Overgeared Chapter 488:

“Wow, +10 . . . ”

It was enhancing the item to the maximum .  Grid never included it in his goal .  He didn’t dare to . It wasn’t realistic to dream about a +10 weapon that even the wealthy heirs in the world didn’t have .

“How can I get +10 . . . ?”

According to the statistics of a rich person who said he used billions of won just purchasing enhancement stones, if a person was lucky enough to get to +7, the probability of a +1 reinforcement was 0 . 01% while the probability of a -1 failure was 99 . 9% .

Adding more than +2 was impossible, no matter how much money was poured it .  Of course, the +8 and +9 items had a lower success rate and higher failure rate .  Thus, even the wealthy people tended to abandon strengthening items above +7 .  They aimed for enhancing +6 items with the blessed enhancement stones in the hope of making a +9 item .  Some tried more than a thousand times and only succeeded once .

It was Grid, not one of the wealthy heirs, who got a +10 enhanced weapon . He realized that the passive skill of Pagma’s Descendent, ‘increase the probability of item enhancement’ was very helpful .

“Indeed . . . I have an almost 100% success rate up to +5 . ”

Apart from Grid, most people found it easy to enhance to +5 .  The enhancement success rate was very high up to +6 .  But there was also a probability of failure and some people tasted that frustration . Yet Grid didn’t . He almost always succeeded up to +5 . He grumbled every day, but he had actually been enjoying the passive effect of increased item enhancement probability .

“Uhhh . . . ”

Grid suddenly grabbed his chest .

Thump thump thump thump .

The moment that he realized this was reality, not a dream, his heart started pounded at a tremendous speed . His whole body started sweating and he was breathing roughly .  Was it joy at being the first player to get a +10 enhanced weapon? He couldn’t even feel it . His head was so blank that he couldn’t feel excited at all .

‘Hrmm . ’

Braham watched silently .  The ultimate enhancement .  In fact, Pagma had accomplished this a few times .  Braham wanted to give Grid a chance to enjoy it, no matter how he felt about the current Grid .  Then after a while .

“Hah . . . Hah . . . ” Grid regained his stability and breathed in deeply .  His eyes were shining . “I did it! I did it!!”

Grid jumped forward .  He was happy at fighting against the evil bad luck that plagued him all his life .  Of course, it was likely that this good luck would be returned to him as bigger misfortune later on .

‘That doesn’t matter . ’

He would just overcome it again . Grid made a fist and confirmed the information of the +10 Mjolnir .


[Ultimate Enhanced Mjolnir – Human World Version]

Durability: 689/689

Attack Power: 1,333~2,363

* Accuracy +50% .

* Acceleration will rise when it’s thrown .

* Every time the target is hit, it will cause a 0 . 3 second of stiffness state .

* The durability of any objects hit will fall (except your own items) .

* 3,800 fixed damage will be dealt to demonkin and the undead .

* There is a high chance to induce the ‘fear’ state in those who recognize it as an enemy .

* The workmanship speed of blacksmith related skills will rapidly increase .

* Magic Detection (Enhanced) has been attached to it . The bonus of addition accuracy was increased to 50% .  


Enhancement was difficult .  There was a overwhelming high probability of failure and losing millions of won . It was a tremendous burden for ordinary people .  But there was a reason people clung to it .  The ability to raise the stats with the enhancement level was great .   Every time an item was enhanced, the item’s stats increased by 5~7% .

“Really crazy . . . ”

The attack power and options increase were enormous .  The minimum damage was a huge 1,333 . It was more powerful than most legendary weapons . Of course, this was a story when compared to +6 weapons .

“Anyway, I have overcome the limitations of a blunt weapon . ”

It didn’t matter if only the minimum attack power appeared . It could inflict massive damage on the enemy . The only major drawback of Mjolnir was overcome by the high enhancement value .

‘It’s worth it . ’

He had stayed in the smithy for 29 days to make all four Mjolnirs have a legendary rating .  It was so painful that he wanted to give up many times . But he did it in the end .  After repeated production, destruction, production and destruction, all four hammers were completed with a legendary rating .  In the process, one of the drake’s fangs was destroyed and the durability of the remaining adamantium reached its limit .

Now he succeeded in enhancing one to +10 . He was happy . Really happy .

‘I have to play harder in the future . ’

Grid burned with motivation as a notification window appeared in front of him .


[The cooldown of the skill ‘Summon Sword Demon Iyarugt’ has returned . ]


“ . . . Okay . ”

It was a good opportunity to test the weapon . Grid grinned wickedly and headed for the training ground .




The abyss .

Iyarugt’s soul was indignant .

‘How can the best swordsman of **** be beaten by a human…?’

It was impossible .  He blamed it on his sealed strength .  He wanted to quickly regain his strength .  But before that, his idea of taming Grid was still intact .  He would be able to speed up the resurrection time if he could use Grid . However .

‘He’s trying to tame me . ’

Yesterday, there were no enemies around when Iyarugt was summoned . It meant Grid summoned him for a one-on-one match .

‘Disgraceful person . ’

It was a chance to tame Iyragut so Grid attacked with the weapons he prepared in advance?

‘You were planning on fighting me from the beginning . . . !’

Damn bastard! This weak person! Once Iyarugt found his original strength, bring it on .


Iyarugt’s anger rose .  The more he thought about it, the more furious he became . It was too humiliating to fall for the trap of a human .

‘It won’t happen again . ’

Iyarugt would be prepared when he was summoned again .

‘I will win if I’m alert . ’

Iyarugt suddenly changed his mind .

‘No, maybe it could be dangerous . ’

There were four golden hammers .

‘The divine power is too risky . ’

They were surprisingly powerful weapons . If the weapons were a bit stronger, they could threaten the great demons .

‘Right now, I can’t endure the power of those weapons . ’

He had to fight and win in order to tame Grid . He was a demon who followed the will of strength .

‘In order to win against him, I need to neutralize the hammers . . . ‘

The problem was that the hammers were hard to avoid .  The four golden hands seemed to be swinging randomly, but there was no way to avoid them .  Was there any way to prevent Grid from using the hammer? Iyarugt thought of a good idea .

‘It will hurt my pride, however . . . ’

Bending his head and then striking when Grid was unprepared was the most appropriate method .

‘Okay . Today I will get revenge for yesterday and then tame Grid every time I’m summoned . Kukukuk!’

The moment Iyarugt was feeling excited alone .


Light appeared in the darkness . It was the summoning .

‘Okay, here goes!’

Iyarugt’s soul moved to the light . He borrowed the sword to form a physical body .

“Sweet . “

Iyarugt recited a fixed phrase . Then he bowed to Grid who was staring at him .

“I’m sorry for yesterday . I was impolite for randomly starting a fight . ”

It was an apology from the best swordsman of **** . Iyarugt was sure that his apology would be accepted .

‘Now he will accept my apology and ask for a handshake . ’

Grid wouldn’t be impolite .

‘After pretending to shake hands, I will kick and then . . . ’

It was perfect . He would succeed in his revenge .

“Kukuk . . . Heok?”

Iyarugt was laughing wickedly when he became surprised .  It was because four God Hands appeared behind Grid .  The God Hands were holding the golden hammers from yesterday . Grid spoke to the irritated Iyarugt with an emotionless face .

“I don’t like your attitude when apologizing . ”

Iyarugt cried out angrily, “What . . . ? Then should I have knelt down before you? I am hell’s best swordsman! You’re just a human!”

“I’m not just a human . I’m your master . ”

At the same time, Grid finished speaking .


The God Hands rushed towards Iyarugt . They swung the hammer crazily through the air .

“Eek! It’s futile!”


Iyarugt grinded his teeth together as his anger soared through the roof .  The golden hammers were swinging ignorantly .  It was difficult to find a way to escape them, so he acted defensively . However .



Iyarugt exclaimed as he blocked one Mjolnir with his sword . It was because the strength coming from Mjolnir was so powerful that he couldn’t endure it .

‘W-What? Why is the weapon more powerful than yesterday?’

That’s right .  The Mjolnir that Iyarugt defended against was the +10 one . The result was terrible .


[The demonic sword Iyarugt couldn’t withstand the powerful shock and durability has dropped by 80 .

[The impact from the hammer is large . You will be rigid for 0 . 3 seconds!]

[The impact from the hammer is large . You will be rigid for 0 . 1 seconds!]

[You will be rigid for 0 . 1 sec . . . ]


The Ultimate Enhanced Mjolnir boasted a 100% accuracy and anyone struck by it would be rigid for 0 . 3 seconds .  There was 0 . 1 seconds of stiffness when hit by the other Mjolnirs .  Yes, infinite stiffness was possible if the Mjolnirs hit the target in turn . Iyarugt died more quickly than he did yesterday .

“K . . . Kuoock . . . This . . . Why . . . ”

Yesterday, there was an excuse of being caught off guard by the separating swords, but not today .  He was completely defeated to a terrible degree . It was also against weapons!

“I . . . Iyarugt only fought against weapons . . . !”

Iyarugt couldn’t help his resentment . Grid watched his soul start to be consumed by fire and opened his mouth .

“I won . You can’t even win against my weapons, how can you win against me?”

“Don’t be stupid . . . ! Only your weapons are strong, not you!”

“Yes, I am the one who made the weapons . Thus, I am strong . ”

“ . . . !”

Iyarugt was silent .  Grid’s words were difficult to understand, but he couldn’t refute them .  Grid smiled at him . It was the smile of a complete winner . It was full of relaxation .

“I will see you again tomorrow . I hope that tomorrow your killing intent can reach me . “

“Ugh . . . !”

Iyarugt completely lost his form and returned to the demon sword . Grid felt a joy that other people couldn’t imagine .

‘This is really amazing . ’

Beating the enemy without having to lift a finger . Grid wanted to enjoy this power and turned his gaze to the vampire cities .

“I should set a new record while the experience buff is still present . ”

He was told that the seven people elite party of Overgeared had shortened the time it took to clear a vampire city to 5 hours .  What if he broke the record alone? It was possible . It was the moment when the myth of Grid’s levelling was about to break the world .

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