Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 94: Three Holy Ones and One Fierce Battle

Chapter 94: The Battle for the Sky, Three Saints and One Fierce

“Tianzhu Mountain? It’s the highest mountain in Xuanxuan Continent, the one located at the southernmost end of Xuanxuan Continent? It is said that the mountains are so high and high that they stretch across hundreds of thousands of miles between heaven and earth. It is from the side of the mainland to the side of the mainland. According to ancient tradition, this mountain is the end of the sky! Not to mention people or animals, even the eagle cannot fly. It has always been extinct, and it is estimated that no one can conquer it. Heaven Zhushan, mountains are sky-high, gods and demons cannot stop! “

Jun Moxie knows this mountain naturally, and he is also very interested in this mountain! How big is the Kunlun Mountains on Earth? And this Tianzhu Mountain is so high, the overall height of the mountain is much higher than Everest … and it almost traverses the entire planet! This is simply a miracle of miracles!

So Jun and Da have always wanted to climb up and take a look.

“Yes, at that time, Tianzhu Mountain suddenly collapsed a mountain somehow. At that time, the flames of sky soared beyond the sky, countless stones flew up, and flew out of dozens of miles. The people living in Tianzhu Mountain have countless deaths and injuries! Even the Supreme Master Xuan Xuan cannot be spared, and even the entire earth is trembling. Many places have rushed out of the heat flow that can melt the fossils. The catastrophe! After the catastrophe, Xuanxuan continent killed or injured more than ten million people. After that, the peak on the side of Tianzhu Mountain suddenly collapsed by more than half! “

“No one was able to get up, and no birds could climb up and down, like a knife, but after that time, although the manpower was still unable to go up, it was much lower. After all, this mountain range is full. Li long! But because of this, people at that time discovered one thing. It turned out that the Xuanxuan continent did not end only in Tianzhu Mountain. After Tianzhu Mountain, there is another world! “

Mei Xueyan’s voice became heavy. Jun Moxie finally guessed that the story must be behind that mountain range. The catastrophe that Mei Xueyan said must be an extremely volcanic eruption plus an earthquake …

“After the peak collapsed, two strange things suddenly came from that side. Or, they should be human.” Mei Xueyan continued, “These two strange human beings are on the side of Tianzhu Mountain. There was a fierce clash between the strong men! In the end, the digital supreme strong forces joined forces to force them to kill them! But, that place has crawled a lot …

“Even the supreme power cannot resist a large number of strange people, but if these strange and unusually strong people invade the entire continent, it is bound to cause unimaginable harm, so almost All the mysterious people in the world are concentrated north of Tianzhu Mountain, and they are fully obstructed! This is the first battle to win the sky! “

Mei Xueyan sighed deeply.

“The whole continent united, and all the people formed a city. Finally, they completely repelled those strange people, but in the battle, everyone gradually realized that to deal with these people, the mysterious people below the Supreme were simply sacrificed in vain, There is no use at all, even if it is the quasi-extreme class of Shenxuan Shipin, when facing these people, a full blow will not hurt these monsters. Therefore, this battle has become a top mystery Battle between the two. And those who have not reached the highest level of the mysterious, have all dismissed back, there is really no need to cause unnecessary sacrifice.

“At that time, in order to more effectively block these outsiders, Xuanxuan Continent formed the four largest forces! They are the Shixian Palace, Supreme Gold City, and Dream Blood Sea! In addition, this is always related to the entire continent The battle of future destiny, so the mysterious beast king and beast lord also participated in this battle and became more self-contained. At that time, the forest punishment force was the strongest and strongest in the Quartet, so the forest punishment was the main force, which was called the first in the world Fiercely! “

“The three holy places are to screen the strong from all human mysteries. If one person reaches the bottleneck of his supreme power, he will be accommodated in the three holy places and wait for the next battle for heaven. During this period, you must not go out except for diligent practice! Because any slackness may lead to the defeat of the battle to win the sky! The failure of the battle to win the sky will cause the catastrophe of the entire humanity! So, three The holy shrine is basically the strong concentration camp of the Xuanxuan continent! And, it must be the real strong to enter the three holy shrines! “

“We are punishing the forest, after all, it is a mysterious animal. The strong human beings will never join us. Therefore, over time, the three holy places are becoming more and more prosperous, and the punishment forest has a natural elimination rule. , Always remain the same. Therefore, the day punishment forest, which was the strongest wave of the four major forces at the time, already is now declining. “

“The three holy places are all very harsh places to better resist the invasion of monsters, but they are very useful for the promotion of warriors. Therefore, the three holy places , It gradually faded out of the worldly vision, except for the interval to find the Supreme Bottleneck Xuan Zhe who enters the Holy Land, it is basically not visible on the earth. For thousands of years, it has been gradually forgotten, but the battle for the sky, but Never stopped! “

“This is the origin of the Three Saints and One Fierce.” Mei Xueyan looked at the sky in the distance.

“It turned out to be so.” Jun Moxie was a little vague, echoing it casually. But there was some admiration in my heart. It turned out that there are still so many people secretly maintaining this continent behind this secular prosperity! And the war over there is just a silent effort, a silent sacrifice … This alone is worthy of the title of ‘holy place’.

“So I’m surprised that Master, who has such a strong cultivation, can still be happy!” Mei Xueyan rolled her eyelids and looked at Jun Moxie.

“Eh … it may be related to the indifferent nature of teachers and students, never to show up …” Jun Moxie was haha.

“Or yes, it’s just that in the last millennium, the Three Holy Ones have been fighting fiercely. They have long forgotten their original intentions and are also important reasons! Presumably it has made many strong people chill … Three holy places, already is not the original It’s a holy place … “Mei Xueyan sighed and let out a moment of sigh before proceeding.

“After the daily obstruction, everyone was exhausted, so they decided to fight. After all, what they can come over are also the best among them. Furthermore, the south of Tianzhu Mountain is extremely cold, which is basically This is not a place where normal people can live, so the monsters over there also want to come here, but they will inevitably harm the interests here. Besides, those people are despicable and dirty, so they are shameless, so, Nothing allows them to come here! “

“Furthermore, the practice of decisive battles every ten years was formed, but then it was felt that the ten-year period was too short, and each other had too little time to recuperate, and changed to a hundred years. Then, at that time, in the battle for the sky In China, the strength of the Three Saints and One Fierce on the mainland has soared unprecedentedly, and they have beheaded all the aliens who came to the decisive battle! They have greatly damaged their vitality. Therefore, they did not come for the next 100 years. It was not until 200 years later that they made a comeback! But no matter how fierce they were, they were all blocked back by the three saints and one fierce power. For a long time, things are so repetitive. Until now, already has become five hundred Once a year! “

Mei Xueyan sighed: “The longer and longer the time, from the ten-year period to the present 500 years, for them, there is no harm to them, because they do not want to get rid of that harsh environment all the time. ; So we are working hard all the time; but for our side, the five hundred years are too long! It is long enough to be able to alternate generations, long enough to forget the terrible consequences! Although the three saints and one fierce still remain existence, but, it really means that already is no longer the former Three Holy Ones and one fierce! Moreover, I do n’t know when the people from the three holy places started to enter the mainland, and some even secretly manipulated secular imperial power … … “

“The change has become more and more intense. In the past century or so, the struggle for power has become the secret direction of the three holy places. It is really sad and regrettable! I still can’t understand it. Does the holy place’s supreme transcendental status still need these worldly things? “Mei Xueyan said a little.

“And the most saddening thing is that today’s three holy one fierce, what ranking battle is actually going to start! Just for the ranking of who is first and who is behind, they are fighting each other. Almost, I do n’t know how much strength, I wasted and wasted on these internal fights! It ’s a pity … And the deadline for the latest battle to win the sky will be between these years. By then … Hold on, but this time it is not optimistic. I am really worried … “Mei Xueyan’s pretty eyes showed a hint of confusion.

“Although I am a mysterious beast and not a human being, I still consider myself a member of the Xuanxuan continent. Since the nine thousand years ago, we have punished the number of warriors who have been killed in the battle for the sky by the forest. But it has always been the crown of the Three Saints and One Vicious! Earlier already regarded this battle for the sky as his own mission! Because we shed too much blood already for this! Although my Mei Xueyan looks down on the humans on this continent, What we guard is the puppet continent, not these filthy human beings, and this responsibility to protect the continent is our natural punishment, and our responsibility is undeniable! The natural punishment is so famous that it must not be cut off in the hands of my surname Mei. ! “

“So it ’s imperative to increase your strength this time! At all costs, let the power of the Sky Penalty advance by leaps and bounds! In case humans ca n’t resist the invasion of aliens in the battle to win the sky, then let us Heaven punishes the forest, and pushes them back with their own body! If not good, they can also fight with their opponents to the end! “

“So we must participate in the Battle of the Sky! Just to participate, we must continue to rank among the three holy and fierce! Otherwise, we are not even eligible for the battle of the Sky.”

Hearing here, Jun Moxie can’t help but respectfully!

Jun Moxie claims that he is not a good man, not even a gentleman. He even disdains what heroes and heroes, but he has the same admiration and admiration for those real heroes!

Just like in previous history, Yue Fei Yue Wu Mu!

The admiration of white soldiers has no regrets now!

Mei Xueyan, although it is only the mysterious creature cultivation has become a human figure, but she can have this insistence, this mind, enough to make all humans in the world ashamed!

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