Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 118: Extreme coincidence

Chapter 118 Extreme coincidence

“I do have such doubts, so I plan to go to the palace these days. Check the appearance of the flying knife to see if it is the same as this!” Li Youran shot the light and continued, “If it is true Then, isn’t there a clue? “

“Yes! If it is the same, this secret **** will definitely have a relationship with that Reimer Princess. Since he would have helped at that time to help Reimer Princess, now if there is something wrong with Reimer Princess, he Naturally, I won’t sit idly by! At that time, as long as we control the Highness Princess, the despicable guy will have to show up! “Tears Jianhong nodded fiercely, his face flashed with fierce light.

“However, this Reimu Princess is a pleasant person that the younger master is pursuing, and there are a lot of help in the major affairs with the Li family. Brother, you must be decent in your work. If you hurt yourself , But it was a good marriage that broke the younger brother. “The woman in red gave Li Youran a glance and said slowly.

“Yes, the three teachers and sisters have spoken well. We need to consider this matter from a long perspective.” Tears Jianhong nodded again and again. Although this master did not have a strong opinion, he really said nothing to his teacher and brother.

“Sister Three, this is wrong.” Li Youran righteously said, “Although Ling Meng’s identity is good, in the final analysis, she is just an outsider; not to mention, even if she is really my Li family, But how can it be compared with the feelings of life and death between our brothers and sisters? For the vengeance of the four brothers, no matter how the brothers decide, I will only agree with him and cooperate as best as I can, and there will be no objections! What if he could avenge the four brothers by sacrificing his revenge? Even the younger brother who asked for his life was willing! “

“Little Master! …” Tears Jianhong and others were all moving, looking at Li Youran, looking very excited. “With the words of my little master, we didn’t fool our brothers for thousands of miles; the four masters, though dead, can sleep peacefully in Jiuquan!”

Everyone nodded, looking at Li Youran’s eyes, more and more soft and kind.

“Master already said to come in person and handle the Sixth Brother personally; but I was afraid that it would take a few days to get to Tianxiang, so I asked several brothers and sisters to endure sorrow for the time being. I leave everything to the younger brother. “Li Youran sighed:” Just for the younger brother’s trouble and disturbed the master Qingxiu, this is the youngest thing that the younger brother feels guilty about. It is really a crime that should be killed, and whatever it is Can withstand its disadvantages. “

“Where is the young master, who doesn’t know that among our brothers and sisters, the master he cherishes most is you.” Everyone uttered words, comforting Li Youran. The atmosphere was harmonious for a while.

Since Li Youran worshiped Tears without Sadness as a teacher, all the disciples and all sources of life have been provided by the Li family. Tears without Sadness, from disciples to husbands, have been almost used by Li Youran. The offering has become an uncle. Although it is in a remote mountain, it is no different from the Aristocratic Family family when it comes to life. It is even more so.

It can be said that the already disciples who are in tears are spoiled by Li Youran, and their tempers are incomparable even with the grandchildren of the big Aristocratic Family

“But before the master arrives, we must not be idle;” Li Youran’s eyes flashed: “Brother, you know, our current source of information is really limited, even in Tianxiang City Within the scope, there are still a lot of people. Therefore, the younger brother urgently needs the help of several brothers, but just after such things, it really makes the younger brother unable to speak.

“I waited for my brother. This is a family. Isn’t your business our business? What’s happening is straightforward, why bother mother-in-law, let’s say it happily.” Tears Jianhong waved, very unhappy. He is now in touch, no matter what conditions Li Youran puts forward, he will agree in one sip!

“Thank you, Brother.” Li Youran looked embarrassed and said in distress: “My brother’s difficulty is, the underground forces of Tianxiang City, the major gangs! The younger brother originally controlled the Beicheng Gang with already. The Tang family is uprooted. So at this point, it is still completely empty, and it is very inconvenient to do anything. Even if you want to get any information in time, it is impossible … “

“A few underground gangs? Haha, what’s the problem!” Tears Jianhong smiled fiercely: “These days have been hard to suppress. It’s natural that we can’t provoke Eagle Fight, but we can do it all It ’s good to have the little shrimp out of breath! Master rest assured, I will help you unify the underworld of Tianxiang City before the master arrives! Give it to you!

“Thank you for your help! There are several brothers and sisters who helped, I finally let go of a big stone! And the strength of my Li family will surely be improved by the help of many brothers and sisters! “

Li Youran was grateful and thanked, then gritted his teeth and said with sorrow and indignation: “I immediately went to the palace to check the flying knife. After all, the enemies of the four brothers could not be dragged. Even after a day, my brother’s heart is still If I ’m fried, my days will be like years! If I ca n’t report the vengeance of the four brothers soon, why would I be born? ”

“Why are your family so polite! It ’s the speculation in the palace. The master must be careful. When investigating the enemy of the flying sword, I entrust it to the young master. I’ll wait here and wait for the good news.” Tears Jianhong The others got up together, and Yin Yin entrusted him with concern, overflowing with words.

“Yes, thank you to all the older brothers and sisters for your concern. The younger brother has something in mind. Oh, yes, brother, although we want these strengths, our Li family cannot stand in front of the stage, I can only manipulate behind the scenes.” Li Youran smiled, and finally reminded me. “So, this is a big deal and you need to master it.”

“That is of course. We are clearly aware of the benefits involved! Little Master, you are so serious, but you see me too casually.” Tears Jianhong laughed.

This has to be said, it is another extremely amazing coincidence!

Li Youran and Jun Moxie, this pair of potential opponents do not know each other’s existence, but they have made the same choice in the same period! Choose the same goal!

Beijing, underworld!

Also, the means of the two are surprisingly similar!

Jun Moxie treats the sea and the wind with grace, tempts favor, and then takes advantage of the danger of people. He also calculates everything about Yingbo Kong, and uses all kinds of identities first to threaten him. Yi Wei, move to the advantage, and then do whatever they like. So the goal is achieved.

Li Youran also played tricks on his own brothers and sisters, using affection and understanding the interests, also achieved his purpose.

Although the methods of the two people have their own advantages and no distinctions, they are the same. They are both shameful and shameless.

Jun Moxie is unscrupulous for his purpose;

Li Youran is for the purpose, the six relatives don’t recognize it!

There is also an amazing coincidence that the two happened to be Tian Xuan masters! The difference is that Jun Moxie’s Hai Shen Feng rank is higher; Li Youran’s side wins in quantity. At this point, it’s half a catty.

Now in their hearts, there is a feeling of slaughtering a chicken with a bull’s knife. They are full of confidence and feel they can capture it!

Everything that happened before has the shadow of these two people existence. It can be said that without the unintentional cooperation of Li Youran and Jun Moxie, everything in Beijing will not happen. Which one of them is missing, the storm will not be so great! But the two set off the biggest storm in Tianxiang City, but they did not know each other.

Even the way of doing things is the same for both people: they both want to manipulate behind the scenes and are unwilling to show up. Although Jun Moxie knew Li Youran and Li Youran was the first person in the Li family, he never thought that Li Youran would be his opponent. In his heart, Li Youran was not worthy! ——

Xie Jun proud of the world, the whole different world has not been in the eyes, Li Youran, what is it?

Li Youran also knows Jun Moxie, but in Li Youran’s heart, Jun Moxie’s weight is also far worse. ——

How can such a sister-in-law be my opponent of Li Da Young Master? Ignore it!

You don’t know each other, but you despise each other; but they do the same thing and use common methods. In this case, the first real encounter between the two is about to begin.

The real collision this time also happened in the dark, it was also manipulated by two people, but they still did not show up …

Even the ranks of mysterious qi of the two are currently at the peak of Jin Xuan, but they are also mobilizing the masters of Tian Xuan to contribute for themselves. The same are all Supreme disciples. Behind Hai Shenfeng stands the blue Supreme Dream Red Dust; and behind Tears Jianhong, there is also Cold-blooded Supreme Tears.

At this point, it’s quite equal!

Who will win? Who will lose?

But no matter who wins or loses, the two Supremes, the Blue Supreme Dream Red Dust and the Cold-blooded Supreme Tears, have avenged each other in a confused situation, but already is settled!

Two Aristocratic Family Young Master contending for a small underground gang, but can reach these earth-shattering characters, triggering a big storm that will inevitably set off in the supreme realm, which has to be said-impermanence, God’s will to make people, it is amazing …


Healed. Shen Feng, the sea of ​​the sea, has already slipped out at this time, ready to show his fist, dominate the heavenly underworld.

There is a hawk in the Jun family, and Hai Shenfeng does not burn the butt, it is estimated that he will definitely not come to look for abuse; of course, if Jun Moxie summons it is another matter.

Yingbo Kong is pulling Jun Moxie’s research moves, already has reached the point of sleeping and eating; junior already has been fired several times, but once he is immersed in the study of martial arts, he cares nothing, already is almost obsessed Regardless of everything around you.

Little Rory offered tea lightly, and then limped back; Tang Daos was next door, trying to disappear, even controlling the sound of her own breathing, even more afraid Cough or fart, because a little movement may cause the killing of the body, it is directly a king …

For a while, almost everyone seemed quiet and hardworking.

The reason is almost because it does not include Jun Mo Xie Jun Da Xiao Jun Ye Gao Ren.

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