Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 186: Kill the Supreme!

Chapter 186 Kill the Supreme!

The most terrifying assassination method of the evil king, at this moment, finally appeared in this world! The strong man in this strange world has finally realized the terror of the evil king!

The current Jun Moxie, the strength of already is far beyond the peak of the previous monarch!

It’s just what he has to face, but he is also the pinnacle of this world!

And it’s not just one or two, but … a whole thirty!

He is like a tangible and traceless wind that floats through the sky; it is like a tangible and invisible cloud that quietly slips down; or a crystal snowflake, silent and silent, more like Huangquan Wujian Ghost, wandering in the void, in the ghost!

His body was walking underground, and his energy was all converged;

Huaxia Xiejun!

The peerless **** in his hand walked quietly with him, shining with a cold frost;

Yanhuang Blood!

The sound of slow, low pulse beats from above, even the slightest, is extremely clear and clear! This is also the only goal that Jun Moxie assassinates this time!

Because these extreme masters have already folded up all their consciousness as early as already, they have also closed all pores of the body, concealed the smell, and even brought all the thought fluctuations to a standstill! As for the turbulence of profound strength, it has already converged without a trace!

Leave it to Jun Moxie, only the weakest one will be pulsed for a long time! And it’s still the smallest wave they can make because their bodies are close to the ground!

Even if the body is slightly lifted and separated from the ground by a finger, the pulse of this pulse will disappear … but Mei Xueyan’s soaring reputation has made them afraid to move for a moment!

Jun Moxie dived so silently; silent calculations in his heart: one, two, three …

The layout of Supreme Jincheng is not tight. Each group is made up of three people’s finished glyphs, Correct is the best triangle battle formation! Not scattered! Such a tight formation has created great difficulty for Jun Moxie’s assassination!

Jun Moxie stopped the sneaking figure silently, thinking for a moment, then the light flashed in his eyes, then he closed his eyes, the corner of his mouth slightly chin, revealing a cruel angle-he already made up his mind Alright plan for action!

The unparalleled power of the hand-Yan Huang’s blood suddenly becomes dull and tarnished like charred wood!

Even the non-forward striker’s sensation has disappeared together!

Jun Moxie came to the bottom of the three silently. In the darkness, he got a stab, and suddenly stabbed without any sign and without hesitation!

Stab! ——

From bottom to top, it looks like a black lightning, and suddenly goes to the target under the cover of deep land!

This sword is a life-threatening sword! But there is no bit of evil! Not even a bit of sharp feeling!

It’s like a dry branch pierced the air accidentally …

The sword tip penetrated the soil, and then the snow on the soil, and then silently penetrated into the chest of the Supreme Master directly above!

One point for the sword!

No more, no more, just one point!

One point is enough!

The celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial ceremonial meditation turned into a violent airflow, silently penetrated through the tip of the sword, and the heart was burned instantly, and within five days were destroyed! At the same time controlled his mind, throat! This is a surefire strategy, because some experts, even if the heart is broken, can make some sounds and even make the final dying struggle!

But now he is doomed to struggle, if he struggles, Mo Moxie will be directly exposed! Jun Moxie will never allow any accidents! So when Sword Qi entered the body, he instantly controlled his brain and throat!

The Supreme Master of the Supreme King City, the body surface is not muddy, but from the top to the bottom, the internal organs already is a mess! A generation of supreme masters, so dead unclear, extremely wronged!

Destroyed in one hit!

The black sword body suddenly disappeared! In fact, the black sword body basically did not touch the air. Whoever made the Supreme Master body close to the ground was so sturdy!

The supreme master on the snow did not even understand, or had no time to understand at all-he just felt that his chest seemed to be bitten by a mosquito, and then he lost all his consciousness and lost his consciousness permanently …

Even until the moment he died, he didn’t understand! Why do you lie on your stomach and die like this? I ’m still waiting to ambush Lord His Holiness, waiting to create the great feat of the first person to snip the Heavenly Penalizing Beastmaster …

His entire body is lying on the ground in the original posture, lying in the snow; it is as if he is still loyal to his post, but he can no longer play any role …

The wound cut by the sword tip is narrow, just like the red marks on the branches. …

Jun Moxie didn’t stop, and quickly recovered the blood of Yanhuang. There was no half blood on blade edge, and it was still as dark as before, but Jun Moxie clearly felt that the sword in his hand clearly had an exciting taste!

Or illusion! Jun Moxie felt that at this moment, Divine Sword, Yan Huang’s blood was in communication with his heart, and there was even a subtle feeling connected with blood! After the murder, the blood of Yanhuang was poured out by the blood of the heart of the Supreme Strong, which inspired the bloodthirsty nature of this sword!

Jun Moxie’s heart is so killing, it can never be suppressed again!

The first assassination of the killer king Xiejun in another world was actually eight months after the crossing, and the supreme level of the strong opened up! This starting point is not high!

Jun Moxie’s silent movement, just killed, just the leftmost ring in the triangle array!

It’s just the beginning of the massacre tonight!

Jun Moxie’s target is now the person on the right!

Only two feet away!

The sharp-headed man in the triangle array, Jun Moxie is not moving for the time being! For that man with a pointed head is above the Supreme! Jun Moxie was not sure he could assassinate silently, so he decided to deal with the other two arms first!

In this way, even if the master above the Supreme responded when he was finally attacked, he killed three himself, which is better than killing two!


blade edge sword tip penetrates into the soil silently and into the snow layer …

The long sword tricks up again, Kaitianzhaohuagong silently exploded in the master above and destroyed!

Then take it back silently!

Under the ground, Jun Moxie stood holding his sword and gasped for two breaths! If anyone saw it, he would find a flush on his face!

These two swords seem to be an understatement. They are quite easy, but in reality they are extremely difficult. Regardless of the orientation, angle, and speed of shots, the extremely fast input of powerful skills is controlled instantly. Any failure in any link will directly lead to a shortfall of success! After all, the target of the assassination is the Supreme! In addition to concentrating all his skills, Jun Moxie must gather all the spirits and spirits in his whole body, and have no heart to watch, in order to make this silent, no killer, no evil spirit.

As long as there is a slight loophole in any link, for the vitality of the Supreme Master, it is definitely the easiest thing to open your mouth and scream. But Jun Moxie couldn’t make him scream, at all!

If you have one sword, two swords will kill two Supremes! The loss caused by Jun Moxie’s spirit and spirit is undoubtedly huge! Now he is fighting to recover in the shortest time!

The target of the next sword is a master above the supreme level. If you want to kill silently, you must be more careful!

In front of Taniguchi, Mei Xueyan sits quietly on the big tree and looks back from time to time to see the way, very impatiently waiting.

All secret Supreme Masters see this scene and naturally understand: Why don’t you see Jun Moxie’s little thief, this girl must be waiting for Xiao Qinglang! No wonder it’s so restless.

But … we really don’t want to kill your little love man, we just want to kill you … rest assured, he will be all right, come in quickly, you will be relieved when you come in … but Stop playing us …

Everyone prays sincerely in their hearts …

Mei Xueyan sighed softly, her face seemed to be a little bit resentful, and she raised her cheeks to look at this side; there was a faint layer of anxiety on the face of that country-colored heavenly fragrance, and everyone saw Can’t help but pity from my heart …

Another sigh, Mei Xueyan looked very down, he couldn’t bear to look back again, and suddenly he moved, and floated down from the tree. He walked towards the canyon with some thoughts …

Hoo … you’re here at last … but it’s so urgent …

Mei Xueyan walked forward three or four feet, but stopped in a sad expression, and looked back … and then stood in the middle of the road with heavy thoughts … and didn’t move …

Fuck, it’s not moving again! !!

Xiao Weicheng waited for all the people to spit out blood! My dear grandma, what are you doing …? I know you haven’t been in love, but don’t you need to?

Even if you hurry up, we will let you kill, it will be tortured!

Just come over, everything will be free, dead or alive, you die or die, please be happy!

Under all eyes, Mei Xueyan stopped for a while, worried, and suddenly turned back and walked all the way; took a few steps, turned back, and took a few steps here … It is no coincidence that life and death are not willing to cross Leichi!

I really rely on it!

Screaming together in everyone’s heart!

Even with Xiao Weicheng’s supreme superiors and more, the style of self-cultivation that has been accumulated for more than 100 years is almost insane … The world still has such things!

The masters of the Supreme King City, without exception, it seems that everyone’s heart is on fire …

I just do n’t dare to move!

What is it called, what is it? Either you just don’t come, we don’t see you being so anxious. But you are here … or you would be a little farther away, let us have the courage to move … but you are so close …

You are so worried in that face, we are ten thousand times more depressed than you!

It’s so depressed! Too depressed! Where did your little lover go?

Even if it’s a release … for such a long time … is it possible to pull out a hill! ?

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