Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 430: Brother! brothers!

Chapter 430 Brothers! brothers!

The eagle king’s feet abruptly stepped into the air, and as it stood still, it seemed to turn into an ancient and eternal statue!

Only his head, but still twisting slowly and slowly, looking at the fourth brother lying quietly on the ground, desperate, I am not assured …

“Four brother … Wake up soon, I really can’t do it … Ah …” The King of Eagles begged desperately. The voice was so low that he couldn’t even hear it himself. Then his body suddenly stopped.

No more voices.

But his twisted head and eyes still tell his anxiety, despair, and weakness!

Si Si, I can’t protect you anymore.

Eagle King’s eyes are full of sorrow, regret, and anxiety! Stop it.

The bear king is still lying there quietly, completely ignorant of everything around him, he is too tired! His body already was completely overdrawn, beyond the limit of overdraft, hell, just hit it, almost all his bones were taken away.

In the silence, his spirit seems to be lingering in the void, there seems to be something, but he can’t remember it, can’t hold it, can’t see clearly … Now he just wants to sleep a lot, Don’t want anything, go to sleep without any consideration!

But at this moment, there seemed to be a heartbreaking voice shouting: Si Si … wake up …

It seems that Jiudi is calling himself, King of Eagles!

The King of Bears is suddenly shocked!

Xiong Kaishan tried his best to open his eyes, but he couldn’t open them! He continued to work hard, but the two eyelids were as heavy as a mountain!

My brother!

My brother is calling me!

Xiong Kaishan thought anxiously; exhausting the continuous efforts of the stile … but it didn’t work, the body was as soft as cotton …

“Four brother … wake up … wake up … I can’t stand it …” It was the voice of the King of Eagles again!

Xiong Kaishan’s soul is roaring in anger, struggling anxiously in vain … Jiudi, what did you encounter? Jiu brother … fourth brother is coming … fourth brother is coming soon …

At this moment, suddenly, Xiong Kaishan’s mind appeared like a miracle image of the eagle king. Xiong Kaishan finally opened his eyes successfully and looked at his brother who was fuzzy in his mind. colic. It seems that his own internal organs are broken into pieces at this moment!

The Eagle King in his head looked at him in despair, with a near-inaudible voice, wriggling his lips hard: “Four brother … wake up … ah …”

Then the King of Eagles suddenly disappeared! Even more abrupt than it appeared!

Xiong Kaishan roared suddenly and suddenly jumped from the ground!

He finally woke up!

On the battlefield where blood and fire flew together, the bear king who had just passed thunderstorm woke up like a miracle!

But he just opened his eyes, but in the blink of an eye, he was about to crack!

An inexplicable indignation and anger rushed into his heart like a raging wave!

In front of me, there is darkness, a figure of a mighty shore, quietly blocking in front of myself! not moving at all! Tick-tick-tick, a stream of sticky blood, since this person has been overflowing continuously, dripping on Xiong Kaishan’s body!

I woke up, and the roar made all the aliens around me scared and scared, but the person who blocked himself … why didn’t he move? Why doesn’t he move?

Why didn’t he look back at me!

How is this figure so familiar, but my brother doesn’t have such a figure! Is it like old nine? It ’s a bit like that, but he does n’t have Lao Ji ’s wide wings, eh, no wings … Ah? No wings? !!

A terrible idea rises inexplicably, Xiong Kaishan suddenly feels that his heart is shrinking sharply! An unspeakable heartache suddenly surged into the mountains.

He stood up cautiously, stepping around in front of this figure and taking a closer look, suddenly felt a burst of Venus in front of him! Suddenly, it seemed that there were countless huge hammers on his head, and he was pounding crazy on his own heart!

Smash your body, bones, heart, and soul!

“Brother Nine! Brother Nine ………” Xiong Kaishan rubbed his eyes unbelievably and couldn’t believe his eyes, and suddenly yelled wildly in the sky!

The man in front of you is really the nine brother, the king of the air-the king of eagles!

A round spit of blood squirted from his mouth!

The eagle king’s broken body still stands coldly, his face is cold, his eyes are fierce and persistent, and his body still keeps leaning forward slightly. It seems that he will explode anytime, anywhere to protect his brother To make the sharpest and most deadly attack …

“Nine brothers …” Xiong Kaishan shook out his hands and wanted to hug the brother in front of him, the already‘s body gradually getting cold. But he didn’t dare, because he was afraid to disturb his brother’s final peace.

“Brother! Kitty! Ah … ah … ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ……” Xiong Kaishan was sorrowful, only feeling that his heart was broken into a flap at this moment.

I am twenty years older than the Eagle King. I still remember that when Jiu Ji was born, he was still a medium-sized bear, squatting in front of the nest, looking at the milky hawk egg, and curiously heard the sound of pecking, and then the egg shell suddenly Rupture, first of all, a sharp little mouth …

Then, a wet brown tan eagle. It came out like a chick, with a timid look, and curiously looked at the world …

That’s Jiu’s first look …

Our brother, brother of a lifetime!

When the nine brothers gradually grow up, they can fly, and gradually advance … In the end, they will become a nine-level mystery like themselves, climb to the peak, and be able to transform … how long is this, What a memorable time …

Always, among the brothers, he and the King of Tiger are the most compatible, because they are both the same bold and reckless; and the nine brothers, have been noisy, almost noisy since they each began to transform. For hundreds of years, it has been almost noisy for half a century …

Even to this day, and until recently, noisy …

The bear king’s heart is so smokey, and you look back …

Remember, on the way, King Bear was sitting on the back of King Eagle, and both were impatient.

Bear King: Smelly Kitty, you fly so slowly! When can I get to Tianzhu Mountain?

Eagle King: Would you like to fly? Fuck you down! I fly by myself and can double! You even carry two thousand pounds with a knife. A bear is a bear.

King of the Bear: Um, or I throw this knife down, only with a sword.

Eagle King: Fart! It’s an absolute weapon to transport this knife! Before the war, what are you talking about? After so many years, I haven’t grown at all!

Bear King: I’m your fourth brother, but you **** scolded me all my life! You do n’t lose heart …

Eagle King: Lose you!

Thinking, Xiong Kaishan’s eyes were full of tears: Xiaoying … How much the fourth brother hopes to fight with you again.

My thoughts fluttered. It seemed that I was still sitting on the back of the Eagle King. The voice of the Eagle King became dignified: “Four brothers, this battle is about life and death. Do n’t be impulsive. Please, your temper, Even if you can’t stop it, you must stop it! “

Bear King laughed: “Nine brother, fourth brother understands. However, you also have to take care! Rest assured, fourth brother fights this life, but also wants you to return to heaven.”

“Fart!” The Eagle King was angry. “Who wants you to fight this life? What frustration are you talking about at this time?”

After speaking, the king of eagle said something lowly. At that time, clouds and mists passed by around him, Xiong Kaishan looked at his heart, and looked around, but didn’t hear clearly what the Eagle King said.

Now thinking back, Xiong Kaishan seems to feel that there are still clouds under his feet, beside him, ears, and the sound of wind is screaming. The sentence that the King of Eagles did not hear clearly, suddenly became like thunder Sounded in his ears.

“Four brother … even if I fight this life, I won’t let you die!”

Today, King Eagle has fulfilled this vow with his own life! Anyone who has suffered such a heavy injury is already dead, dead dozens of times and hundreds of times! But the King of Eagles, the proud eagle of heaven punishment, was holding on desperately, not knowing where to use it, until the Bear King woke up!

Without him, for my brother! Even if I die, he is not allowed to be hurt in front of me!

Brother! brothers! brothers! !!

Brother, that’s it! I’d rather die than let you die! I’d rather die first than see you being hurt in front of me!

This is brother!

Xiong Kaishan’s heart is suddenly big, Jiu Brother, Jiu Brother! The fourth brother has troubled you. The fourth brother already made up his mind to keep you safe, but in the end, it was you who defended me with his own life!

If you go, let the fourth brother me … how can it be! What a pity! !!

When the two were together, they were arguing all the time, but the King of Bears never really got angry. He knows that this Correct brother’s feelings are deeply reflected.

The King of Eagles has always disliked talking. He has been very silent, but to himself, there is endless dissatisfaction … that is hate iron and steel! Those quarrels are wrong brothers. Who would say that?

Sometimes, I’m really too shy and stupid … The King of Eagles has always been worried about his loss.

Every time, if something happens to you, Eagle King always scolds himself and rushes to the front …

No matter what!

Whoever is right and wrong, who is right and wrong!

Today, it’s still the old nine, Kitty Hawk, in order to protect himself, right in front of him, right in front of him, he finally shed the last drop of blood! Exhausted the last drop of blood for myself!

Even though he is dead, his body is still guarding me, and he is still uneasy about me!

The chest is slimy, Xiong Kaishan grabbed it and his eyes were red!

This is Jiu’s blood!

Jiudi’s blood!

Xiong Kaishan’s eyes suddenly frenzied suddenly.

Jiudi’s blood cannot flow in vain! It must not be in vain!

Brother Nine, Brother Nine … Fourth Brother … Sorry for you!

If I can wake up early! Just one moment …

Looking at the eagle king’s scars and holes, even the big wings he most valued were gone, and all around were iron and steel feathers! The farthest is dozens of feet away!

Xiong Kaishan suddenly felt breathless!

What kind of blow did Jiudi suffer in order to protect me?

This serious injury is even worse than Ling Chi’s broken body!

“Nine brothers …” The King of Bears finally sighed with pain ***, with his whole heart and all his heart and painstaking effort, spit out the two words that made his heart and soul broken!

The King Eagle’s body still stands indifferently, with a pair of ring eyes, and still warns fiercely and cruelly to all around …

Xiong Kaishan choked, and suddenly turned his head, staring fiercely at the fierce swordsmanship of five aliens not far away. His expression suddenly calmed down, and he became extremely horrified.

On his temples, thick blue tendons are beating!

Step by step, came slowly.

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