Overgeared Chapter 812:

Chapter 812

They were the people who were praised as ‘pillars’ for supporting the empire . However, Mercedes and most of the empire didn’t acknowledge the Five Pillars . No, to be precise, they couldn’t acknowledge the Five Pillars .  It was because the Five Pillars didn’t have anything to show . They were strong, but they hadn’t achieved any particular feat .  

Well, it could be said that they strengthened the emperor by protecting the emperor’s side, maintaining the empire’s balance as a result .  However, on the other hand, what about the former pillars called Piaro and Asmophel? They had defeated countless enemies and protected countless people . They were a paragon of the people and the nobles, saving the empire whenever it was in a crisis and giving courage to the imperialists .

Piaro and Asmophel were great people .

“ . . . A farmer . ”

‘Don’t joke around . ’ Mercedes couldn’t speak her wishes and hopes .  It was because her insight was telling her that it was real and not a trick .  Piaro’s farming power had indeed created a new field in an instant .  

“Why . . . ” Mercedes was pale as she bit her trembling lips .  She wanted this moment to be a nightmare .  However, this was reality . It was terrible .

“Why are you a farmer?”

The occupation of a farmer was exclusive to the peasants .

Mercedes cared for the people but she was still a noble . She had been taught that there was dignity in every profession, and she acknowledged it . However, Mercedes was nobler than anyone . She couldn’t understand or acknowledge that the Piaro she had long admired was now a humble farmer .  

Piaro understood her feelings as he was also from the nobility .  However, now Piaro realized that… “I like being a farmer better than a great swordsman . ”

Piaro held the pitchfork and pulled out a flail .  It was a tool used to thrash grain .  “There is no job that is better than another . If we have to discuss it, a farmer is nobler than a great swordsman or Sword Saint . Without a farmer, there is no food for daily use . If there was no delicious food, humanity couldn’t have developed this much and be happy . ” 

“ . . . ”

After all, if there was no hunter, meat or leather couldn’t be gathered .  Mercedes rejected Piaro’s extreme remarks and felt a sense of duty instead . During the past 12 years, she had felt a sense of duty to help the ‘broken’ Piaro recover from his hellish life .

“There isn’t the time for questions and answers . ”

Her torn silver wings shone brilliantly again .


Mercedes’ two swords started to glow . The pure brilliance filled the darkness of the night and swallowed up the moon .

“Piaro! Regain your mind!”

Mercedes’ attacks were exceptional . The white light attacks created numerous wounds on Piaro’s body . Piaro was only wearing thin cloth clothes and couldn’t resist Mercedes’ sharp attacks .  However, there was a bigger problem . Mercedes started to swap weapons .  She accumulated damage on Piaro without giving him time to rest and opened the distance to avoid a counterattack .

Of course, Piaro was persistent . He used his rapid growth ability to create a barrier of plants and cut off ranged attacks .  Rice, wheat, potatoes, and cabbages flew in the air .

“ . . . !” Mercedes withdrew .  The grains and vegetables contracted like they were going to explode .  However, this time they didn’t explode .  They struck her body instead .  Piaro linked this attack with the Free Farming 6th Style .  It became a barrage of attacks!

Mercedes shook as the flail hit her back .  Her defense was quite weak since she was only wearing old leather armor, so she felt great pain . It was more painful than when she was stabbed by a sword or spear .  For a noble knight to be beaten by a farmer . . . Her mental suffering was incomparable .

“How about it? This is the power of a farmer! I am much stronger and healthier than I was during my days of a great swordsman . I can bring happiness to more people! This is it!”

“Kuk . . . !”

“This is my new path!”

The earth was in turmoil .  The effects produced by two legends fighting was gorgeous enough to be compared to the raid of a great demon . It was on a different scale as all the farmland in the path of the two people disappeared .  Grid watched the two people fighting from a distance and gulped . “A dragon and tiger fighting . . . !”

A dragon and tiger . . .

However, that wasn’t Grid’s problem right now . He was too busy feeling in awe .

‘Was Piaro always this strong?’

The grains exploded without a break . Crops rose from the ground and stretched around Mercedes’ body .  Mercedes’ actions were severely restricted as her wrists and ankles were caught by the crops that kept growing .  Mercedes’ perfect balance of swapping between all types of weapons—sword, axe, bow, shield, spear, and so on—on a case by case basis collapsed before the crops .

In the end, was this another nerf? Had Mercedes weakened the moment she became his ally? No, that wasn’t it . Mercedes was still strong .  It was just that Piaro was stronger than her .

Grid noticed belatedly, “The farmland . . . ”

These were the fields that Piaro had been working on for years .  This place . . .

“It is Piaro’s field . . . !”

Piaro was already beyond the standards of an NPC . The legendary Piaro was now a boss monster .  Grid’s heart beat excitedly as he had great confidence in Piaro who always showed overwhelming strength . He felt that he could infinitely count on Piaro .

As for the regret that he felt about Piaro becoming a farmer? That had blown away .  It would be strange if Grid felt regretful about it . After all, Piaro was now fighting several times better than Sword Saint Kraugel!

“Piaro!” Grid’s cry resonated in the farmland .  “Show me the power of the strongest!” 

His shout echoed .  It pierced through the sound of the hand plow and sword colliding in the air and into Piaro’s ears .  Piaro’s hands trembled as he held the farming equipment . “If this is Your Majesty’s wish . . . !”

The wind raged, and Mercedes’ silver wings fluttered like in a storm .  Piaro’s hands rotated .  “Free Farming!”

“ . . . !!” Mercedes’ eyes widened .  It was because her two swords were sucked into Piaro’s rotating hands .

‘Supreme Swordsmanship 4th style . . . !’

Piaro’s old swordsmanship had been a great contribution to bringing down the great demon Astaroth .


It was sublimated and expressed as a more powerful agricultural method .  This was enough to neutralize Mercedes’ weapons and cause the ground to shake .  Then a water pillar erupted and struck Mercedes’ body .

“Ah . . . ” As Mercedes flew through the air, she realized, ‘One occupation isn’t more noble than another . ’ 

Her way of thinking expanded .  At this moment, 1st Knight Mercedes set up her first chivalric code .

‘Don’t be prejudiced . ’

At this moment . . .


[Legendary Knight Mercedes had created a new chivalric code . ]

[All of the legendary knight Mercedes’ stats will increase by 10% and the chance of weak spots being exposed will decrease by 80% . ]


“ . . . ?” Grid’s expression became one of astonishment as he watched the two people duel .  Mercedes crashed to the ground and bowed her head to Piaro . “We have been reunited after 12 years . I wasn’t able to show my development but I received your teachings . I am ashamed and thankful . ”

“I have also learned a lot . I can’t be assured of victory if you fought with all your power . ”

“No . I would’ve lost anyway . ”

“Huhu, you are too modest . ”

The night deepened with a warm sight .




“Are you just leaving?”

After the battle was over, Mercedes and Piaro unburdened their hearts all night and came to Grid in the morning .  Piaro said he would leave for the vampire cities .  “Yes . Now that the best knight is with Your Majesty, I can leave feeling reassured . ”

“Why are you so diligent? Hasn’t it been a long time since you reunited with Mercedes? Why don’t you stay for a few more days?”

Piaro was a valuable person to Grid, so he didn’t want Piaro to be stressed .  Piaro spoke a surprising name to the concerned Grid, “I was shaken when I heard the news about Khan . If I had succeeded in growing the golden walnut a bit sooner . . . If I had, Khan might’ve been able to live a bit longer . ”

Grid’s grief and suffering at Khan’s sudden departure was passed onto Piaro, who lived with regret .

“Your Majesty, I am going to be more diligent . ”

“ . . . ”

Piaro’s true heart was transmitted to Grid, and Grid could no longer stop him .  Feeling thankful, Grid grasped Piaro’s hands . “Thank you . But keep this in mind . Don’t overdo it . I won’t forgive you if you leave like Khan . ”

“ . . . Yes . ”

It was a touching scene . Mercedes smiled as she saw the leader and subordinate caring about each other .

“Piaro, wait!” Someone’s shout rang out . The person who showed up was Administrator Rabbit .  He first politely greeted Grid before handing a piece of paper to Piaro .  “This is the cost of the damage dealt to the farmlands yesterday! I’ll get it from your pay!”

“ . . . ”

The reason why the Overgeared Kingdom had been able to make steady progress during Grid’s absence was thanks to all the people who worked so hard .




“What amazing children . ” Sage Sticks was now the principal of the Overgeared Academy, and the smile couldn’t disappear from his face . “They were a bit slow to learn at first . But once they got the hang of common sense, they evolved remarkably . All 23 children will surely grow into great scholars and magicians . ”

They were talking about the children Grid had brought over from the Tower of Eternity .  The children, who had been misunderstood as Grid’s children, had recently been the topic of discussion in the Overgeared Kingdom . It was because all the children had genius brains .

A smile appeared on Grid’s face . “This is good news . Are the kids healthy?”

“Yes . The shades in their hearts have been removed . I think that the affection Your Majesty showed while bringing the children here healed many of their wounds . You did well . You did very well . ” Sticks’ eyes were warm as he gazed at Grid .

The noble elf species—they disliked the selfish and violent tendencies of humans . Were they any elves in history who felt great affection for humans? There were none . Yet Sticks felt great affection toward Grid who gave him new feelings . Thanks to Grid, Sticks got rid of his prejudices against humans .  It was a hasty change .


“I finally found it . ” Merchant King Kir was the first player to find the World Tree’s Forest . A species quest was about to be opened by a player, and it was actually in the worst form .

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