak…”

Every time they speak.

I was blocked by Huangfu Zhentian.

What can they do? They are also desperate!

“You…you guys! Useless guys!” Huangfu Zhentian’s old face was red with anger, and his white eyebrows and white beard were blown straight up.

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