Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 301: Extreme shock!

Chapter 301 Extreme Shock!

Everybody was shocked, and even more surprised, was it really an ordinary stone? !!

I heard that the stone he sent was barely a rare thing. Everyone thought that it was a kind of naturally formed strange stone. Although it was a little bit chilling, it was always an object, and it could be regarded as a piece. Gift …

However, everyone didn’t expect that the kid actually took out a piece of stone that was left on the side of the road and was afraid that no one would watch it … and it was so small that it was enough! Alas, it takes up more space and becomes more useless!

Can this kid be deliberately making troubles? ? Some people think of gloating.

“Actually … it’s … a stone … ha ha ha ha …” Qiu Peng also took a moment to laugh abruptly, then bent over and laughed with tears and snot: “Mo Jun Ye … … Hahaha, your fellow countryman is really insane. On the birthday party of the houseowner, he actually took out such a stone. You are so embarrassed … I am … I really admire you Courage, what a gift, when we are all blind? …

“I don’t know if you are blind or not, anyway, I like this stone so beautifully!” Miao Xiaomiao walked out, staring at Jun Moxie’s palm without blinking, eyes Among them, there are heartfelt likes and satisfactions: “It’s so pretty, Jun Ye, can I touch it?”

Miao Xiaomiao already made up his mind. As long as Mo Junye handed it to himself, once he got it, he directly took it into his arms, and then announced that this stone was his favorite gift …

Anyway, no one can take this stone out of their chests. Besides, why did they tell lies? The gift from Mo Junye is naturally the best …

“Girl Miao! Little Miao! You … how can you distort the facts?” Qiu Peng screamed angrily.

They didn’t realize that at the moment Mo Junye took out this stone, all the masters above the Holy Emperor, including several senior saints, did not have the usual questions and laughter of the rest. All of a sudden stood up, and in the eyes, a wolf-like green light came out!

All the peak masters present were watching this stone intently!

The greedy gaze full of possessive desire is simply to swallow the stone!

Yes, this is the idea here: swallow this stone in one go!

It seems that even Miao Jingyun has forgotten to speak, and opened his mouth slightly, staring at this stone without blinking, for a long while, then slowly raised his head and looked at Jun Moxie.

“Mr. Miao, but I don’t know if the younger generation will use this stone as a birthday gift, is it acceptable?” Jun Moxie smiled slightly, and then threw the stone out. Throw to the table in the hall, on the table full of birthday gifts …

“Don’t throw! Be careful!”

“Grass! Be careful!”

At the same time, no less than a hundred people exclaimed at the same time. The faces of all the experts at the scene, including the face of a saint, all turned white at this moment!

People whistled for a while, the wind roared in the hall of time, white shadows flew, and there was also a striking red shadow in the middle, that Correct today’s birthday star Miao Jingyun Miao master!

The peak masters in the field all unfolded the speed of body movements in unison, and rushed towards the direction where the stone fell. One of the saints, Qiu Peng, who was standing near the desk case, was in the way and kicked him out with a bang …

Another saintly strong standing at the later position of the table case, stretched out his hand and made a bang, all the birthday gifts on the table case were swept underground, and many of them were shattered. Pine ‘also broke into several pieces … pine needles are flying!

The saint does not care what he cares about. He flew out with a brush, just opened his hand, and greeted the little stone that came.

All the peak strong players present, at this moment, there is only that little stone in the eyes!

Nothing else!

The figures fluttered for a while, finally settled!

In the hands of a fourth-level saint, like holding a priceless treasure, he is holding the small stone in the middle.

Every side is full of Saints and Emperors, and they stare at the stones in the hands of the fourth-level Lord, presumably to jealous of this old powerful strength, lest one be careless Destroyed the stone, otherwise you would have already grabbed it!

The fourth-grade Lord who grabbed the stone stared at the palm of his hand, swallowed a spit, and as he spit, his surroundings came out very tacitly. A ‘gu-gu’ sound, but all the top strongmen swallowed their mouths together …

For a long time, the fourth-level saint raised his head tremblingly, then lowered his head reluctantly and stared at the stone in his hand, with a dry breath dripping from his heart, said sadly: “This … Since this is … that … that … a birthday gift from …, please … Lord Lord … take it … “

He was talking, his lips were sulking, and his body was trembling tremblingly, sighing, full of sadness. Seems to cry at any time …

Such rare treasures … no! This is directly the wonderland Immortal Level that is rare in the world for millions of years! I’m going to send it out of my hands like this … The sadness of this saint’s heart is like going down the river …

Miao Jingyun was relieved, hehe smiled, and Jane took it seriously, hehe smiled: “Hehe … this is a reasonable point, this is the birthday gift given to the old man by the kid Momo, old man Hehehe … it was accepted with a cheek … Hehe … “While talking, he took the stone into his arms with a thunderbolt, as if he was afraid that someone would rob it …

At the same time, this old old face was flushed with a flush of excitement …

“Master Fu … this … that …” The four-level saint who had just surrendered the stone, first made an action that made all young people feel shameless, but made all the strong envy: He actually put his two hands to his mouth, put out his tongue and licked it again, licking it carefully, at the same time, panting …

This action is the same as the action of sucking white powder on the earth … and, the same addictive look of ecstasy …

Then he hoped that Ai Ai would say, “… Master Lord … keke … old already has been in the bottleneck for four hundred years … I don’t know … I don’t know … kekeke … Can I give a little powder … … kekekeke … “

He said this, even when all the saints are glaring at him!

It’s so shameless! You are only four hundred years at best! Which one here is not the already bottleneck for hundreds of years? There are thousands of years! What kind of situation are you in these four hundred years? A little powder … you **** speak lightly! How much powder can there be for such a bigger stone? Don’t you want to grab it? !!

“Well … Although this object is a gift from Mr. Mo to my husband, but since it is now in the magic house, it must be dealt with fairly … hehe, this, wait until today, and then hold the veteran party Let ’s discuss how to deal with it … ”Miao Jingyun’s face twitched, with a bit of pain in his face.

Looking at the expectant eyes around him, Miao Jingyun was very uncomfortable: Damn! Who are these people? This is obviously a gift given to my old man … It belongs to me and belongs to me … Now it has become a public good? Mo, too, so how can such a good thing come out in such a large audience, how much trouble can be saved if it is given to the husband in private!

In this scene, all the people in the hall who are not enough are all looking at each other!

What the **** is this and what is going on? Are all the high-level executives crazy? !!

Especially the Qiu Peng Qiu Da Young Master who was kicked out by an inexplicable kick and was limping back, even more stunned! What is this …?

Li Xingyue and others are also incredible in their faces …

This is too outrageous, right? As for this? Isn’t it just to get married with Xiao Miao’s sister and Mo Junye? So many old men who worked so much act together! Snatch the slightest stone? This … is this too much?

“Master Fu … this … this stone … but it’s just a very ordinary stone! Sister Xiao Miao can distort the facts, it must be that she was blinded by someone, but you are all living Zenith, how can you open your eyes and talk nonsense, younger people don’t agree! “

Qiu Peng cried innocently. At first sight, it was hoped that the beauty would be returned to her, but she never expected that such a thing would happen. Qiu Peng was a little confused, and called out desperately.

“Shut up!” Hundreds of people yelled in unison, the surging anger gathered in an instant, like a flash flood, all of them rushed towards the Qiu Peng Young Master clearly!

Hundreds of emperors and sages were angered at the same time. This huge force gathered together. With a bang, Qiupeng Tengyun drove out in the fog … It took a long time before a soft bang came. Floor sound …

Qiu Chengyun, the owner of the Qiu family, not only did not argue for his grandson, but also looked angry. The loudest ‘Shut Up’ just now was the loudest, Correct ’s Qiu owner!

At the same time, countless disdainful, ridiculous eyes shot from all directions, concentrated on Mr. Qiu Chengyun, Father Qiu, and Mr. Qiu shook his head with a shameful face, really shame his head …

If you do n’t have knowledge, you should have common sense, if you do n’t have common sense, you should have insight … Even if there is nothing, can you just shut up and talk like other people? Must I have such a throat? But it’s good … now Qiu’s face is choked by your throat … nothing left at all …

Miao Xiaomiao was also shocked by the sudden scene in front of her. It took a long time for the infinitely shocked eyes to turn around, concentrating on Jun Moxie’s face, with deep questions.

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