Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 95: Scary aliens

Chapter 95: Terrible Alien

“From the situation you described, the year of this decisive battle is getting longer and longer, and this seems to have a more conspiratorial flavor.” Jun Moxie considered this matter solemnly for the first time, saying: “Before ten years Extending it to the 100-year period is understandable, because not only your mystics can spend it, but even the superpowers of mankind have the opportunity to participate in the battle for the sky twice, even three times or four times! If you want to extend to 500 years now, the mysterious beast is better, but for us humans, it is a very sinister design! “

Jun Moxie erected a finger: “It is well known that once profound strength cultivation reaches the top of the earth, you can extend your life with the help of mystery. The cultivation at the level of the gods can basically live to 150 to two years old. A hundred years old, if you can go further and reach the Supreme cultivation, you can extend it again, but it will not exceed the limit of 350 years. “These are what Jun Moxie learned from Ying Bokong’s mouth. But the level above the supreme realm is not even known by Ying Bokong.

“In fact, the supremacy of human supremacy is also existence. Their existence at this level can basically have a life span between 400 and 600 years. cultivation, a signal engineer, should have reached this level on already, and In fact, according to my records of the age of punishment, even the strongest at this level can have a longer life, but it is only a very few, because the strongest who can reach this level can not be more than three in a thousand years. Five people. “

“Or it can be said that, if the strong men who participated in one battle of the sky have been calculated based on the current 500-year period, the vast majority will not have the opportunity to participate in the next battle of the sky! Because those who are qualified to participate in the battle to win the sky, at least it must be practiced for one or two hundred years to reach such a height. However, the next battle to win the sky will not last for 500 years after human life. The next decisive battle, even the most powerful and talented man who is shocked again and again, is limited to manpower and sometimes poor, and can only bloom once at most. So the battle for the sky is only passed on to pass on the legacy of the fire! ” Mei Xueyan sighed deeply. “After all, those characters who have lived on the mysterious function for thousands of years are just existence and legends and legends.”

“Every battle to win the sky is the most tragic and desolate catastrophe. Every master who participates in the battle, even the arrogant existence, once bound to participate, will inevitably hold on to his will. , Bring your own disciple disciple to the disciples to watch, watch the brutality of aliens, watch the sacrifices of their masters! Such a generation of salary and fire inheritance …

Mei Xueyan ’s beautiful eyes were a little fascinated: “I was fortunate to be taken by the previous generation of the King of Heaven to punish and watch the battle to win the sky. At that time, I was only a seventh-level little …” She didn’t go on, but sighed deeply.

“The Heavenly Punishment has clearly stated for several generations of holy kings that the time limit is extended, which is basically the plot of those aliens. For five hundred years, they can afford to wait and are willing to wait, but we can’t wait. Although they also To renew, but the living conditions on their side are really too bad, in accordance with the principle of eliminating the weak and remaining strong, the survival of the fittest, each generation, there are countless strong generation. But for our mainland Say, existence is facing faults one by one! It is too long, and the habitual forgetfulness of human comfort is the greatest natural enemy of wear and tear! “

“Why not just go straight up the mountain and slaughter the aliens, wouldn’t it be better to never suffer later?” Jun Moxie frowned.

“Are you countless strong men before? Are you a fool? If this plan is successful, already will come true. This method has already been tried by the strong, but … it is possible that anyone who can climb the mountain, They are all masters of the masters, and the strong among the strong! Throughout the entire continent, there are only a few dozen people in each generation, and on the other side, there are many strong people waiting, not to mention. There are millions of people, and accommodation is extremely scattered. How can they be slaughtered all at once? “

“If you rush past, it’s true that you will be killed by others. Tianzhu Mountain’s nature is not only the alien’s nature, but also our nature!”

Mei Xueyan snorted and said, “Once and for all, naturally is good, but we … can’t do it! If we can keep it from being intruded in the current situation, it will be hard to find already! What’s more about offense? ? Furthermore, the environment on the other side is extremely bad. When humans or mysterious beasts are there, it is difficult to guarantee even the basic living conditions. There is no way to say that it can cause too much slaughter! “

Jun Moxie said nothing in silence, but he was thinking about it. This matter is indeed difficult. Among them are several difficult points that are difficult to resolve. One is that the Three Saints and one ferocious plan have long been unable to unite, but the other reason is that there is no strong team. If there are three or five hundred people, It is the Supreme cultivation. It can unify the orders. Once it is successfully passed, even if it cannot be extinct in one fell swoop, it will inevitably hurt the aliens. Even if the aliens are weak and strong, the fittest will survive, and it is impossible for everyone to be strong. By!

At this point, Jun Moxie couldn’t help but think of his own subordinates, Cantian Eater. If they are, think about it … Jun Moxie could not help but shake his head. Now the Murderous Qi guys are enough, but their strength is still too low. The strongest are not at the level of the first level, I am afraid that even the seat The mountain can’t go up, but if it takes another few decades …

He shook his head, it’s too late.

Men are murders, murders are teenagers! Men should do great work, not white hair and black heads! If you wait until Huafa is full, then even if you build a dying career, already is still very old …

“I’m surprised that Xuanxuan Continent can be considered tolerant since ancient times, and Xuanxuan can also be accepted by human beings. Why can’t we try to accept those aliens. Since they can also be called humans, they should also have Is it close to the form of human beings? Is the alien … what is so different? “Jun Moxie asked strangely:” Their strength is so strong. If they can be accepted and then assimilated, wouldn’t it? “

“Hey, you haven’t seen that alien … so you don’t know how terrible they are, let alone how filthy and disgusting they are! That’s why this kind of naive and ignorant thought! There was an indescribable expression on Mei Xueyan’s face, as if it was extremely disgusting, she would feel embarrassed even when she talked about it, and it would be dirty.

Oh?” Jun Moxie said with interest: “Then what do they look like?”

“What does this ethnic group look like … how do you describe it? Their ethnic characteristics are bisexual, a bit like human deformed conjoined babies, but they cannot survive regardless of the half, which is also summed up by countless seniors. This One of the major weaknesses of ethnic groups is that they have advantages and disadvantages. Because they are composed of two bodies, the meridians inside the body can achieve the effect of insufficient complementarity. Therefore, no matter what skills they practice, they will do more with less. It is even more cruel and humanless, and it is inaccurate to say that they are not human, because they themselves are not qualified to be called humans! “Mei Xueyan frowned.

“It seems that these conjoined humans have a very strange or even weird work circulating in their ethnic groups, which can hide their whereabouts in the shortest time, or directly become a tree, or melt into the water In short, it is Ten Thousands Transformation, which makes people very headache, “said here, Mei Xueyan groaned a bit.

“Siamese? All Siamese?” Jun Moxie’s eyes widened. I often heard that Siamese is a disease, but I didn’t expect that it was still an ethnic group here … But listening to their martial arts described by Mei Xueyan, I was so familiar?

“Their kung fu is a bit like the magical tricks you performed before!” Mei Xueyan groaned for a long time and finally said.

“What, like my technique, what do you mean! You can see clearly, this Young Master is a seven-foot man, a beautiful young man, can it be related to those **** people?”

Jun Da Shao was listening with great interest. At first hearing Mei Damei’s remarks, she was angry. Listening to Mei Xueyan’s statement, the conjoined people used at most is the so-called five-shaped armour. And it’s still the most rude kind, can it be compared with Master Ben’s unparalleled Kaitiancaohua, YinYang? This too looks down on me!

Young Master, do n’t worry, I certainly understand what Young Master said. Although your skills are slightly similar, the level of knowledge between them is too far apart. It ’s really different. It ca n’t be compared at the same time. It ’s based on my mastery of heaven and earth cages. It can be said that the biggest nemesis of their skills can be killed by raising their hands. Although my method can also restrain the king Young Master you, at best, can only make short-term imprisonment. If it can cause Young Master to death, it is impossible to catch. I even judge that I can restrain Young Master because Young Master itself is cultivation. If this kind of magical power is By the instructor, then my heaven and earth cage can serve as a tie-up! “

Mei Xue’s flue is a little bit worried about seeing Jun Moxie. Mei Xueyan is begging for help and has to send a high hat to Jun Daxiu.

Heard Mei Xueyan touted, even with the calmness of Master Junda, there is a lot of meaning, but at this moment is not proud, Jun Moxie asked again: “What kind of weapons are these people good at, What about cultural literacy? “

“These ethnic groups seem to only use a long, slender knife as a weapon. After thousands of years of evolution, this knife is also quite extraordinary. One stab, they must yell their mantra, because the language and culture between the two continents are very different, and they do n’t know what they are drinking. It ’s really annoying … ”

“Even a conjoined person, it ’s a human, right? That ’s a weird image, can you say …” Jun Moxie blinked, looking like a curious baby. I ca n’t wait to catch a conjoined alien now. Look at the research.

“Cough …” Mei Xueyan was a bit uncomfortable, and hesitated for a while before he said, “You don’t know … these … one-piece people, each of them is a man and a woman , The two are one … “

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