Overlord, Love Me Tender Chapter 3839:

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It seems…

Mo Yueying will become like a puppet without a soul.

There is definitely a reason.

Moreover, this reason may be related to Mo Yueying’s memory confusion.

“If you want to clarify the relationship between yourself and Yinyan, after you return to the realm of Nirvana, you can go to Teacher Guiyou and ask what he should know.” Ye Qingluo handed over this option Gave it to herself.

Mo Yueying didn’t answer, she just opened those godless eyes and didn’t know what she was thinking.

At this moment.

The butler of Qiao’s family came to invite Ye Qingluo and his party to have a meal in the main hall.

This is the site of the Qiao family.

The news of her waking up, and the news of Qiao Yinyan walking out of the yard, must have reached Patriarch Qiao’s ears soon.

The movement of Patriarch Qiao is quite fast.

Ye Qingluo thought about it, and accepted the invitation.

Waiting for Di Moxuan’s return here, she will also be wildly thinking and restless.

Go to the main hall to be more lively and distract some attention.

Anyway, waiting for Emperor Moxuan to come back, just grab someone and ask, you can know where he is.

A group of people followed the housekeeper to the main hall of Qiao’s house.

Sure enough, as Ye Qing had expected.

A small banquet was set up in the main hall of the Qiao family.

The long tables on the left and right sides are full of guests.

Ye Qingluo took a visual inspection.

There are about forty people.

When I saw Ye Qingluo and his party coming over.

Those people immediately stood up, smiling, and bowed their hands to them respectfully and politely.

“Mrs. Emperor.”

“Mrs. Emperor.”

“Mrs. Emperor.”

Various voices kindly call Ye Qingluo.

The smile on the face, the respect of the tone.

All with a hint of flattery that is not easily detectable.

Patriarch Qiao greeted him immediately: “Yegu, Madam Di, come here, please here, please here.”

Ye Qingluo glanced around.

In the main hall, there is a rectangular table.

Counted the seats.

It happens to be the location of their group.

Ye Qingluo was not polite with them, went straight to the main seat, and sat down one by one.

“Hey…what kind of battle is this?” Zou Mo whispered.

Ye Qingluo glanced at Zou Mo, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: “These people are people from all major forces in the earth.”

Just looked around.

There were quite a few familiar faces.

All the profound practitioners who survived the auction meeting.

From when Patriarch Qiao asked the butler to invite them.

Ye Qingluo can probably guess that the purpose of the invitation may be to discuss the auction meeting.

It’s just…

Inviting so many people was beyond her expectation.

“Mrs. Emperor, you are good at advocating, let these friends in, and I apologize.” Patriarch Qiao changed his violent temper before, and appeared very calm.

But the look in Ye Qingluo’s eyes betrayed his inner drama at this time.

The look in Patriarch Qiao’s eyes stared at her was fiery.

From time to time, I glanced at my son who was sitting quietly beside me.

Obviously, he hasn’t given up yet, the idea of ​​aligning her with Qiao Yinyan.

Ye Qingluo glanced at Mo Yueying, then laughed again, and shook his head: “This is the Qiao Mansion. Who is the main reception of the Qiao Family? It is Patriarch Qiao’s right.”

Patriarch Qiao’s smile froze.

The profound practitioners of the major forces also had their smiles frozen on their faces.

They came to Qiao’s Mansion, and their intentions were already obvious!

Is Ye Qingluo pretending not to understand, or is he really not understanding?

In the main hall, the atmosphere froze for a while.

Patriarch Qiao coughed lightly, and immediately said with a round smile: “All the friends who were here are to thank Lord Emperor, Mrs. Emperor, and a group of your brothers for their efforts at the auction and saved everyone. Life.”

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