Outside of time Chapter 630: The morning glow reflects the sky

Seeing the excited look of the captain, Xu Qing nodded.

“Let’s go, I’ve prepared a lot for this big event, but I’m just looking for information, and now I don’t have much, wait for my good news!”

Excited, the captain was about to leave the back room where Xu Qing was, to have an in-depth discussion with the Patriarch of the Vajra Sect. Before leaving, Xu Qing called him out and asked for a piece of the captain’s skin.

The captain didn’t care, and threw a piece over casually. It seemed that for him, there were not many other things at this moment, and the skin was the most. “Is it enough? If not, I still have more!”

The captain looked at Xu Qing generously.

“That’s enough…” Xu Qing glanced at the piece of skin in front of him, and found that there was a belly button on it, and his expression couldn’t help but be weird. The captain smiled proudly and walked away swaggeringly.

Looking at the captain’s back, Xu Qing also felt emotional.

From your point of view, with the jade slip’s cultivation base and comprehension, it is possible to truly use the magic of morning glow and illusion in the future, and you have seen people walk that road.

This is not the first time he has heard the words “do great things” from the captain.

But it’s a pity that those pictures can only stay outside of Yujian’s mind, so I can imagine them, and I can also try to use the changes in the morning glow, but the reflected scenes are very little different from what I imagined.

The sea was churning, causing the sky to fluctuate at that moment. “I succeeded…” Especially Xu Qing and Eighth Sister, the seven of them were furious inside and out, their hearts were full of turmoil, and they turned their heads to look at the front room.

Especially after a few days, there were dozens of small ones missing all at once, which made Ling’er, who was usually able to come to help, twitched his tongue before seeing it.

“Could it be that senior brother was once, really a sin?”

I also felt the direction of the eighth sister and the younger brother’s attention during that half month, so I also paid attention to it secretly, and now seeing all that, I suddenly felt eager to try.

Actually, on the eighth day, I was still unable to adjust some pictures I wanted through the changes of the colors contained in the morning glow.

“It’s just that the way of thinking is very bad. If I go up like that, there will never be a day in the future. I may really be able to realize my dream.

“Princess Mingmei is wrong. Imagination is one of the key reasons for restricting supernatural powers.”

Ling’er inhaled, Ning Yan narrowed his eyes, Wu Jianwu was dumbfounded, and Li Meibandi was astonished.

Yu Jian put the photo Ning Tai in his hand, picked up the captain’s skin, and studied it before confirming the results of his research for the past few days. Mingmei fell silent after hearing this.

As for Princess Mingmei, she was actually not satisfied on the eighth day. If Yu Jian didn’t think about it, she recalled the things she and her little brother did.

“The difference between Abnormal Ningtai and the filming son…the latter is sensitive to spiritual consciousness, so it cannot be imprinted with spiritual consciousness, and the former is sensitive to light, so it cannot record images.”

That piece of light instantly enveloped the entire pharmacy, covering everyone under the body, bursting out continuously, forming a sea of ​​light.

Grandma Seven sat outside with a smile and nodded.

When we got here, we also acted rashly, went to the Red Moon Temple to meet the envoy, but the moment we stepped into the Red Moon Temple, and when we saw the envoy, we felt dizzy.

That principle is difficult, especially after personally experiencing the scene where the captain branded his fingerprints with the refraction of skin and light, Yu Jian’s heart has lost some direction for the changing method of light.

You think the difference is less, and it is not very difficult for Yu Jian to do that step, which is considered to have exceeded the task.

It’s just… Then, you found that Ning Tai frowned, looking satisfied, and in the past few days, you saw the jade slips studying the pictures of the prince, studying the skin of Qi Niu, and… Poison your own hands.

Yu Jian’s inner thoughts turned, she raised her head up and stared at the palm of her left hand.

Without Xu Qing, the eighth sister, the seventh sister and the fourth child, we looked at the nails that were forming in the sky with the most calm expressions. passed away.

While murmuring, Yu Jian instinctively opened the storage bag, checked my teleportation items, and made sure that there were enough of them, so my heart felt more at ease.

When the wind was raging, the sea of ​​light suddenly lifted into the sky, and under the sky, it was constantly gathering and changing, and it seemed that there was no nail in it, forming in it!

No one among us has seen the nail, so we are shocked. No one has seen the nail, but we are also surprised when we feel the breath drawn by it.

Ning Tai pondered.

As soon as your words came out, the bodies of these big chickens who were eating in grief and anger trembled, and their expressions showed weak panic. “According to what the captain said, I was going to act that time, so it should be stealing something?”

Yu Jian didn’t make a decision in her heart, she just went to think about the captain’s trivial matters, and immersed herself in the study of Zhao Xiaguang.

“The reason why light forms an image is due to refraction. You can say that the way you diffused the sun is right. It can only be said that this is the effect of brushing ten thousand laws.”

“Seventh grandma, today’s big chickens are a little less.” “That kind of medicinal effect, you have all the poisons in your storage bag now.” The fourth child on the side looked at Xu Qing, He looked at Eighth Sister again.

At this moment in the front yard, Ling’er is helping to scatter the worms, watching these big chickens rushing to eat frantically, you speak crisply to the Seventh Grandma beside you.

Princess Mingmei also nodded.

“The captain’s skin, in particular, is an ordinary thing, but it is extremely tough. If you look at it carelessly, the texture inside it will give you a sense of rune branding.”

It’s really… Every time the captain’s big event is extremely exciting, and with the growth of his cultivation, the level of stimulation is constantly increasing.

We are monks from the Kusheng Mountain Range, but from the Yin Yang Flower Sect. We came there because we investigated the traces of the culprit who disrupted the Tianniu Mountain Range.

“When you go, take the parrot with you.”

“But you can’t use some other methods to make the skin on the lower part of your body extremely sensitive to light… and then stimulate your ordinary body of a god.

“You also pointed out a few senior Tianjiao back then. That jade slip can be valued as much by the younger brother and the eighth sister. If you find an opportunity before, you will also

Go and try. “

Many times, Xu Qing also didn’t understand why the captain was so crazy about risking his life. Princess Mingmei showed a smile on her face, she was going to wait for Yujian to come out before she gave up, and continued to point out.

“It always looks like he wants to play himself to death…” Xu Qing sighed, and the word **** and evil that Eighth Grandpa said when he saw the captain for the first time came to his mind.

“When you are old, you don’t have to dare to think, but to dare to try!”

Rationally speaking, Xu Qing felt that he should get used to it, but when the captain left, he sat cross-legged, and there were still some disturbances.

“He later told me that imagination limits the power of supernatural powers. Those words should have little stimulation to the big guy, just like opening a cage.”

“That should be the captain’s own ordinaryness. You can’t do it because of your cultivation and extraordinaryness.” Especially the few dozen that were missing after a few days, we were even more desperate and giggled Voice. “Once you succeed, your hand can be called the hand of ten thousand laws!” Yu Jian muttered from the bottom of her heart, with a bright light in her eyes, she picked up the photo Ning Tai. The captain’s face was moved, the ghost was dignified, and the eyes of the ancestor Mo Gui flashed.

Ning Tai took a deep breath, before he could analyze it from the bottom of his heart, I thought that method was feasible, so he opened the storage bag, took out these poisons with the effect of making the skin sensitive, and prepared to refine his left hand.

Xu Qing was silent, and half a while ago, he smiled wryly and opened his mouth.

Therefore, in the past few days, I used Photo Ningtai as a carrier to study the imaging principle between light and photo. As soon as the nail came out, it seemed that some weather was aroused, and the world changed.

Without such thoughts, the fourth child looked forward to it from the bottom of his heart.

“Eighth sister, the most evil thing about that eldest son is his cultivation aptitude, but my comprehension.” Basically, it’s stealing, not eating.

A long time ago, I looked up at the direction of the captain’s residence, and at this moment, the trembling mood swings of the Vajra Sect ancestor could be heard.

And just when those big chickens were in despair and fear, a roar spread from the room in front of the medicine shop to the seven directions, not to mention a single color of light, which shot out from outside and shone in all directions.

“So whether it’s taking pictures of Ningtai or the captain’s skin, they are actually very sensitive to light.”

Light, still light, can form images.

“So, what you need to do is to focus the morning glow. Because of its uniqueness, it can not be reflected on objects, but it can also be reflected on the enemy’s spells!”

Just like that, time flies, and a day passes by. It has been less than half a month since Yujian finished studying Zhaoxiaguang.

“In this way, the morning glow is focused and refracted on ~IndoMTL.com~ You can see the picture you see, and then you can use your skin to perceive it, and then turn it into an instinctive illusion!”

The Jade Slip was heartbroken and the refining was over.

“There are not many herbs and poisons, and they can’t make the skin sensitive. Although it is a kind of damage, it is used in the right place, and it is not a supernatural aid.”

At the moment of turbidity, he was already outside and became a chick.

There are many ways to make oneself sensitive to light. Yu Jian thinks that what she is best at is relying on the art of vegetation. “This eldest son is imitating the nails of his father!” At this moment, Ning Tai’s heart was full of turmoil.

In addition, it is not the source of the burst of light. I want to poison my left hand to be more sensitive to light.

“So you think that I probably…really figured out a way to make myself look like the sun.” The number of big chickens has increased far faster than before, and almost every day there will be fewer .

You can feel the changes formed in the morning light displayed by the jade slips. Although the jade slips can be seen with the naked eye, and you think they can be imaged, in the eyes of Xu Qing and you, they are rather muddy.

Whether it is going to steal things from the Sea Corpse Clan, stealing things from Youjing, or stealing things from Tengus Tree…

As for our seventh sister, during the half month of practicing in Yujian, she spent a small part of her time in the front yard taking care of these big chickens, each of which was fat and fat.

“At that time, what you need to do is to refract what you see and make it into an image!” That scene made Princess Mingmei look fiercely at Ning Tai beside her without any hesitation.

“Wait for him to get fatter, and kill him and his brother Ningtai to make up for his body.”

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