Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 394: Happy hundred miles of clouds

Chapter 394 The Hundred Miles of Happiness

Looking at Dugu Xiaoyi’s naked, tear-stained face, Guan Qinghan was almost ashamed of himself!

This **** bastard! How can I see people in the future …

But when I saw Jun Moxie’s fiery eyes still unconscious, Guan Qinghan was startled, he closed his eyes and pretended not to wake up. This guy is so strong that he can’t bear Correct. I’m still paralyzed until now …

“It wasn’t awake yet, so let’s do it again without waking up …” Jun Moxie smiled, and a pair of big hands grabbed again.

Guan Qinghan hurriedly opened his eyes and begged for forgiveness. The current situation, but he could no longer bear it …

Jun Moxie is lying in the middle of the bed in a comfortable state. On the left and right are nephrite Wenxiang full of arms, can not help but be very satisfied …

Until the afternoon, Dugu Xiaoyi and Guan Qinghan were able to get up and get up in a strong manner. Relatively silent, both of them were blushing. The first women were really embarrassed in front of each other. Awkward …

A long time ago, the atmosphere was a little lighter.

Dugou Xiaoyi then put something beside Guan Qinghan’s ears, and Guan Qinghan was not ashamed when he was ashamed; the two girls made a mess …

However, the more severe Dugu Xiaoyi can’t move yet, frowns and shows his teeth: next time, I can’t cook anymore … it really hurts …

This rice is not so delicious … at least for two people, I can’t swallow this bowl of rice …

The current monarch and dad are looking up at the highest place of Xiejun Mansion, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, muttering: “This cooking … it really tastes good. It seems that more cooking is needed.” Otherwise, I ’m really hungry … “

However, there was Mei Xueyan’s large bowl of rice, which was about to be cooked, but it finally became raw. Depressed, too depressing … Junda had a little bit of teeth to think of it: This girl is really annoying me … … see if you fall into my hands next time, how will Master Ben treat you without making you obediently beg for mercy, never stop …

But after thinking about it, I was sighed again. Although my wish is good, it is too difficult to realize … As long as Mei Xueyan is afraid, she will change back at any time … How can I stop this?

Wow headache …

Junda frowned frantically, thinking hard, how can I solve this problem?

Time is the easiest thing to do. In an instant, another five days passed.

But time is also an important medium for getting closer to each other. In the short five days, the feelings between the daughters are getting better and better, even the Miao Xiaomiao who joined last Gradually integrated into this big family, the pathetic little Princess, followed the army of the girls every day. In the short time of these days, I learned to play mahjong, a far-reaching gambling cause, and I was very interested. High, in just five days, it led to high debts and successfully replaced the title of the female mold king of the lonely small arts …

While the biggest winner of the Fangcheng War is Mei Xueyan, Guan Qinghan, or any one of the girls, the big winner is Eastern Orientation. Jun Moxie’s mother-in-law really laughed at her mother-in-law, and everyone knew that gambling debts came, killing all the daughters-in-law is endless.

Jun Mo Xiejun, the young master also occasionally participates, but there are not many successes, more wins and less wins. As soon as he enters the game, the original battle situation will change immediately, and the other three will immediately form a united front with a determined attitude! Killed in the busy alchemy gap, the evil monarch who wanted to have some fun had his mouth squinted and shouted that the casino was frustrated.

Even if young and old occasionally make a big name, the deserved chips will be repeatedly deducted by the girls!

If the young master doesn’t wink and refutes a few bitter words, he will immediately siege the girls!

Through the battle of Fangcheng, Master Junda profoundly realized a truth-to fight with women is definitely the most stupid choice!

Win, “You are still not a man, you bully a woman!”

Lost, “You’re still not a man, you can’t even beat a woman!”

Another thing is worth mentioning. Nowadays, Junda ’s harem lineup, already, has expanded to three people. At present, it is basically a nightly song. A wolf that is not as good as a beast enjoys the blessing of everyone. Hold the left and right, hold your heart open, the three women can’t stand alone to fight against each other. Although they can’t say that they can handle it easily, they will not be as resistant as before, barely able to support more. Time, this situation naturally let some less and more edible pith taste, day by day.

The big wife, Mei Xueyan, can be described as a thief’s guilty conscience. During this time, she buried her head in the Heaven Penalty Forest to integrate the mysterious beast team. Occasionally, she came back sneakily, holding on to the presence of Jun Da, and rushing to deal with things. , Never dare to place an order and be caught by a wolf …

Jun Dao is not in a hurry about this. It is the so-called gentleman’s revenge, not too late in ten years! That girl made me feel so uncomfortable that day. Do you think that you can hide from the limelight for a few days? Do you think you can run without returning? Can the monk run the temple? Just let Master Ben seize the opportunity and see how I can pack you up!

Can you avoid me for a while, can you avoid me forever? As soon as the time is up, there is no need for Master Ben to do it. Are you still obedient? Wait until then … Hey, thinking of the pride, Jun Dashao somehow issued a horror laughter like a night owl, scaring the two people in the field who were facing the practice to be scared.

You can scare these cowardly little ghosts with a smile on their face, and they have long been scared of life and death, so Master Jun ’s smile is so real!

There are more than two children. Even Bailiyun, who is in charge of guidance, can’t help but shiver a few chills. Hurry to look at the nose, nose and heart, never look at the direction of the young and old.

Don’t burn yourself!

We are also a man with a family and a wife now, but ca n’t be targeted by this evil monarch …

The taste is uncomfortable …

Speaking of Baili Luoyun, a genius boy who has rarely seen in the past 100 years, I have to mention something.

They parted ways outside the city of chrysanthemums that day, and Baili Luoyun brought people to catch up with the dream butterfly. The two met with surprise.

In addition, the exhibitor ’s old ancestor Zhan Mubai already died tragically in the hands of Jun Moxie. The exhibitor had lost the biggest backer. The strong appearance of Bailiyunyun has itself reached the level of the emperor cultivation. There are many sage masters under his command … This strength is simply an irresistible strength for the exhibitors!

This is a pie in the sky.

So, the Aristocratic Family illegitimate child who was originally Baili Luoyun was very unaccustomed to it. Naturally, it was even more unlikely that he would agree to marry his own Qianjin Young Lady to this promising Baili Luoyun exhibition family and immediately changed his attitude!

And it’s a 180-degree turn!

In the end, I developed directly to fear that the strength of Bailiyunyun is high, the power is large, and the horizon is wide, so that I ca n’t wait to show my dreams when I ’m empathizing … but I ca n’t wait to plug my girl over. He almost cried and prayed …

This is the benefit of power and strength!

This is the specific phenomenon that this big fist is a big world!

In that short period of time, I have completed a series of tedious procedures such as accepting a family member, and if the time is not too urgent, it is estimated that the principal of the exhibitor can send the two directly into the cave. Come with a raw rice to cook mature rice …

For the current Zhan family, they have just lost the biggest patron. I’m afraid there is no more important thing than to draw Baili Luoyun, a peerless master into his own camp!

Then in the next few days, the exhibition family wondered how to use the strength and power of this new son-in-law to avenge their old ancestors’ exhibitions … but they suffered a brutal blow on the spot, or It should be said that it was hit by the cruel reality …

They finally knew that the new son-in-law who his family rejoiced and the greatest hope for the exhibitor in the future was also the source of the main force of revenge … It was the evil monarch who killed his old ancestor Mo Moxie Man!

This shocking news made the exhibition family’s paws suddenly! Completely at a loss. Seeing the face of the new son-in-law Murderous Qi, it is clear that if the exhibitor does not change the original intention of dealing with the evil monarch, he will never mind the righteousness!

Zhan’s family is as silent as eating a poop. After a long time, a decision was finally made: no more revenge.

Everything is difficult or difficult before it is decided, but once it is decided, there are too many reasons immediately.

Countless logical and reasonable reasons!

“Although the ancestors of Zhan Mubai are the exhibitors First Ancestor, they have a long history and have not lived at home. The contribution to the exhibitors is really dispensable. Once they appeared, they brought irresistible directly to the family. The catastrophic disaster … Fortunately, the ancestors were blessed, and the exhibitors survived. I and other descendants really did not care about the grievances of the ancestors thousands of years ago … Why not turn Gangan into a jade, and get a big backing? Besides, the evil monarch is obviously more humane than the three holy places … “

I don’t know who said it, but it was immediately widely endorsed.

So everyone calmed down from fear and anxiety, and discussed enthusiastically. In the end, it was decided that the opinion of the new son-in-law Baili Luoyun was the main thing, leading the exhibitors to glorious clouds …

So happy …

In fact, you can’t blame the family’s carelessness in this matter, it is really an old ancestor who has not appeared for thousands of years …

This relationship is too indifferent …

The main reason is still only one point. In this most realistic world, a big fist is enough to determine everything! Even without the intervention of Baililuoyun, as long as Master Junda showed a little bit of meaning, as long as you cursed the show, I will not destroy the exhibitor, and the exhibitor will definitely do it, or even do more. Seek the favor of the evil monarch!

What else is more important than family reproduction?

Bali Luoyun and Zhan Mengdie got married at the exhibitor’s lightning, and then when they got married, they returned to Xiejun Mansion. At this point, the pair of lovers finally became dependents.

Bali Liyun knows clearly that he can have today, everything that he has today, and be able to connect with his sweetheart whom he never thought of before. All these things are completely given by Jun Moxie!

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