Outside of time Chapter 313: 1 ray of light!

Liu Ye is a poor man.

He used to be the leader of the heavenly arrogance in Qixuetong just like Qiye. Originally, it was impossible for him to stop at Nascent Soul, but at the most critical moment in his life, his beloved Taoist companion, his junior sister, accidentally fall.

That fall was also to save him.

This filled the heart of the most affectionate sixth master with endless sadness and remorse. He was mad, grieved, and indignant. He finally managed to get through that period of time, regain his strength, and pin all his hopes on his deceased wife. to his descendants.

His son is also very high-spirited, he cultivates hard, and he is even more excellent. This makes the sadness in Liu Ye’s heart gradually settle down, and it seems that there is hope in life.

But fate is sometimes so indifferent, his beloved son disappeared during a training trip.

The shattering of the life Jane let him know that his love child had died.

For the sixth master, the blow was not weaker than the fall of the Dao Companion back then. The thing that made the breath in his heart unable to dissipate and turned into depression was that he searched for many years, but he never found any clues.

So after that, the sixth master was sad, drunk all day, and sometimes Mochizuki cried bitterly, grief-stricken.

This scene, all seven blood pupils saw it in the eyes, but it was difficult to comfort the soul, only a sigh.

Eighth Ye’s eyes are open until death.

So according to the plan in the future, we took advantage of that opportunity to suppress Lingyun Taboo in turn, with the aim of plundering it reasonably and making it the foundation of our own sect.

“Master, the meeting ceremony for Yi Xuetong has not yet been completed.” Ye Jiu said respectfully, even if he was locked by a few alliance ancestors for seven weeks at the moment, the killing intent was weak, and the pressure was overwhelming, but my voice has not changed in the slightest. , For the inner world, I don’t care at all.

My Jindan protector and the disciples who stayed at the gate of each peak were all dejected. Outside, especially the several halls of the Eight Peaks, their bodies trembled and they let out heart-piercing roars.

The leaders of the four alliances under the sky, their eyes are hot, and they hurriedly open their mouths.

As if all of that meant nothing to me, that day and place where I wanted to go, others stopped me, and it was the same when I wanted to go.

“After the performance, you can go now.” The young man said, walking up the attic and walking on the street.

The candied haws are red, the same color as the blood dripping on the head of the eighth master outside Yejiu’s hands.

“Candlelight, I want to make an alliance with your four sects, and a full-scale war is a success!”

Under that roof, there was not a white-robed man wearing a mask of a god’s remnant face. I lay on the roof with my hands resting on my head, looking up at the sky, the Holy Youngest Son, and his son.

In this battle, the Sea Zombies almost hit the homeland of Yixuetong. After the next generation of ancestors was seriously injured and the masters of the peaks died within half an hour, they went out to travel to the youth, and even few people forgot the blood refining. Son is back.

The young man glanced at the candied gourd, with a flash of memory in his eyes, and went to pick up one.

We know, Candlelight, because of the arrival of a person, it is not the same.

Besides, at this moment, there is a twist, and Ye Jiu’s figure is revealed, standing silently on the side, with the left hand… holding a bleeding head.

Xue Lianzi had the same extreme sadness in his eyes, turned his head and roared, and tried his best to suppress the taboo of Guan Lehe Sect. At this moment, my peak master is also trembling. Ye’s body turned into a rain of blood, and sadness filled his mind.

“It’s used. Although the performance is famous, it’s a show after all.” The young man sat up, looked in the direction of Yi Xuetong, and stood up before smiling slightly.

It’s also the reason why Liu Ye and Xu Qing are different.

After killing and taking the head, this moment is gone, and the only one left is touch.

The same is true for the blood smelt.

My death was a shock to the entire Yixuetong.

And the traitorous sect doesn’t have a certain probability of involving Zhuzhao.

In the twisted sky, except for the ancestors of the alliance in the blood chain, they have all transformed into illusions, and all the coercion that was not there is locked here.

But…now it’s all gone.

Before this, a **** pupil developed rapidly, and the Primordial Infant cultivators gradually appeared before the rain, but after all, the level of Nascent Soul was very difficult for a very small number of cultivators to reach.

I’m a god, and I can count and have omissions!

Seeing this person’s actions, the ancestors under the sky looked even more solemn.

Our eyes all fell on the roof of an attic outside.

The first master and the eighth master are the same batch of worshipers who entered the mountain gate, and they are also the arrogant people who once competed with each other.

At the same time, the repressive power that pervades the sky and the earth is getting stronger and stronger, and it can make all the virtual solidification, so that people can follow the law.

At the same time, Yixuetong also successfully suppressed the taboos of Rising Cloud Sword Sect. In the last moment, the figures of Yiye and Xuelianzi rushed straight from the direction of Yixuetong.

No killing intent gathered from all directions, affecting the weather outside, causing snowflakes to form in mid-air and fall piece by piece.

Because of the battle of the Sea Zombies two years later, from the beginning to the end, although Yixuetong suffered many casualties, there were no peak masters in the Nascent Soul realm.

The next Nascent Soul’s fall will be seven hundred years later, a **** battle with the Sea Zombies.

Those, the first master has considered it, and even retreated from the preparations of the young masters early, including the taboo of the Rising Cloud Sword Sect, which was actually not what Xue Lianzi and the first master expected.

It is the eyes of the gods who opened their eyes and scatters! !

Eighth Lord, fall.

Ye Jiu followed silently in front of him, holding the head, the blood was slowly dripping, but not often one or two drops fell on the ground, turning into a shocking red.

Because, at this moment, I have to leave. I have to go with my ancestors to suppress the taboos of the Rising Cloud Sword Sect. Once we leave, the plan is the second, and the outbreak of the taboos will cause severe damage to the sect.

And everything that follows is also developing in a bad direction. Yixuetong was successfully promoted to Xiaozong, joined the alliance, and moved from Nanhuangzhou to Yinghuangzhou.

A ray of light… suddenly emanated from the wooden box!

At this moment, Yi Ye’s body trembled, looking at the distant white shadow in the sky, the blood in my eyes shook the sky at that moment, twisting all directions, and even the whole blood pupil trembled, but I had to press it.

“Night Dove.”

Especially when this white shadow beheaded the eighth master just now, the battle power that exploded turned out to be illusory, and it was not recorded in the intelligence of the powerless.

“Yes!” In front of me, Ye Jiu took out a complicated-looking wooden box from outside my arms. The wooden box had no lid. At this moment, Ye Jiu pushed the lid hard and opened it.

But it helps.

Even under the leadership of Xue Lianzi for nearly 700 years, with the cooperation of Yi Ye in the early stage, Yi Xue Tong has been singing along the way, and there is still no one in the Nascent Soul Stage who died during this period.

It’s my mission to be happy.

This is also the reason why the sixth master went mad after Xu Qing accidentally found the clue, and also the reason why Xue Lianzi agreed with the sixth master to take action even when he was at war with the sea corpse clan.

In my eyes, only the master who is not looking at the sky.

This light has color and shape. It can be seen, but it can be perceived. At the moment of its appearance, the sky changes color, the small earth roars, the forbidden sea roars, and the sun and the moon pale!

I saw Guan Le on the way, but I just waved my sleeves and cared too much about him.

“Yes, Master, are you going to take back the mask?” Ye Jiu said loudly.

The meaning of killing was weak and strong at that moment, so that there were cracks in the area we were staring at, and it seemed that the outer space would collapse.

So there are only a few figures for such a young man. The first and seventh peaks outside are the old people of that year, and the remaining eight are newcomers in the past seven hundred years.

And obviously, it was not premeditated or targeted. The other party didn’t seem to be here to kill the eighth master, and even showed some unknown means, so that the eighth master had no protection and all life-saving things were restrained. It is difficult to take effect, and the pursuit is not a one-hit kill.

I was even badly prepared for it.

At the same time, the figures outside made a tactic, which turned the alliance into a blockade, and even the face of the alliance leader under the sky was transformed into a big name that was never seen before, looking in front of Yixuetong, and then at Rising Cloud Sword Sect of the city.

We figured that the Rising Cloud Sword Sect must be a hidden danger, that the attitude of the leader of the alliance is ambiguous, that there may not be such a crisis of the sect, and that aside from the means of those crises, it is not certain that there may be no one Betrayal.

At this moment, I watched the headed corpse of the eighth master fall from the sky, collapsed inch by inch, until it turned into a sad rain of blood and sprinkled on the mountain gate of Yixuetong, and the eyes of the first master were rarely red.

That’s grievance against Yi Ye and Xue Lianzi. In fact, it’s just us. The entire Yinghuangzhou has no power, and they have miscalculated about Zhuzhao. We are still stuck in our previous cognition.

But… we can say that the strength of Zhuzhao is the same as the size that Yinghuangzhou recognizes.

“That performance, nothing special.” The young man’s voice, with some indifference, came out in a hurry.

Apart from that, Ba Ye has not yet felt relieved. All my energy is devoted to the dedication of Yi Xue Tong, and at the same time, I also silently pay attention to Xu Qing~IndoMTL.com~ At the moment, to repay this kindness that is very important to me.

The seven-week space is split open one after another. This is caused by the pressure from the eyes of the ancestors who stared at this place from under the sky. The same is true for the ground. Areas are natural depressions, and there is a terrifying sound of collapse.

As for the ancestors of my sect, before feeling the scene, their expressions were more solemn.

I showed a spiritual treasure of small perfection that no one expected, and at a critical moment, I resolved the crisis of a blood pupil.

At the moment when the swords were drawn, the white-robed youth walking behind wearing the mask of the god’s remnant face passed by a stall of candied fruit.

The young man raised his head when he heard the words, followed the eyes of the masked deity, looked up to the sky, and laughed again.

“My brother hates eating.”

The level of that matter, from the moment those two people appeared, has not yet risen to a very low level.

Just like killing a chicken with a bull’s knife, it will run away when it runs away. Compared with the harvest of killing Guanle, I care more about fulfilling the mission of the master, so I will go all out for it besides the eighth master.

Because of this light…

But this young man with a mask walked calmly. Even if he was locked by the weak of the alliance, even if he was a seventh-order returning to the void like the sky without an alliance leader, I was still full of nervousness.

Actually, this is indeed the case. This Bai Ying’s mission here is the Eighth Master.

The mortals of this place have long been moved away, half of Lingyun City is empty, and the migration has been hastily, and few items are scattered over seven weeks.

From now on, I will be in charge of a blood pupil.

There is no one in the eyes of a blood, some people talk about ordinary people, some people talk about disciples, some people talk about ancestors, and their expressions change drastically at that moment.

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