Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 141: Snake King fights

Chapter 141 The King of Snakes Plays

Si Kong An Ye waited at this time already came over and heard Jun Moxie far away. Si Kong An Ye turned back to Duanmu Chaofan with a smile and admired: “The shame of this boy reminds me of your year!”

Duanmu Chaofan was furious and grabbed him: “Why am I without nothing without nothing without nothing …”

Si Kong hurriedly surrendered his hands and surrendered in the night, smiling as if crying, and said in pain: “I was wrong Brother, I shouldn’t mess with you, it’s too painful to listen to you … I change! Isn’t it? He? Damn, you ’ve gotten ridiculous about this pair, and it ’s been decades before it ’s changed! ”

During the chaos, Dongfang Wenqing pushed Jun’s unintentional wheelchair up and stopped in front of Jun Moxie.

Jun Wuyi smiled helplessly in the eyebrows, looked at his nephew, and gently asked, “You?”

Jun Moxie grinned, and said, “You are so brave, uncle, you can fight against a few nine-level peak mysteries with a single shot, and you can swing freely. In the end, you can even retreat, but the atmosphere didn’t even breathe. , The most rare thing is that I haven’t moved my position in a wheelchair from beginning to end, and my nephew admires and admires it.

“You little devil!” Jun glanced at him unconsciously, and snorted, but stopped asking. He knew that this matter could not be separated from Jun Moxie, but he didn’t want to ask again. This was really not a face-to-face matter. In the first place, there are many people here. In the second place, Jun unintentionally already is determined by Jun Moxie’s handwriting, but how to do it is Jun Moxie’s secret. Since it is a secret, the less people know it, the better!

Some things are better known than the others!

So Jun chooses not to ask.

But Jun is unintentionally more proud, because the man who created this miracle is his nephew! Except for his nephew, Jun has no intention of absolutely not believing that there is any other human being able to do such a thing in this world!

But from this point, it can be said that already is the best in the world!

At this time, already left a clear space on the field.

In the middle of the open space, a charming and charming green woman, like a magnolia in the valley, stands quietly. This girl is not only beautiful in nature, but also rare in her body, with a gentle temperament.

Hot body, forward and backward, slender waistline with a slender waist, it seems that the wind will break if it is a little stronger. If this body is on a normal woman, I am afraid the first impression everyone sees is : Human stunner!

But on this girl, she doesn’t have the slightest feeling! Instead, I feel very cute, warm and playful …

A pair of eyes are as clear as water, delicate features, and the soft breeze gently blows her soft long hair, which makes people feel more flirtatious. But what makes people most like it at first glance is the purity of this green girl’s face, which seems to be innocent of the world, and it makes people have a strong feeling of wanting to care!

Snake King!

Such a stunning girl with a spirit of Zhongtiandi, with her eyebrows and beauty, how can she contact the legendary snake king who is one of the most powerful and ruthless gods of punishment? Come together? This is simply the gap between heaven and earth!

But she is!

This young girl in green is one of the Twelve Beastmasters in the Forest, King of Snakes! It is also the king of all poisons, the most terrible king in the heaven punishment forest, the snake king!


Jun Moxie is really unexpected, because His Majesty did not send the strongest Beastmaster besides him—He King He Chongxiao, but chose to send the Snake King! Isn’t it true that the Snake King Xun Xun has the ability to surpass the He King? Or do you want to win with poison? Jun Mo thought about it but thought it was impossible.

You know that although the snake king is the poison king and the king of thousands of poisons, her opponent is one of the eight supremacy recognized by the mainland! Once Xuan Gong has reached the level of Supreme, although it can not be said that it is a state of no poison and no invasion, but ordinary poison also already It won’t do much at all.

Furthermore, any Supreme Chinese is an ingenious and highly experienced combatant. They are all aware of the poisons that can threaten themselves. I am afraid that they will not wait for the enemy to make use of them. Out, I already thought about the countermeasures for already.

So what’s the use of deadly poison? Even those venomous, deadly, deadly poisons that are legendary, are far less effective for the supreme powerhouses!

On the mainland side, there was a tense discussion. A black figure emerged from the crowd and stood opposite the snake king. Unsurprisingly, Jun Moxie’s prediction is that the candidate sent by the mainland is cold-blooded and supreme without tears!

This candidate was already anticipated by King and Young, but in the heart of Jun Moxie, tears without grief are actually not the best candidate, but the best candidate is Ying Bokong, a decisive battle with a poisonous opponent Make quick decisions, high hits, high avoidance, the more flexible the better.

This comprehensive advantage naturally belongs to Eagle Strike, not to mention, Eagle Strike’s flying eagle method, to deal with the natural enemy of the snake king Correct! Eagle eats snake!

But since Jun Moxie can think of it, can the mainland coalition not think of it? Shi Changxiao and others also wanted to let the Eagles fight in the air, but they did not dare to fight. The situation is obvious at the moment. The betting or losing of World War III, the already of the mainland lost for a while.

Ying Bokong sees Li Tiantian’s disapproval of his father and son is still second, and the close relationship between him and Junda is even more obvious. The Jun family’s battle this time can be close to the whole body under such a disparate strength And retreating, saying that there is nothing wrong with the day punishment, no one will believe it.

Luck? The luck of three hundred people is so good? All got God’s favor on this day? That’s what idiots believe.

Everyone believes in the monarch’s family and believes that Eagle Strike will not betray the mainland for personal gain, but what if there is one? Who can afford this responsibility? Therefore, in terms of the coalition forces in the mainland, they would rather go second and choose to fight without tears!

Furthermore, the mysterious power of tears without grief is much stronger than Ying Kongkong.

The candidates for the battle between the two sides have been determined. The Fifth Extreme of the Continental Alliance vs. the King of Venerable Beast King Poisonous Snake, look for it!

At this moment, a sturdy figure flashed from the opposite side of Tianpu Forest suddenly, leaving only a series of clear afterimages. Lightning generally came here, came to Jun Wuyi and the East to intercede In front of him, he grabbed Jun Moxie, who was in the middle of the two, and then returned quickly, like a stream of water, leaving only a string of clear afterimages!

There are two long afterimages in the field, one left and one right, densely lined up in two almost parallel lines, like two teams of neat soldiers standing opposite each other and disappearing together!

“The incarnation of heaven and earth, thousands of phantoms! Heaven and earth cage!” Exclaimed at the same time, thunderstorm and cloth wind. The two were shocked sincerely about the endless and profound means of the Lord of Heavenly Punishment!

Exactly, how much effort is there in the bottom of the box? Is it true that his strength has reached the point where the real already can go hand in hand with the Lord of the Immortal Palace? ?

But … there’s a penalty … they swallowed hard.

Mei Zun grabbed Jun Moxie’s hand. Correct had previously dealt with the heaven and earth cages that had been cast when the sky was extremely high! Regarding that Jun Moxie could disappear silently from his own hands, although the Supreme Master Mei has always understood why, it is expected that it will be a profound mystery.

Reconsidering that Jun Da Shao is most likely a disciple of the mysterious master, and he will be relieved if he has this method. In the face of such a mystery, although he still cannot understand it, he may not even be able to exercise restraint. However, it is another matter to guard against and even subdue the young and old!

So this time, Master Zun arrested Mo Moxie and simply used the world cage that can hold any Heaven and Earth Strength! The reason why I did n’t use big or small before was because the boy ’s strength was too garbage. Using such a magic skill is basically a killing chicken with a sword. Now that already confirms that although the boy is garbage, it is an escaped effort. Shoot with all your strength, grab it directly, and go back to the herd, throw him to your side, and let him sit on the ground with one butt!

A sigh, Jun Moxie’s **** hurts. Fortunately, there are no stones or anything else, otherwise he will be exploded … What’s up.

Jun raised his eyebrows unintentionally, and Dongfang’s interrogation hurried in his ear: “The one who shot just now is the Lord of the Penalty, presumably because of Mo Xie’s extraordinary qualifications. He also heard that he was planning to take Mo Xiewei Act, for Mo Xie, it ’s a blessing and a curse, do n’t be restless! ”Jun made an unintentional noise, but his eyes were full of worry, but he also knew that he was completely in the face of a strong natural punishment. Helpless, I can only hope that the nephew Ji Rentian Xiang!

No one ever thought that Zun Mei would come so suddenly! Even Jun Moxie didn’t even think about it. When the reaction came, already found that he could not move at all. He finally thought about it and wanted to enter Hongjun Tower to get rid of his opponent. It was surprising and very clear that although he could still communicate with Hong Junta is connected, but the body is motionless!

The real cup is here!

Jun Moxie returned directly to the original state of the original first floor in the cage of heaven and earth that may block the world Spirit Qi. Restored to enter only with consciousness, but not physical! Jun Moxie hated so much! What purpose does this old **** damn guy deal with me again and again?

I have offended him? As for being so relentless! Is it because I’m abused? Really sadistic? !! But I’m an old man. There are so many gods here. Which one is more abusive than me? Why did you pinpoint me? Jun Moxie was puzzled.

“Honest! Sit down and don’t move! Or do you feel good about it!” Zun Mei kicked his **** behind him. His position is behind Jun Moxie’s body. One leg is a kick, and no one else will find it. Jun Moxie took a savage kick, and his heart was full of pain, but he didn’t move, and his face was still smiling …

Hello guys do n’t want to lose money, you are waiting for Lao Tzu!

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