Otaku Engineer in Great Tang Dynasty Chapter 97: Deploy

   Dongshi Qiqu Pavilion.

   After Li Zexuan left the workshop, he wanted to visit Qiqu Pavilion.

  When he came to the East City, he was far away, and he could see a long line in front of the Qiqu Pavilion. Everyone whispered in the line, and it was very lively.

   “Hey, Zhao Lao Er, why are you here today?”

  ”Why can’t I come? Wu Lao San, I said you people are not kind, and there are such useful ploughs that I don’t even tell us, if I didn’t see Mei Jun’s baby plowing the land yesterday, I’m still in the dark now!” A scar-faced man cursed.

  ”Hey, I can’t blame me for this. I was also the sister-in-law of my child’s mother’s cousin’s cousin yesterday afternoon. My Liujiazhuang is so far away from your Mei Village, I can’t come and inform you, right? “

  ”Well, in fact, the people in Hanjiazhuang were the first to know Quyuanli, we are all late.”

  ”That’s not true, but who made this song plough invented by their master’s young master. Hey, I heard that their master’s master was named a baron by his majesty yesterday. No one dares to bully this Han’s house in the future. .”

  ” I also heard about this, but I don’t know where the fief of the Ferguson is. If it is in Mei Village, then the good days of the households in Mei Village will come. I heard that the Ferguson’s treatment of Han Jiazhuang The farmer is getting old, not to mention asking them to help brew mountain fruit wine, but also providing them with free chicken seedlings and giving them rent reduction.”

   “Bah, what you think is pretty beautiful, why don’t you say that Sir Alex Ferguson’s fief is in our Liujiazhuang?” Wu Lao San shouted unconvincedly.

  ”Hey, Uncle Zhao, I heard my uncle who was working in the yamen say that Li Jueye’s fief is in Meicun, and people in the yamen have sent people to contact Mr. Liu in your village, saying that he wants to reclaim the land. Give it to Jue Li.” A young queen next to him couldn’t help but interject.

   “Ah, Han Ergou, what you are saying is true?”

   Zhao Lao Er grabbed the shoulders of the young queen excitedly and shouted.

   “Oh, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, let go first, Uncle Zhao, what I said is true, it was my uncle himself.” The young queen was caught grinning and quickly promised.

   Zhao Lao Er flushed, put down Han Ergou’s shoulder, turned his head, and laughed at Wu Lao San:

  ”Haha, Mrs. Wu, I should be lucky this time. I will be the banker of Jue’s family from now on. Your boy will definitely not be rich anymore. Haha, envy you? Are you jealous? Come and bite me?”

   His big smile like a chrysanthemum, coupled with the scars on his face, looks extremely scary, and also extremely mocking.

  Wu Lao San yelled angrily: “Fuck, Zhao Lao Er, you owe it to you!”


  Li Zexuan’s ears are very good. He heard these people’s conversation far away, smiled and shook his head, ignored them, went straight through the crowd, and entered through the back door of Qiqu Pavilion. In today’s crowd, there are very few people from Hanjiazhuang, so no one recognizes him.

   “Ouch, master, ah no, it’s Sir Alex, are you here?”

  Sun Huaiyuan, who was busy at the front desk, heard the report from the young man, quickly put down his work, trot to the second floor, and greeted Li Zexuan enthusiastically.

  Li Zexuan nodded slightly, greeted Sun Huaiyuan and sat down and said:

  ”Treasurer Sun, you must have heard that I have handed over the drawing of Quyuanli to the court. From tomorrow, the workshop will allocate half of the staff and continue to manufacture scooters. Shopkeeper Sun, you will open up one more at that time The team specializes in selling scooters.”

  Sun Huaiyuan was pleasantly surprised: “Great, don’t worry, Sir, I will arrange it.”

Although   quyuanli is popular, Qiquge does not make much money. In comparison, Sun Huaiyuan is of course more willing to sell scooters. This is all performance.

  Li Zexuan continued:

  ”The workshop should develop a second-generation scooter in the past two days. Compared with the first-generation, the second-generation scooter uses our workshop’s exclusive technology, which is more flexible and faster. We have always priced one. Sun Shopkeeper, you can have someone copy some flyers for publicity tomorrow, encourage everyone to apply for membership cards, and we will launch more comprehensive products later.”

  Sun Huaiyuan nodded happily and promised: “Yes, Sir Sir, you can rest assured, I guarantee that everyone in full length will know our second-generation scooter by then.”

  Li Zexuan nodded in satisfaction.

   chatted with Sun Huaiyuan for a while, and I wanted to explain everything that should be explained, so Li Zexuan left the Qiqu Pavilion and went home.


  Lu Guo Gongfu.

   “Master, the chicken fry in Chang’an has now risen to one hundred and fifteen pens. Will our family continue to buy it?”

  The old butler of Cheng’s Mansion reported to Cheng Yaojinhui anxiously.

  ”So expensive?”

   Cheng Yaojin was also taken aback. He secretly scolded these merchants in Chang’an City for being treacherous. Although he was a state official, he was not as wealthy and wealthy as Li Zexuan, and the state government had no more food.

   Facing the high price of one hundred and fifteen pens, Cheng Yaojin flinched. But in his mind he couldn’t help but think of Li Zexuan’s meaningful words after yesterday morning:

  ”Uncle Cheng, at that time you may find that the most precious part of your chicken is not chicken. You may be reluctant to sell your chicken.”

   Cheng Yaojin frowned, and now he also understands that Li Zexuan raises so many chickens, it is not just as simple as what he said in the court, there should be something hidden in it. Cheng Yaojin thought of Li Zexuan’s immortal master again, gritted his teeth, and said:

  ”Buy, keep buying, Steward Liang, as soon as the Dongshifang gate opens these few days, you will go over, bring more people, and split up. Li Zexuan acquired a new fief yesterday, and the old man estimated that he would definitely be in his Continue to raise chickens on the land, the price of this chicken seedling…. It will only become more and more expensive.

   Try to be in front of their house and buy all the chicken fry in Dongshi~ IndoMTL.com~ as soon as possible, make up 30,000 chickens. Anyway, that kid doesn’t have a bad money at home, let them buy it later, haha! “

   Cheng Yaojin laughed as he spoke, and silently clicked thirty-two likes for his wit.

   Steward Liang also felt that Cheng Yaojin’s words made sense, and he hurriedly bowed and took the order and retreated.


   I have to say that Fairy Cheng’s speculation is still very correct. At this time, Li Zexuan was at home, confessing to the steward Wang and continuing to purchase chicken fry.

  ”Uncle Wang, how short are the 80,000 chickens in Hanjiazhuang?”

   Steward Wang took out a pamphlet, looked at it and said: “Master, plus what we bought today, it is less than 10,000. The old slave estimates that tomorrow will be able to get it together.”

   Li Zexuan said happily: “Yes, these 80,000 chickens will be available tomorrow. You continue to buy them. I will go to Mei Village tomorrow to see how many chickens the farmers over there can raise. It is conservatively estimated that at least 70,000 chickens are needed. Right.”

   Butler Wang widened his eyes, and said: “Master, now every chicken in Chang’an has risen to one hundred and fifteen cents. Is it necessary for our family to buy that much?”

   is so expensive? Compared with the initial price of seventy texts, it almost doubled. Li Zexuan pondered for a moment and asked:

  ”Uncle Wang, how much money will it cost after the 80,000 chicken fry from Hanjiazhuang is collected?”

  Steward Wang silently calculated for a moment, and replied: “Master, it takes about 13,000 guanxi.”

  The Tang Dynasty has always had only 800 texts, so it makes sense that 80,000 chickens need 13,000 qu.

   Li Zexuan nodded, and said, “Uncle Wang, continue to buy, the money is still affordable at home.”

  Wang Zhong did not understand, but he nodded.


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