Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 91: Trouble!

Chapter 91: Trouble!

In the next room, Meng Haizhou and Li Zhen were so angry that their noses were crooked, and their handsome faces turned green instantly! To say that for them, although they are not a small amount, they are not too large, and they can still afford them!

But the last time the battle of Qianjintang was defeated, and I lost the blood of these young guys. I almost didn’t take off my pants. Now I’m not very generous! And this jade coral must be something they must get during this trip!

Sheng Baotang will send a list of auction items to the major families in Tianxiang City three days before each auction. When Li Youran saw the name of this jade coral, he immediately ordered: At all costs, get this jade coral!

In fact, there are also Junjia in this auction list, but Junjia never participates in such occasions. Over time, this list will stop at Junjia’s concierge. So Jun Moxie didn’t know about it. Besides, the fact that Jun has no intention of collecting medicinal materials is extremely secretive. Only three people know about it if he knows it; if he did not happen to find Tang Yuan, I am afraid that even this burning Jinghe will have to miss it …

This jade coral is precious to other mystics, but it is only a supplementary practice, but it is really a longevity for Li Shang, who has been abolished mysticism. Magic weapon of life! Even, there will be hope for re-cultivation! Because Li Youran learns from a reliable channel that if this jade coral absorbs the vitality of the heavens and earth in a special way, there is even hope for the resumption of the abolishment of Tai Xishi ’s aura, and it is very sure !!

Few people know about this effect! Li Youran already secretly searched for a long time, but never found the trace of jade coral.

If Li Taishi’s body can last for a few years or even decades, how important is it for the Li family? So this jade coral is just a strange decoration to others, but for the Li family, it is related to the future of the entire family!

The sudden appearance of this thing is undoubtedly a fortune for the Li family! Therefore, the Li family was determined to obtain this jade coral, and Li Youran also gave death orders to Meng Haizhou and Li Zhen! If you don’t consider that Li Youran’s goal is too big, he will be stumped by it. I am afraid that Li Youran is already sitting here!

Meng and Li came together, intending to use the prestige of the two major Aristocratic Familys to bid a higher price early, which should fool the remaining buyers and purchase this treasure. The two boys already did this. Fully prepared! How could there be such a nasty fat man popping up at this juncture, and he is still an old enemy!

Not only that, there is also a very powerful Jun Moxie who has been aware of their intentions. But they didn’t know it!

Rao is a long-awaited auctioneer on the stage, and was also startled by a whisper from Tang Yuan.

For a long time, there was a sound of gritting teeth in the private box next door: “I am 1.2 million.”

The two Li Zhen really had to bid hard, but they still had enough money to bring them. The 1.2 million pair is still under budget, but two more at a time. One hundred and twenty thousand, also meant to scare Tang fat man!

Unexpectedly, this voice is too late to fall, Tang Yuan already cried out with a throat: “bluff me! Two million two!”

The fat man’s name is called a hearty, this kind of empty talk to raise the price does not really need to be silver, especially can make those nasty guys bleeding, really … cool!

Li Zhen and Meng Haizhou next door almost vomited blood!

This time, the silver that Li Youran dialed down was only two million two. The two felt that they were taking advantage. After all, although the jade coral is rare, the reserve price is only 100,000 silver, at most only Requires four to five million two silver already is the limit, two million two is definitely only a lot more! The two even thought about how to slap silver into their own pockets to subsidize the loss of the previous time. However, when they thought of being a mess with Tang Shizi, they were bidding once, and the price reached the peak! If you continue to shout, the remaining silver will come out on its own.

As for going back to Li Youran for reimbursement … the idea was never even thought of by the two of them.

“2.4 million!” This is Li Zhen’s voice. It can be heard that the Young Master brother already of Taishifu is angry and rushes to the crown, the small face changes from green to blue, and the already has a tendency to become purple. “Tang Yuan, do you really want this jade coral? This thing is useless to you!”

“Fart! How do you know that this thing is useless to Lao Tzu! It’s useless to Lao Tzu, what nonsense do you talk to you? Do you think you look handsome?” The meat was violently violent, even the box shook twice, and shouted, “Three million two!”

The purr sound of purring and wheezing next door can be heard even in such a soundproof box.

Meng Haizhou’s voice was obviously stuttered: “3.5 million two!” I don’t know if it was angry, or where.

I just shouted here, and immediately got out of the box, came to the door of the Tang box, twisted his face and said, “Tang fat man, before that you already asked my family for two million two silver, far away Far more than what you have lost, what do you want to do? Notice that you ca n’t do too much to be a man and do something! If you stay on the line, you will meet in the future! ”

“Well? You two are really weird. Tang Yuan shouted the price first, and the export was one million two. No one competed. Obviously, he succeeded with already. It is clear that you are deliberately raising prices with Tang Yuan. Everyone can see the evil intentions; why is Tang Yuan now? “Tang Yuan had not spoken yet, and Jun Moxie already cried out in wonder:” Your Li and Meng families are unreasonable? “

As soon as he spoke, the voice of a young girl in the Tianxiang Royal Box opposite him suddenly exclaimed, “It’s Jun Moxie.” But it was the voice of Dugu Xiaoyi. The voice was full of joy, full of joy, full of … relieved.

“Jun Moxie! Without you, you’re not much to worry about here!” Meng Haizhou Tieqing faced. Last time it was a good thing that this guy broke, and afterwards he was severely “family ruled” by the family. Not only did he steal the chicken but he ransomed the rice by Tang Yuan for two million dollars, and the injury is still bad. Lisuo, at this moment, it’s really annoying that the two of them are together again.

“My business is three things! Less nonsense, take out the silver if you want something, and get rid of it without silver!” Tang Yuan swelled abruptly and screamed: “This Young Master produced four hundred What? I dare to argue with Lao Tzu? Lao Tzu has nothing else, just rich! Let me tell you! Lao Tzu is too much money and burns too panic! “

Everyone is watching it now; on the one hand, the Meng family and Li family, on the other hand, the Jun family and Tang family; this is clearly the Young Master brothers of these four families are fighting; everyone closed with interest. mouth.

Now that after the **** washing of Master Jing by Master Jun, there is no blood on the street. Who has the courage to jump out and be stabbed?

Swearing badly, Meng Haizhou stood trembling with anger and stood outside the box, and really wanted to walk away, but after all, he didn’t dare to violate Li Youran’s account when he came, so he had to shoot his teeth and blood swallow. , Hate: “I give five million two! Five million two silver! Tang Yuan, you have a seed!”

Jun Moxie squinted his eyes slightly, and his consciousness subtly detected Meng Haizhou’s excited emotions; seeing him already was almost exhausted, knowing that this was the highest number that Meng Haizhou and Li Zhen could put together! If Tang Yuan shouts again, I’m afraid I’ll smash it into my own hands. He winked at Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan knows it, and laughed, “Meng’s family is really rich, five million two silver! Buy a jade coral worth only 500,000 yuan for ten times the price and admire it. Ben The master’s silver is not enough, I will give it to you this time. “As he approached Meng Haizhou, he mysteriously lowered his voice and said,” My surname is Meng. Actually, I didn’t bring any money today. I just shouted to play. ”

Meng Haizhou’s eyes were stunned, his face pale, his fingers pointed at Tang Yuan. For a long time, a spit of blood spurted out. Falling to the sky.

“It’s too fragile, just talk about it. Why can’t you really bring money?” Jun Moxie shook his head again and again, and watched Meng Haizhou slammed heavily when he fell to the ground with a scorn: “Even such a sentence Can’t stand it, really despise it. “

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