Overgeared Chapter 840:

Chapter 840

[You have suffered catastrophic damage!]

[A legend doesn’t die easily . You can resist all attacks for 5 seconds with a minimum of health . ]



In the collapsed wreckage of the castle, Yura’s head was dizzy as she barely escaped from the pile of rocks .  Why was Grid in a place like this? Why did he attack her? Furthermore, she was driven to death with ‘one blow’? She had never imagined this situation .  It was difficult to make a reasonable judgment due to the confusion that surged in like a tsunami .  Her willpower was scattered . She didn’t know what she was doing, what situation she was in, and what she had to do .

‘No . ’ Yura gritted her teeth and regained her composure .  Grid didn’t have a reason to visit **** at the present time . The opponent who attacked her couldn’t be Grid .

That’s right .

‘This person isn’t Grid . ’

Her confusion was settled .  Yura moved through the remnants of the castle . Then she confronted the mysterious person who had driven her to death in a single blow .

“Grid . . . ” Yura’s eyes widened as she confirmed the name of the mysterious person .  The name ‘Grid’ was present on top of the person who looked like Grid . However, the golden shining name made him clearly different from Grid .  He had the symbol of a named NPC .

“What is this?”

Why did a named NPC version of Grid exist, and why was he located in hell? In the midst of her growing confusion, Yura made several hypotheses .

‘Is it Yatan black magic?’ Were they trying to assassinate her for betraying the church? ‘Perhaps there is a demonkin that can copy people’s appearances . . . ’

In any case, he was an enemy .  Yura drank a potion and aimed her gun at Grid’s head .

“Question,” the demonkin who borrowed Grid’s appearance spoke in a voice that also resembled Grid’s, “Are you human? Are you the same creature as Grid?”

“ . . . !” The demonkin’s question was enough to increase Yura’s confusion . ‘Do you know Grid?’

Then demonkin’s questions continued . “Surprise . It is the first time I’ve seen a human here . ”

“ . . . ”

“Question . Can Grid come here?”

He knew about Grid and was obsessed with Grid? Yura heard the question and asked, “Are you looking for someone called Grid?”

“Answer . That’s right . ”

“What is your relationship with him?”

“Answer . There is no relationship . ”

“Then why are you looking for him?”

“Answer . I have to kill him . ”


“Answer . I was born for the sake of killing Grid . ”

“You . . . Who are you?”

“Subtle . Grid?”

“ . . . ” Yura’s hair started rising . She felt an extreme fear despite the man in front of her having the same appearance, voice, and name as Grid .  However, she wasn’t afraid of him because he was strong . This was a more primitive type of fear .  The man cocked his head . “Question . Does our conversation mean anything?”

“ . . . ” Yura stepped back . This wasn’t an unidentified monster whose ego was incomplete but a bomb that she couldn’t deal with .  So, she turned around and ran away .

“Pagma’s Swordsmanship, Flower . ” Dozens of energy blades reminiscent of a flower blooming appeared .

“ . . . !!” Yura’s vision flashed red . Once again, the blow dealt her a serious injury . Fortunately, her health was still in the unit of 10s . She escaped from the ruins without looking back .  However, the man in the hall didn’t chase after her .  Instead, he returned his rusted sword to its sheath and muttered, “Difficult . Need to find a new home . . . ”

Who was he? He had never thought about it .  He only knew that he had to kill Grid .




“I will make it so that the gangster can’t **** anymore! Funny, how funny! How are the other rankers so incompetent that they are pushed by that fool?”

There was a small city with a population of 30,000 at the eastern end of the Gauss Kingdom—Penan . It was a city that Merchant King Kir had bought for a large sum of 20 million gold . He had paid 10 billion won in cash, but he hadn’t thought it was a waste of money .

If he developed the city as planned, he would be able to withdraw his investment in seven years of game time and turn it into a surplus . Yet it was all wasted now because of Grid .  The first large-scale project that would’ve been a stepping stone for profit had failed due to Grid’s interference . This morning, he lost more money than what his city was worth .

Kir resented Grid’s ‘ignorance’ more than his ‘evil . ’

“Stupid bastard! Doesn’t he know that joining hands with me will result in a huge profit for him? Why did he have to make me so tired by becoming my enemy?”

It was always like this .  Low intelligence caused disgust to form inside him . In short, Grid was a lump of cancer .  Reminded of Grid, Kir was feeling resentful and irritated when he received good news .

“Earl Taru has promised to support with his troops . ”

“Okay . It is natural . ” Originally, Penan had been one of Earl Taru’s countless cities . The amount of money Kir had given Earl Taru in the process of purchasing Penan was significant .  “How much money did I give him? He can’t refuse my request if he has a conscience . ”

Kir was in a dangerous condition because he had lost many troops and three knights to Grid . His top priority was securing as many troops as possible . He had to expand his business quickly to recover the lost money, but this required force .  As soon as he resurrected, he had contacted Immortal in order to secure some military strength .

“I didn’t think we would meet this way . ” The door opened and a white-haired man appeared . The man who shook hands with Kir was Veradin .

Merchant King Kir smiled brightly and grabbed Veradin’s hand with both hands . “Thank you for accepting the invitation . ”

“I am the one who should be thankful . ” 

Immortal had lost their place due to the Overgeared Kingdom’s killing order . It was hard to find a safe place to go since they were always chased by players .  Then they received an invitation from Merchant King Kir . It was a proposal to stay in Kir’s city .

Veradin faced Kir and smiled .  “Were you hit by Grid?”

“ . . . What?” Kir hadn’t said anything about what he’d gone through and why he had called Immortal .  So why did Grid’s name pop up randomly?

Veradin shrugged at the confused Kir . “Aren’t you famous for always putting your best interests first? If you were in a normal situation, you wouldn’t go against Grid by inviting us . ”

Yes, Kir wouldn’t do anything against Grid unless he was an idiot . That’s why Veradin guessed that Kir had already been hit by Grid . Kir sighed deeply .  “Well . . . I didn’t intend to hide it . Your guess is right . I was hit by that **** Grid and have a debt to repay . ”

Veradin’s eyes shone . “Interesting . Why don’t you tell me more?”

“The beginning started with . . . ” 

Kir needed Immortal’s cooperation and was obliged to make them a perfect ally . So, he explained in detail about what happened to him . However, he reduced the amount of damage he’d suffered and hid his relationship with the Yatan Church . Then the lengthy explanation ended .

“Yes . You went through a lot of trouble . You also suffered damage from the villain called Grid . Okay . Immortal will stay here and help you . Victims should help each other . Otherwise, who will help us?” Veradin gave Kir a satisfactory answer .  “We will make this place our base and reserve our strength . Immortal will do our best to carry out your instructions . ”

“Good . I will also support Immortal by providing items . By the way . . . what about Agnus?”

In fact, it was because of Agnus that Kir first thought about Immortal . The world message which spoke about Agnus becoming a legend gave Kir hope . He assumed that it would be easier to get revenge on Grid if he had Agnus .  However, he couldn’t see Agnus here at all . He was feeling troubled by how Veradin responded like it was nothing, “Isn’t Agnus famous? At this moment, he is freely wandering the continent and enjoying the moment . ”

“What about the kill order?”

“What is the use of a kill order against him? Who would dare to hurt Agnus apart from Grid directly?”

“Haha! I see . ”

“Yes, don’t worry . Agnus will arrive after we deal with the miscellaneous matters . ”

That was a lie . Veradin had lost Agnus’ trust due to the Reinhardt invasion, so Agnus’ attitude was now very different from the past . He didn’t leave any tasks to Veradin and completely neglected Immortal . However, Veradin couldn’t reveal this fact . It was obvious that Immortal would be nothing without Agnus . Additionally, he believed that Agnus would find him again someday .

“Shall we talk about future plans?”

“First of all, I will raise money . I will gather money from all types of commercial areas, regardless of means and methods . I will then develop talent and weapons . ”

“Is this to defend yourself against Grid?”

“That isn’t enough . I must take everything away from Grid . ”

“Haha! It is a great mindset . Okay . Let’s join forces to flatten Grid . ”

“Is it enough to flatten Grid? We will destroy everything .  Hahaha!”

The sound of the two men’s laughter filled the colorfully decorated office .

The two men planned to get revenge on Grid and believed it was fully feasible . After all, the stronger the Overgeared Kingdom became, the more people became jealous of them . Thus, Kir and Veradin were confident that they could trample on the Overgeared Kingdom .

This was something Grid and Lauel were concerned about .  They couldn’t give any room to people who had already become enemies .


“Veradin! He came!”

“ . . . ?”

The cheerfully laughing Veradin and Kir closed their mouths and stiffened at the same time . Their faces turned pale as their rushing colleagues explained the situation .





“At that time, I was careless . ”

“That’s right . ”

Boutian and Arisa—the two high rankers belonging to Merchant King Kir’s forces—replayed the fight in the forest .

“It was a shame when I tried to use magic to blow him away . It would’ve been enough to tie up his feet . ”

If he had blocked the movements that were required for Pagma’s Swordsmanship, Grid’s power would’ve been weakened by several times . They had analyzed Grid’s weak points in the National Competition videos but hadn’t been able to utilize them due to their greed .

Boutian was filled with frustration while Arisa confessed honestly, “We made a lot of mistakes . I was too conscious of Blackening and got caught off guard . It would’ve been easier if I did my best from the beginning . . . ”

Then Tarot, who was sitting quietly between the two people, laughed . “You should’ve taken me along . I would’ve been able to hunt Grid easily . Isn’t that right?”

Tarot was someone with Blackening, like Grid . He had gained a mighty power during a great demon quest and evolved into a half-demonkin . Even Boutian and Arisa were deeply regretful that he hadn’t encountered Grid at this time .

“Ah, it was a chance to hunt him and get bonuses . ” 

“It couldn’t be helped . You had a separate mission . ”

“That was a mistake in the first place . If you waited until my mission ended, you wouldn’t have gone through such humiliation . . .  Huh?” Tarot was blaming Kir’s stupidity when he let out a sound of confusion . He rubbed his eyes a few times before pointing at the gate .

“Isn’t that Grid?”


Boutian and Arisa frowned at the same time . They thought that Tarot was joking in this serious atmosphere . Tarot licked his lips like he had a delicious meal in front of him .  “Ah, how bad is a human’s vision? It has been a few months since I’ve been a human, so I have forgotten . ”

“What are you doing?”

It was too much to fool around .  Boutian and Arisa became confused as Tarot suddenly used Blackening .  Unfortunately, Tarot wasn’t joking right now . He pulled out a red sword and jumped toward the gate .  Then a white sword of light flew and pierced his brow .

“ . . . Eh?” Tarot was stunned as he lost half his health from the one blow .  He lost his momentum and fell helplessly . Then a man passed by him, and Tarot was hit with hundreds of energy blades and turned to gray .

Boutian and Arise hurriedly shouted, “E-Emergency!”

“Gather the entire army right now!”

“100,000 Army Massacre Sword . ”

“ . . . !!” 

Alarm bells rang as a wild beast appeared in the city .

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