Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 378: Ultima!

Chapter 378 Ultimatum!

In fact, the Miao family, whether it is the owner Miao Jingyun, or the elders in the clan, or even Miao Xiaomiao ’s father, the Miao family ’s owner, Miao Huanyu, no matter how much he deplores Miao Xiaomiao, no matter how reluctant , Will not be too persistent in this matter, and will even try to fight for this opportunity!

If the marriage of the Miao family palm beads with the highest power in Xuanxuan continent is bound to further strengthen the power of the Miao family in the magic house, this is a good thing that you can only dream of and hope for!

The cruel reality of Correct is also the sadness of the Aristocratic Family family!

This also shows the benefits of great strength from the most realistic aspect!

“Frank and honest, I believe you understand now. If Mo Xie really asks for a marriage, you have no choice! Even if you are stubborn, and even die immediately after you get married, but on your tombstone, you can only Carved Mrs. Jun! Not Miao’s daughter! If this happened, you don’t have to ask for it, Miao’s will naturally ask for it!

Mei Xueyan said coldly: “Since this is the case, since he will slap your fingers and someone will wash you clean and send him over, what does he lie to you? Does it make any sense? He is not Seems nothing to do for pastime! “

Miao Xiaomiao heard the indifference in Mei Xueyan’s tone, and became more confused, her heart pounding, and she didn’t say a rebuttal.

“On that day, he approached you proactively, and once made more than one rejection. Correct‘s obsession, pushed you to the edge of life and death. The reason why Mo Xie accepted you is to save you. There is even more helplessness! If it is not for this reason, I would never believe that Mo Xieken casually accepts a woman, no matter who the woman is, it is impossible! “

Mei Xueyan said faintly: “The original intention of entering the fantasy house was for us. Therefore, we will not blame him, we chose to understand him, and even willing to tolerate that woman.”

“And you are simply embarrassing yourself. Mo Jun Ye and Jun Mo Xie, these two are one person, or, from beginning to end, there is only Mo Xie alone. But you have to Separate them, and insist on replacing Mo Junye who is not existence with a living person. In the final analysis, it is just that you cannot accept the “deception” you think. It is not that Mo Junye is really It ’s not Jun Moxie. “

Correct because you think you have been deceived, you start to question the sincere feelings in the magic house. You stubbornly think that you have paid a lot and you should get the same return, but you do n’t realize that That reward, so my heart is not balanced. “Mei Xueyan sharply said:” After all, this is actually a very simple thing. “

“He didn’t lie to me … why did you say that?” Miao Xiaomiao’s eyes widened.

“In your wisdom, you are still struggling with this issue? You ca n’t tell it frankly, it ’s not because of his identity. It is his greatest secret in the magic house. How can you be honest with you? At that time? He should tell you: Miao Xiaomiao, do n’t like me, because I ’m not Mo Jun Ye, Mo Jun Ye is just a phantom that is not existence at all. I ’m Jun Moxie. I came to Phantom House for the colorful holy fruit, and Not for you Miao Xiaomiao? “

Mei Xueyan smiled and said, “He didn’t go to Huanfu just to lie to you.”

Her eyes were looking at Miao Xiaomiao deeply: “To be clear, his purpose of going to the magic house is not to get your feelings, not to get your body, not to you Chastity! In the process of interacting with you, Mo Xie has always been in a passive position, and never had the slightest initiative! “

“Since his purpose has never been you, or even never take the initiative, but he refused blindly, did he not tell you that his wife already loves him in his home? Or did he not tell you that he really Does the person who cares only have a wife at home? It should have been said. All of the above, how can you say the word “deceive”!?

“You gave Mo Jun Ye Ye, or Jun Mo Xie, in the final analysis, it’s all your own business. Because … it’s your voluntary, absolutely no one forces you. Even that share comes from you For Mo Xie, his feelings are simply compulsive! “

“So, it is not you who really feels wrong, but Mo Xie! What should feel wronged is only the women in our family, but it should never be you! Smart as you, do you really not understand? ? “

Mei Xueyan said lightly: “Mo Xie now chooses to tell you all the truth first, in the final analysis, because of his sense of responsibility. As a man, no matter what the original intention is, if already is true, he should bear on the woman. Responsibility, he does n’t want to be ashamed all his life, and he does n’t want to see your fragrant soul.

“Which other man in the world can do this? Sister Xiaomiao, don’t hold on to that useless clinging anymore. A woman can be stubborn and clinging, but don’t be clinging to make yourself love and The man who loves himself hates! Once that time, you are a doomed tragedy! Mo Xie is a person who can afford to put down. If he really puts down, then if he wants to let him pick up, it is a case. Nothing is possible. “

“At this moment, you think about it, and you will raise your body well. If you figure it out, I will help you do the work of other sisters, and we work together as sisters; if you still ca n’t figure it out, you do n’t need to pass Mo Xie, just tell me and I will send you back to the magic house immediately! You are still in the palm of the Miao family, no one will know what happened today, and no one will investigate this matter again. In your heart! “

Mei Xueyan said this lightly, and no longer stayed, stood up, and left only a light dictation of “Have a good rest”, and was ready to go out.

For a woman like Miao Xiaomiao, with such a stubborn temper, Mei Xueyan knew that if she only blindly persuaded Huairou, it would only make things worse and worse, she would be more stubborn and go further and further on detours, It is better to wake it up all at once. Put everything on the table, everything you can and cannot say, and what you should and shouldn’t say.

So, Mei Xueyan did not hesitate to reverse Miao Xiaomiao in some things. From an angle of completely defending Jun Moxie, he came up with an alternative “heads-up drink”!

Mei Xueyan is also a decisive person.

If Miao Xiaomiao really can’t think of it and insist on her own opinions, then, even if Jun Moxie is unwilling, even if Jun Moxie is sad, she will resent Mei Xueyan, and Mei Xueyan will resolutely send Miao Xiaomiao away !! She will never be left to let Jun Moxie continue to suffer for a long time!

Jun Moxie is a decisive person, and Mei Xueyan can do the same.

For these women, Mei Xue Yanqing Qinghan, now Jun Moxie is the treasure that all of them care for. It is too late to care! No one else could hurt him at all.

So, Miao Xiaomiao’s stay is at the moment a thought of Mei Xueyan.

“Sister Xueyan …” Miao Xiaomiao suddenly struggled to sit up, her voice weak, with an obvious implied meaning.

“Have a good rest and think about it carefully. If you figure it out, you will be notified.” Mei Xueyan did not look back: “Our gentleman does not need a disobedient daughter-in-law, nor do we need to treat ourselves. There are resentful women in the hearts of men, no matter how old the woman is, how strong the background is, and no one can be an exception! Even if Mo Xie is the lord of evil, even if he can defeat Jiu You the first few, but in this family backyard, It’s always up to me, Mei Xueyan! Rest assured, you can leave me alone if you count! You don’t need to have any scruples! Or that sentence, no matter how you choose, it’s in your heart, like Qing Qing’s wish! “

The words of Mei Xueyan are almost an ultimatum for Miao Xiaomiao!

Then Mei Xueyan went out, but when she came to the door, she stood still, and still did not look back, and said, “Oh, yes, here is the bedroom of Momo, you are sleeping now, Correct and his Bed. If you have something to say, I can change it for you. “

Then Bai Ying flashed, and Mei Xueyan’s beautiful shadow disappeared at the door.

Miao Xiaomiao fell heavily on the pillow, and her heart was completely blank.

Two drops of crystal tears slipped out and dropped quietly on the pillow: “Jun Ye … what should I do?”

“Jun Ye …” Suddenly, Miao Xiaomiao wanted to do another thing.

Mo Jun Ye, Jun Mo Xie …

Although these two names are completely different at first glance, they are pronounced …

Wasn’t the same three words in Correct upset the order?

Or it should be said that when Jun Moxie entered Huanfu, he gave Huanfu a hint in his own name …

It’s just a hint!

“No wonder …” Miao Xiaomiao laughed sternly. She reluctantly opened her godless eyes again, and suddenly another word popped out of her heart. On the eve of Mo Junye’s departure from the fantasy house, she once asked herself such a sentence: Miao Miao, if I leave the fantasy house, Back, would you like to go outside with me?

I replied like this at the time: I am your person, no matter where you go, I will follow, no matter the end of the earth, no matter **** heaven, there is me with you …

I didn’t think what was happening at that time, I just felt that my sweetheart’s questioning was a little weird, but now I think of these words, it is clear that Jun Moxie was trying to test his attitude.

What should I do?

What should I do?

Outside the door, someone was talking to Mei Xueyan, Correct was cold.

“Xue Yan sister, would you say this too directly, would the impact be too big? In case this little Nizi couldn’t figure it out, drilled the horns of the horns … but what would be good then? It’s not easy to step down! “Guan Qinghan said without worry.

Guan Qinghan actually came with Mei Xueyan, but just stopped at the door and did n’t go in. As for the conversation between Mei Xueyan and Miao Xiaomiao, she listened to her ears, and she felt that Mei Xueyan today speaks slightly. I feel a bit heavy.

“No! Miao Xiaomiao is also a very decisive woman. You can see this in her style of work. Coupled with her family heritage, its content may not be worse than you and me, but I have n’t turned around yet. When I came to the corner, I believe she could think of transparency. But then again, if she really didn’t want to be transparent, I would never keep her for Mo Xieqiang. Even if Mo Xie opposed it, it would be the same! “

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