Outside of time Chapter 554: Time frame

The life lamp formed by the fusion of the purple crystal light and Xu Qing’s blood. After Xu Qing’s research, it was found that its ability is indeed related to time, but it is not absolute.

For example, the soul protection of the **** umbrella does not disappear because it is dissolved, but still exists.

And it was stronger than before. In addition, the time of the sundial and the time of the outside world were about seven hours different.

Xu Qing didn’t know what secrets this jet lag contained, and after thinking about it, he couldn’t find an answer.

In the first seven days, he tried to speed up the sundial, but it was difficult to do so as if the light transformed by Yuanying was pulled.

As for the reverse flow, the same is true, making it stop, and the same thing, the sundial is obviously of the same origin as him, but it rotates on its own. way, continuous movement.

This appearance was similar to when Xu Qing had just obtained the purple crystal, until Xu Qing thought of a way.

He cannot change the rotation of the lights, nor can he make the astrolabe rotate by itself, but he can control the sundial!

After all, fundamentally speaking, the sundial is his real blood.

He can control the sundial needle to break away from the dial and make it fly out.

And during his experiment, he found that the moment the sundial was detached, the sundial seemed to have lost its direction, lost its guidance, and the lights stopped and stopped moving.

Therefore, there is no concept of time, no matter how the lights shine, it is just transparent.

Even vaguely, the sundial showed signs of decay.

And when Xu Qing put the sundial needle back in, the heat plate resumed, and the lights continued to move, and the shadow of the pointer continued as usual.

In terms of time, the movement is still counted from the moment when the sundial needle flew out.

From a certain point of view, the time between the sundial’s departure and its return seems to have disappeared.

“Then it’s understandable, is it stilled?” Xu Qing murmured, eyes gloomy.

He feels that his method may not be correct, but anyway, this is the first ability he has explored from the life lamp.

And at the moment when the sundial lost its pointer and time seemed to be stopped, Linger, who was poking his head out of Xu Qing’s cuff and trying to crawl towards his ear, stopped moving after Xu Qing looked down.

It seemed that the time that belonged to her was stopped, and the process resumed in just an instant.

Because Xu Qing discovered the decay of the crown plate, compared with it, this discovery caused Xu Qing’s mind to stir up huge waves.

“When the star needle is pulled out for a moment, will the time around me stand still under my eyes?” Xu Qing hurriedly tried a few more times, but Ling’er was still at a loss, not knowing what he had stopped many times.

She tried her best to crawl towards Xu Qing’s ear, her body paused, the distance that she could reach very quickly in the past seemed extremely far away to her at this moment.

After a while, she finally climbed onto Xu Qing’s ear and looked at Xu Qing shyly.

“Brother Xu Qing, why are you looking at him like that.”

This sentence sounds familiar to Xu Qing, but at this moment, his mind was overwhelmed, so he nodded without thinking deeply, and asked a question

“Ling’er, did you feel anything unusual just now?”

Linger was surprised and shook his head.

Xu Qing continued to study thoughtfully.

Ling’er stopped being curious, she also knew that brother Xu Qing was busy at the moment, so she found a comfortable position and swayed there to play by herself.

Xu Qing pondered in his heart, “Ling’er didn’t realize that she stopped, so how wide is the scope of this ability…”

With a heartbeat, Xu Qing walked out of the cave, looked at the dark sky and the earth outside, felt the surrounding wind and the heat contained in it, and looked towards the sea of ​​flames in the distance.

He thought about it, but still didn’t dare to go.

Xu Qing felt that with his current cultivation base and the newly formed sundial, if he could disperse the power of stillness in a large range, such as looking at the starry sky, looking at the flow of the wind, looking at the trajectory of the world, then his There is a high probability that the end result will be annihilation in an instant.

If the operation of the Wanggu Continent is compared to a galloping giant beast, any law in it is part of the power of the giant beast, and at this moment, I am just an inconspicuous rope.

With such a rope, to strangle the giant beast, one can imagine the fate.

“Forget it…”

Xu Qing was silent, but he felt that if this ability was deployed in a fight, its power would be extremely astonishing.

“Just name this ability time lag,” Xu Qing muttered. He had a feeling that there should be more abilities of the sundial life lamp, and he needed to slowly research and develop it by himself.

“There is no rush, the most important thing now is to refine the other four life lamps

, his body has recovered during these seven days, and he is in peak condition. He can go to the sky fire sea to continue his cultivation, and after experiencing the magma fire, his resistance to sky fire has also improved.

So Xu Qing didn’t waste any time, galloping in the darkness, gradually walked into the land of fire and stepped into the sea of ​​fire.

This time, Xu Qing learned the lesson from the past. He went to farther places, and at this moment, he paid attention to the appearance of his own red spar and changed regions more frequently.

At the same time, make sure that your transformation can be carried out safely.

As for whether there will be a thousand zhang vortex in the end, Xu Qing is not sure.

There was no way to cover up this matter, so he chose to go to a more remote location.

In this way, the refinement of the seven-color wind painting life lamp in the past 20 days, I don’t know if it is the blessing of the sundial, or the reason of the lamp itself,

The refining speed is faster than that of the black umbrella life lamp. As it melts drop by drop, the concentration of the life lamp substance in Xu Qing’s blood increases again. A similar feeling makes him very clear about his own life lamp. is about to take shape.

Finally, after the twenty-second day, Xu Qing, who was immersed in the magma, opened his eyes suddenly.

A thousand zhang vortex appeared around him, and in the rumbling rotation, the seven-color wind lantern completely disappeared.

Xu Qing’s head is exactly the same as the sundial of Yicheng after he transformed into the mist of sea life!

This is what a real lamp born from Mingmai should look like.

Those masters and their descendants are all like this in the appearance of the life lamp.

As for outsiders wanting to raise a complete set, it is much more difficult than putting together life lights.

At this moment, as it appeared, the shadow of the fingers on it began to move, and the time was the same as the first corona life lamp Xu, and there was also a gap of seven hours.

The simultaneous operation of the two sundials made the flow speeds inside and outside the range of thousands of feet collide more intensely, and there are faint space cracks in between.

Zhenzhou was also torn apart, which looked shocking. At the same time, Xu Qing also felt the ability of his second life lamp.

It also retains the physical protection of the original Seven-colored Fengyin, and the mutual blessing formed between the two lamps is particularly amazing, greatly surpassing the past.

With the flow of speed beyond can not be stopped.

The power of the Time Lag technique researched before has also doubled.

As for the red crystal, Xu Qing immediately took it away and put it in a box to isolate the breath.

So logically speaking, his refinement this time has been as much as possible to hide the traces.

Only this swirling vortex may attract attention, but it is remote, so it attracts a wide range.

Not too big, not as sensitive as those compass induction skyfire crystals.

Xu Qing originally thought that in this way, he could avoid trouble to the greatest extent, but sometimes, fate is elusive.

For example, at this moment, within the range of a thousand feet, three red crystals were rolled out from the depths of the magma while the vortex was constantly turning, and they spun along with the vortex.

Xu Qing’s expression changed when he saw it, and he instinctively wanted to put them away, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

Collecting it at this moment can’t prevent it from being detected, so Xu Qing gritted his teeth, ignored it, and left quickly.

He despises these things, and it will be easier for him to hide if he can attract people who pay attention to them.

It happened a month ago. Although the matter in Tianhuohai finally eased, the Mirror Shadow Clan and Tianmian Clan did not give up.

In fact, they calculated after the fact that there were dozens of sky fire crystals.

Even if there are some repetitions, the real number will not be expected.

After all, there were more than 20 people who appeared at the same time for the last time. This number is enough for them to pay attention. Almost all the national teachers came in person.

The moment the Skyfire Crystal was rolled out from the bottom of the sea by the vortex, they had already locked the position. They thought that it would disappear in an instant just like last time.

It can be found that they did not disappear this time, their goal was extremely clear, and they really rushed there.

Xu Qing, who was far away from the vortex, was extremely fast throughout the whole process without stopping at all, but he soon found out that something was wrong.

A group of monks from the Mirror Shadow Clan in the distance seemed to be able to target Xu Qing to escape, and they intercepted him from another direction with a whistling sound. Among them, four of them were cultivators of Jindan Xiushi, and two of them emitted Nascent Soul Waves.

One for one calamity, one for two calamities.

After noticing Xu and Qing, their expressions were excited, and the Jindan practitioner stepped back and immediately notified the group, while the two Nascent Souls really went to Xu Qing.

“Can you still find me?” Xu Qing frowned. He deeply felt the trouble caused by his lack of information and intelligence in a strange place on the plane.

“Could it be possible that fire crystals can be sensed when placed in a box?”

Murderous intent flashed in Xu Qing’s eyes. He had been running around during this period of time, and he had accumulated a lot of murderous intent along the way.

Since the information is lacking, then kill more, and you can always ask the reason.

The drug restraint in Xu Qing’s body was dispersed again, and the shadow couldn’t hold back anymore, sharp thorns scattered from the fish bones, and all the Nascent Souls in his body burst into waves and were about to strike.

But at this moment, a familiar blurred figure suddenly appeared behind the two Mirror Shadow Clan monks rushing towards Xu Qing, raised his hands, and clapped one by one.

In the face of absolute strength, those two monks from the Mirror Shadow Clan could hardly dodge in horror. Same, rapid convergence.

This time, it was not the gathering mask, but the mirror of this tribe, which was taken away by the old man of the human race.

His body flickered even more, and those Jindan mirror shadow tribes who transmitted the sound to the tribe had no right to resist, and died in an instant, turned into mirrors and taken away.

After finishing all this, the human elder turned his head and glared at Xu Qing.

Xu Qing frowned, looked at the other person in the same way, and noticed that the old man’s right hand was covered with a mirror-like glove, which was somewhat insulated.

“Boy, why are you so worried!”

The old man said angrily.

“If it weren’t for the sake of the human race, I wouldn’t bother to pay attention to you, old man!”

“You can see that it is a human race from a foreign land. Did it come from the imperial capital of the human race, Dayu, after those nobles?”

“Relying on my good qualifications and my life, so I am so unscrupulous here?”

“Let me tell you, this is the Great Moon Festival, where the human race is an inferior group, and it is food!”

“As for the sentient beings in the Moon Sacrifice Territory, after realizing their own destiny, killing and brutality have become the instinctive behavior of all of them.”

“Believe it or not, if you continue like this, in less than two months, you will be placed in the holy city of mirror image and sky, and be tasted by them bit by bit!”

This old human race man reprimanded him every time he opened his mouth.

Xu Qing remained calm, stepped back a few steps, and spoke calmly.

“What do you want to say?”

“What do I want to say? You kid, why did you throw away the box I gave you? You know that the national teacher of the Mirror Shadow Clan has special abilities and can see through most hidden things. Only my box, because there is I bless you to block perception.”

“I sold it to you with good intentions, but you not only threw it away, but also poisoned it!”

“Here, the antidote!”

The old man talked a lot, and finally got to the point.

Xu Qing was expressionless. He didn’t want to delay with the other party here, so he took out a pill bottle and threw it over.

“My poison is a mixture. I swallowed the antidote for seven days in a row. Every morning when the sun appeared, I swallowed three pills, and my cultivation base worked on the spot for seven weeks.”

“And there is no sun here, so if you estimate the time yourself, the number should be doubled.”

“The period cannot be stopped.”

As Xu Qing said, he threw out another pill bottle.

“You are already poisoned, so don’t waste time, otherwise you won’t be able to get rid of the poison, so don’t blame me.”

As Xu Qing said, he was ready for the opponent to make a move, and his body quickly backed away.

The human old man grabbed the pill bottle and was about to open his mouth, but there was an aura locking this place in the distance. Taking a deep breath, he threw another box to Xu Qing.

“I hope the antidote you said is true. Take this well and hide it.”

After speaking, the old man left quickly.

Xu Qing pondered, wrapped up the box, and left as well.

After analyzing the other party’s words on the way, Xu Qing showed decisiveness in his eyes. He tried to replace the box and sent the box to Ding Yisaner, suppressing it with the breath of the divine finger.

Then it was taken out and replaced with the drug ban to diffuse, and finally Ziyue Yuanying was released to rinse.

This speeds up the gallop.

Time flies, and five days have passed.

In the past five days, Xu Qing has never encountered that kind of mirror image clan who seemed to know his position. Even if he encountered this clan occasionally, the other party hurried past and ignored him.

“Is what the old man said true?”

Xu Qing hesitated, the antidote he gave the other party was fake.

There is no medicine stone to cure the poison of the drug ban. The only way is for him to take it back himself.

Xu Qing thought about it, and there were still some doubts and strangeness about this matter, so he didn’t pay attention to it, but found a place to continue refining his third lamp of life.

This is the Lamp of the Blood Pond of the Underworld, with the left wing.

“Other people’s life lamps are all the same, but this ghost blood wing is divided into left and right…”

Xu Qing stared at his third life lamp, some guesses arose in his heart, and then he began to refine it.

Seventeen days later, on the vast magma in the western part of the sea of ​​flames, a thousand-foot vortex reappeared.

This time, it finally returned to normal, no Skyfire Crystal was drawn out, and the fluctuation here did not attract much attention because of its remoteness.

Several hours later, when the thousand zhang vortex disappeared, Xu Qing was already galloping in the distance.

There was some exhaustion in his expression, and his body’s tolerance to the sky fire had reached its limit, and he needed to go back and recuperate before he could continue.

However, the exhilaration in his purpose is not reduced by fatigue, but more.

“Three sundials!”

The third life lamp in Xu Qing’s body has been replaced by the same sundial at this moment, and the blessing of the same source is now more powerful, making Xu Qing’s speed increase by about 70% on the original basis.

Now that he is moving at full speed, ordinary monks can’t see clearly with their naked eyes, only afterimages can be seen.

“I don’t know what will happen after all five sets are complete.”

Xu Qingmu had a strong expectation in his heart. He had a faint feeling that when all five life lamps were refined and the sundial life lamp formed by his own blood became a complete set, more mysterious changes might occur.

Thinking of this, Xu Qing took a deep breath, boosted his speed, and roared forward.

A few days later, Xu Qing, who was galloping, suddenly stopped in the sea of ​​fire and looked into the distance with a strange look on his face.

Wherever he looked, there was a faint reverberation, the power of the spell spread, and the sea of ​​fire seemed to be drawn, slowly gathering there, as if refining something.

What attracted Xu Qing’s attention was that he felt his own drug ban in that direction.

It was the first time I met that old human race man. Although the other party was poisoned, it was obviously not very contaminated, coupled with the isolation of the mirror gloves, so the breath was not very obvious.

But now after so long, the power of drug prohibition has become so strong that it can no longer be completely isolated, so Xu Qing sensed it.

“It’s already very thick…”

Xu Qing knew the horror of his drug ban, so he thought about it, and the other party didn’t seem to deceive him.

“Go and see.”

Xu Qing swayed and approached that area.

He was going to see how the old man was doing now, and then weigh whether to detoxify him.

As they approached, Xu Qing’s expression became serious, and he hid in the magma without any hesitation.

He saw the monks of the Mirror Cloud Clan, and there were quite a few of them, dozens of them. Although there were many Golden Elixirs, there were also eight or nine Nascent Souls.

What made Xu Qing more vigilant was that he saw the formation here.

You must know that due to the special environment in Tianhuohai, it is difficult to arrange formations. This is also what troubled Xu Qing before, but here, it actually exists.

And the formation that can be arranged here must be powerful.

That formation is also very weird, it is a huge mirror.

This mirror has a range of hundreds of feet, floating in the sky, and the monks of the Mirror Shadow Clan all around are blessing it.

And the giant mirror faced the magma, reflecting the sea of ​​fire inside, and at the same time trapped a person within the hundred feet.

It was the old man of the human race who was trapped.

At this moment, his whole body was black and blue, and many places were rotting. While the bones were visible, his body was also trembling, enduring the suppression from the mirror of the sky formation.

The cover of his body has also been wiped off. Although he is still an old man, he is not thin, but rather tall, with a majestic expression, staring at the mirror above.

The mirror reflected Huo Hai and his figure. In addition, the mirror surface was raised to form a face, looking at him coldly.

“Duanmu Zang!”

“On weekdays, you come and go without a trace, assassinating our clan’s pride, but how did you end up like this now?”

“Now, if you kneel down and choose to attach, I can give you the opportunity to become my mirror image clan, let you get rid of the humble human blood, and help you to be promoted to Lingzang again.”

“Although death is inevitable for all living beings, at least you will be happier when you are alive, and you don’t have to hide so much.”

“Think carefully, if you are still stubborn after my main body arrives, you will not be eligible to choose.”

The sound of vicissitudes echoed in all directions, but the old man of the human race grinned grimly.


“The blood of Lao Tzu’s human race is extremely noble, how can it be compared to you miscellaneous races!”

“How long is the history of the Mirror Shadow Clan. The history of our human race is the same as that of Wanggu, not to mention the distant ones. In the recent Xuanyou Ancient Emperor period, Wanggu was unified. At that time, your Mirror Shadow Clan was still a fart and did not collapse. Come out!”

“Persistence!” A cold snort came from the giant mirror in the sky.

The surrounding mirror and shadow tribes were enlightened, and they spread their cultivation with all their strength, and poured into the giant mirror to suddenly increase the suppressing power of the formation.

In fact, he was already desperate in his heart, and the source of everything was the poison on his body.

He underestimated the horror of this poison at first, but when he really discovered its horror, it was too late.

His body, his soul, and all of him were being severely corroded, which also made his concealment method dissipate, and was traced by the Mirror Shadow Clan.

Stuck here.

“That human kid is not a thing!”

Duanmuzang cursed from the bottom of his heart ~IndoMTL.com~ He really didn’t have any good intentions at first, but after realizing that Xu Qing was a human race, he changed his mind. He just wanted to mark it and find a chance to grab it. kill.

I never thought about it, but I was poisoned by such a difficult and terrible poison.

“The antidote is also fake!”

When Duanmu Zang smiled wryly in his heart, Xu Qing hid under the lava in the distance, staring at all this. Most of the mirror shadow tribes were blessing the formation to increase the siege, and they never paid attention to the lava.

After all, as far as they are concerned, no group in this area dares to provoke them, especially the treasures of the national teacher, which are showing coercion, and others will avoid it when they see it.

Xu Qing weighed it, and thought of the help that box had given him during this period, so he made a decision.

“Save him once!”

The moment this idea came to mind, the poison pill in Xu Qing’s body suddenly dispersed, rose up along the magma, and spread in all directions.

But he raised his right hand and took out the fishbone, and the shadows scattered around, ready to move.

The next moment, Xu Qing’s eyes shone with a cold light, and he rushed out from under the magma.

The thirteen infants erupted together, and the earth-shattering power surged vigorously in Xu Qing’s body.

The pointers on the three sundials in his body are also trembling, and they can be pulled out at any time to form the power of time lag.


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