Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 190: Three can’t mess with me

Chapter 190: Can’t mess with me

This, this … It’s incredible!

Many people will send their daughters to choose … This is clearly the treatment of the emperor! No emperor may have this treatment. At least the emperor is injured, and no one will take the initiative to send things like colorful fruits!

“How? Feeling weird?” Cao Guofeng smiled: “This treatment is astonished! It’s more than that, as long as you can show your martial arts that matches your talent, it won’t take long for you to wait for your age Almost, Palace Host will personally host the Baihua Club for you. “

“Hundred Flowers?” Jun Moxie said in a halt. I don’t know what this flower will be.

“Hundred Flowers Club … that is, Palace Host will choose for you personally from the entire range of Magic House!” Cao Guofeng said: “It is even more necessary for all Magic House girls to choose the most outstanding one, and make up a full 100; Let you choose your own lifelong partner from it. According to the worldly choice, you can choose a total of seven. It is commonly known as three wives and four concubines … Of course, if you want to choose more, you can. Even accept all, Allowed too! “

“Are there such good things?” Jun Moxie was really shocked! Concentrating all the best beauties in one place … let me choose freely? Heaven, earth, Omagada, the gods!

This news is too shocking!

“Of course, the premise is that your kid must have that income. If you can’t meet that standard, the draft? You can’t choose Northwest style.”

Cao Guofeng huffed him with interest, observing his expression: “Boy, do you think that standard is easy to achieve? I tell you that the whole magic hall, which can enjoy this treatment since ancient times, is only two in total. Personally! “

“In 10,000 years, only two?” Jun Moxie was a little surprised, but then calmed down, after all, the treatment was too high, so the requirements of the prerequisites must be higher than a certain level!

“Two, already is quite a lot. Both of them also have the legendary divine constitution, although they are not as good as the ethereal constitution you have, one of which is the mysterious constitution and the other is the Qingling. For the physique, the former fought with Jiuyou’s seventh youngest singles seven thousand years ago, and ended up all together! The latter suffered a loss in the war with Jiuyou’s ninth youngest child five thousand years ago, and eventually died of serious injuries. ! “

Cao Guofeng stared at Jun Moxie with eyes scorching: “Think about the horror level of today’s nine quiet and fourteen young, you can understand, what level of superiority are these two people?!

Jun Moxie was stunned. In this world, there have been such powerful characters!

How many cows are there? The skills of one or two are capable of resisting the siege of more than 20 saints! And they were beheading and killing many people before they were seriously injured! Now he has restored his full strength to already, which is equivalent to the real world first!

Now that the seventh and the ninth youngest of the nine you can come here from the land of the nine you, then it may not be less than the first of the nine you, but it will never be more than the current ten. Four inferior too!

Someone in the magic house can do it alone and be able to fight for both, and lose both! Its formidable strength can be imagined!

Cao Guofeng looked at him meaningfully: “As mentioned by the teacher just now, the empty body constitution and the clear body constitution, although they are all incomparable divine constitutions! But compared to your empty body constitution, But still far behind! “

“Practice Xuan Gong, the first thing is to look at qualifications, the second is to look at understanding!” Cao Guofeng said, “It is impossible to have perseverance and courage alone! Hard work … under God Xuan, or barely. But if you want to It is absolutely impossible to rush to a higher level and become the pinnacle of existence. “

“That ’s why the ethereal constitution you have is valued by this government!” Cao Guofeng said intently: “Fantasy House can give you the best environment, the best material, and even the top of this kind of person. Waiting beauty! But … the premise is that your achievement must satisfy the magic house! “

“Work hard, kid. I’m very optimistic about you as a teacher.” Cao Guofeng laughed.

“So, how did those two seniors choose at their hundred-flower festival?” asked Jun Moxie’s curious gossip.

“The two of them are exactly two extremes.” Cao Guofeng smiled from the corner of his mouth: “Among them, Fengshuang Tianwang became Fengshuang from among the hundred beauties, and a hundred of them were not enough!”

“A hundred choices! It’s not enough!” Jun Moxie rolled his eyes: “It’s too much for him, has he suffered? Even an emperor, but only three palaces and six courtyards, plus seven at most. The twelve concubines don’t seem to have a hundred people! The predecessor is not enough to make up a hundred people, so he is not afraid of that fine … then who died?!

“It’s not clear …” Cao Guofeng blushed. After all, discussing these issues, or with my apprentices … a bit unjustifiable.

“So, what about the other one?”

“Another Frost Swordsman wandered alone, and he had a hundred beauties in front of him. He didn’t even choose one, and he returned to Phantom House after being seriously injured. From beginning to end, his life was not near yet. A woman is lonely and lives forever! “Cao Guofeng showed a respect and piety on his face:” That is the true warrior! He has no friends, no loved ones, and the only partner is his sword! “

“Perseverance is perseverance, but that’s too extreme. That kind of life seems too boring. In life, you always have your own pursuit, and there is no such thing as love and lust. It’s too boring!” .

“Perseverance in life is not a pursuit! It is even the most persistent pursuit!” Cao Guofeng said solemnly: “Because of the perseverance of his seniors, only one martial art goal can be achieved in his life, so he can go there. That pinnacle! You have to learn from him! “

“But which Fengshuang Tianwang has found so many wives again, hasn’t it reached that point? And the legendary invincible strongman, Jiuyou is the first, isn’t he also a lot of wives?” Jun Moxie retorted. .

“…” Cao Guofeng’s face sank: “Aren’t you going out for a walk to relax? Why, don’t you go out? Then sit here with your husband.” It was a bit embarrassed and angry …

Gein’s question is really difficult to answer.

Jiuyou ’s first few death stories are legendary. His wife does n’t have much to do, but there are so many women in Fengshuang Tianwang. This is no secret in Huanfu. Would you like to tell him that Fengshuang Tianwang’s training is the best tonic technique, especially on the bed, the more wives the more sharp? In that case, what if this boy made the same request? This is not a joke!

The little guy Correct is in front of him, who knows what he thinks about? That teenager has no love dreams?

“If you do n’t say it, do n’t say it. Do n’t get angry … by the way, you have n’t told me yet who the third one ca n’t mess with, there are first, second, and presumably third and fourth Come on! “Jun Moxie turned the topic very interestingly.

“There are only three people who can’t be provoked. As for the third one who can’t be provoked … the third one can’t be provoked …” Cao Guofeng smiled: “This third talent is the one who really can’t be provoked!” This person is a young girl, our granddaughter’s granddaughter of the contemporary mansion of the mansion. It is also the youngest granddaughter of the mansion. It can be described as the pearl of the entire mansion of the mansion! Boy, for her, you better respect it directly. Insults in the area … be prepared to be cramped and skinned! Even if you are the owner of the ethereal constitution!

“So serious?” Jun Moxie stretched out his tongue.

“Serious, it can be described more than just serious!” Cao Guofeng was afraid that this disciple’s disciple became curious and unknowingly tried to provoke his daughter to kill others, and said bitterly: “Follow me again You said a secret, this little girl is besides you, another person who has taken the colorful holy fruit for thousands of years has taken it together with the 9th and 8th Linglong lotus of Tiansheng Palace Town Palace. “

“As for the fact that she can take two treasures of the town palace at the same time, it is not entirely because of her special identity, but … her own physique is a thousand-year-old Xuanyin female body! Just say Xuanyin female body, you definitely do n’t understand it, but even if you are a teacher to explain it in detail, but it involves a lot of mysterious mystery and human Qi pulse knowledge, you ca n’t accept it for the time being, you only need to know her physique, which is not inferior to yours. It ’s enough to have an empty spirit! So, this girl is absolutely not to be provoked! “

“Xuanyin female body …” Jun Moxie’s eyes flashed, and a text introduction flashed in his mind, but it was the record and evaluation of Xuanyin female body in Hongjun Tower: Xuanyin female body, woman to Yin There is nothing in the body. If a successful man can do double cultivation with him, he can do half the work with half the effort … Another note: the body of the virgin, the unbroken body, the beginning of the sinus, and the dedication of each other; the necessary condition of Fang Chengshuang! One is indispensable. If it is forced, it will not only be useless, but it will be black and white, and both men and women are in danger.

The condition of a virgin and an unbroken body is believed to be understandable by individuals. As for the beginning of love … that means it must be the girl ’s first love, well, it should be like this … As for the attachment, it seems that the girl is looking for the man regardless of death …

The basic and necessary conditions for this dual-repairing dual-starting course cannot be described as low …

Jun Moxie couldn’t help thinking about it … Shuang Xiu? Looks like something profitable, uh, let ’s take a look at this matter … Even if it is a beauty, it depends on whether Master Ben has an appetite. Unless it is pleasing to the eye, you will not make it difficult; if the other party is a dinosaur, then Just do n’t even consider it …

“Before your future, she has been the most important place for Phantom ’s greatest hope in shocking the void in the past ten thousand years! This is also the only goal that Phantom has been pursuing for 10,000 years! The ultimate goal!”

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