Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 158: The tragedy on earth, so transformed!

Chapter 158 The human tragedy, so transformed!

“Almost everyone says that I am a genius, and I learn everything exceptionally fast! But they do n’t know why I am so fast, a child who is only a few years old, and really knows what? They do n’t know, I Just to make her smile and be happier on the day when she meets with my mom every month. “

“But this boring but somewhat hopeful day only lasted until I was ten years old; at that time, Grandpa already gradually began to cultivate my exposure to blood, contact with conspiracy, and often asked me about certain things If my opinion is a bit inappropriate, it is a blistering reprimand … On that day, I went out to hunt with the guard, but met a person, my master. I shot an antelope with an arrow , But did not shoot to death, so I rushed over and killed with a sword. At that time, I tried to control it, and my face did not change. At that moment, a voice suddenly said, ‘Cool enough, good seed.’ “

“Then a person appeared in front of me. After looking at me, there was no nonsense, grab me directly, touch it all over my body joints, and then said fine, ask me, would you like to Worship him as a teacher? The guards came up to save me, but the man squatted and talked to me, and just waved his hand backwards, and fell to the ground. Then he came to my house and said he would take me as a disciple. “

Li Youran smiled bitterly, and said, “I only knew then, he is the cold-blooded supreme tears! The world’s top peerless master. After knowing his identity, Grandpa immediately agreed to accept me. As a disciple, but I do not agree, because I know that once I follow him, it means that I will never see my mother again … but then, I still go with him … “

“The first time I went home to visit relatives from Master was two years later, and I was very happy, even ecstatic. After a long absence, I could finally see my mother again; I rode along the way Horse, almost no rest and no sleep, fifteen days of the road, I rushed home in ten days; because at the master, I learned more, I improved faster, I want to bring this good news Tell my mother as soon as possible, so that she can also share my joy of success, and don’t want to delay for a moment; I just want to hold her, or let her hold me, I like that feeling … “

But when I got home, I didn’t see my mother. I searched everywhere, but no one told me that even my mother ’s attendant was gone; I could n’t help it, I just remember that I felt very bad at that time. For the first time in my life, I forced a confession to a person and took the Li ’s housekeeper. He grabbed it at night and asked him where my mother was. He refused to say, so I pulled out his ten fingernails and ten toenails … Finally, he finally told me that my mother was dead … “

The long figure of Li Youran shivered in the wind, and two tears slowly leaked from the corners of his eyes. Jun Moxie sat quietly, listening quietly, and suddenly rose to this former opponent. A pity.

“After I left home, my mother missed me and dreamed of me almost every day. My mother cried and asked to see me every day, my father …” Li Youran’s face twisted for the first time: “My father thought Annoying, I avoided her deliberately, but my mother always had a way to find him; crying, and finally one day, they had a big fight, so my father … that mess! That **** mess! Just for this Just a little matter, she was injured, the injury was very mild, only a few days later, she died … “

“And when I came home, my mother died less than two months in total. At that time, Shang Shushu of the Empire was not Tang Yuan’s father, but my father. He was capable of writing, My mother is just a weak woman who can’t do martial arts, but he got such a poisonous hand! “

Li Youran gritted his teeth, and Jun Moxie heard a gurgling voice clearly, Li Youran said hoarsely: “Three young, what would you do if you were me?”

“What if I were you? What would you do?” Jun Moxie thought seriously, and he shook his head with a bitter smile and shook his head. What could he do as a mother and a father? After thinking about it for a while, it was rare and clueless. I couldn’t help but ask, “How did you …?”

“Three young … It seems that you are inferior to me in this respect.” Li Youran grinned sternly: “Everyone in the world can say that the young three kill and kill people like hemp and bloodthirsty. I’m inhuman! “He smiled cruelly, his lips pursed, and trembled from his teeth:” I … I killed him … “

Jun Moxie is startled! At that time, Li Youran was nothing more than a twelve-year-old half-old child … who killed his biological father! This is simply incredible!

“Hahaha …” Li Youran smirked: “Are you surprised? The first person in my life to kill, that person is my father!” Li Youran trembled, the spasms generally trembled, and it took a long time to return to peace. , The voice became more ruthless, more indifferent: “Since that day, I changed! Completely changed! Become cruel and ruthless! My parents have died, and no one in the world deserves my care, I can even my father Kill, is there any other thing I dare not kill, I ca n’t kill? “

“You are so cruel!” Jun Moxie is ashamed. This already is not cruel, but it is not human … If you change yourself, Jun Moxie can’t be so extreme!

Mountains, deep seas, deep fathers and mothers, heaven and earth, thick parents!

Even if you are wrong, you are your parents, you have created your own people, and you have raised your own people; even if you are wrong, you ca n’t kill yourself? No wonder Li Youran’s character has always been distorted, cold and scary, presumably this incident has had an unparalleled influence on him!

“Afterwards, I took the blood-stained knife and went to my grandfather. I told him, I killed your son! Because he killed my mother!” Li Youran continued to tell, “then my grandpa After a long while, I gave the first order: all people who knew about it would be silenced! Then I announced to the public that my father died because of bad disease! “

“I killed my father, but it was nearly a thousand people who eventually died in the funeral! From then on I knew that everything I did was no longer just about me, not even a certain person. Alone, but … all! “Li Youran smirked:” After dealing with these things, my grandpa hit me fiercely … and then said to me, whatever you do, you just do it Don’t regret it! “

A long moan in Jun Moxie ’s heart, this Li Youran is radical enough and vicious, but the way Tai Shang Li Shang educates his grandson is also superb. This is really a superb family.

Wife misses his son. It ’s human nature. The husband did n’t know how to comfort him or take good care of him. Instead, he was so annoyed that he severely injured his wife and even died. When the son returned, he avenged his relatives. I killed my dad with one stroke … Grandpa knew that his son had been killed by his grandson, and actually told himself his grandson: Don’t regret it!

People who arrive in the Li family probably are born with a cool nature. Like the father of Li Youran, it is only because of the harassment between the husband and wife that he can seriously wound his hair wife, and Li Youran goes further and beats his father by himself!

This **** is really a jerk!

“The heart is made of flesh. My grandfather was awake for a few nights, and his hair was a lot of white. After a few days, he told me that I am of this character and suitable for big things! To be successful, First be ruthless and ruthless! “Li Youran grinned, grinned, and laughed at himself.

Jun Moxie is finally speechless …

No wonder Li Youran can be so insidious and poisonous. With such an old man and such a grandfather, if he still teaches a gentle and virtuous grandson, then it would be a real nightmare …

“Then I went back to the mountain and did n’t go down until three years ago. In these years, the mountain has eaten and dressed, and everyone ’s expenses, even marry and do funeral, all major events, It ’s all from my Li family. The master is getting better and better with me. The brothers feel that I owe it to my family … ”Li Youran looked confused:“ But I ’m not happy, I ’m not happy at all! “

“Until I came back home again, my grandfather officially established me as the future homeowner; and then gave me all the family and outside family business to take care of me. I was completely busy, but as soon as I saw The people of the Li family reminded me of my father, the beast! The miscellaneous! So I hate it, and then I have great power at hand, and I start to resolutely rectify it. Whenever I see them suffering in front of me, they bluff in front of me When I do n’t dare to speak, I am very happy! So I suddenly realized that my happiness is actually here. “

Li Youran sneered: “So I like seeing others suffering, I like seeing others being treated by me, and the more painful they are, the happier I am. I especially like the one sentence that makes people cry. Another sentence. The days that made people laugh also made me feel refreshed in the season of turning the clouds over and turning into rain! At first, it was only for the people of the Li family, but slowly, I found that other people also Let me have this pleasure! “

“And even more unexpectedly, after I rectified those people, the Li family gradually flourished with my remediation; whether it is business or officialdom, and the Li family’s style Increasingly rigorous … this is really beyond my expectations … “

You have treated so many family maggots, and the family is flourishing. Besides, you dare to even start with your own brother and uncle. Who dares to make trouble? Under such a **** wrist, if the Li family can not rise, it is really a strange thing!

Jun Moxie thought secretly, and he finally realized that … this was the way it was. The main reason was that Li Youran killed his father himself, causing his own demon thoroughly, so that step by step until now, all causes and effects are here!

The death of Li Youran’s mother has become a turning point in Li Youran’s life, and it has made Li Youran today!

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