Otaku Engineer in Great Tang Dynasty Chapter 308: Should I go and beat him!

“Hehe, the maidservant Guanyin is pleading for that kid~?”

In the bedroom.

Li Er listened to the words of Empress Changsun, he asked casually while drinking the after-dinner soup leisurely.

The queen of the eldest grandson was startled and said: “This…the concubine just doesn’t want to see such young talents die prematurely, the concubine’s thoughts are all for my data…”

“Ahem, Avalokitesvara maidservant don’t need to be nervous, I just say it casually, no other intentions, you and I have been married for more than ten years, would I not believe you?”

Earth Empress did not finish speaking, Li Er saw that the style was wrong, and quickly put down the spoon beside his mouth, and interrupted.

When Empress Changsun saw what Li Er said, she didn’t seem to be fake, she warmed her heart and smiled slightly: “Thank you for your trust!”


Li Er smiled and shook his head, and suddenly sighed: “Since I became the throne, I have always been talented. Li Zexuan is full of talents. Of course, I don’t need to say that although his talents do not belong to the mortal world, as long as he If I don’t treason, I can tolerate him, and Datang can tolerate him too! Now I am worried about how to arrange for him!”

Queen Changsun blinked her beautiful eyes and curiously said: “Your Majesty, isn’t that child already the youngest in the history of the Imperial College? Why are you worried about this?”

“You can’t say that!”

Li Er shook his head and said with a complex expression: “As the saying goes, people make the best use of their talents and make the best use of things. Since I have already planned to reuse Li Zexuan, I must arrange for him a position that allows him to use his strengths. But Guanyin maid, you see Look at the knowledge that the kid is good at. In addition to mathematics, what kind of physics, chemistry, electricity, electromagnetics, etc., has anyone heard of these knowledge in the world? How can a national superintendent perform what he has learned?”

After hearing this, Empress Changsun frowned her two eyebrows slightly. She thought for a while and said: “Your Majesty still considers well. So, Li Zexuan is indeed not suitable for staying in the Imperial College!”

Li Er rubbed his eyebrows and sighed in annoyance: “He is indeed not suitable for staying in the Imperial College, but there are more serious problems. This kid has learned a lot, although I don’t know where his knowledge comes from. Yes, but I am very convinced that he must not come from the Confucian line! Therefore, even if I know that his knowledge can be promoted to strengthen my national power, but I can’t give him too much support, otherwise there will be more support. If a great Confucian is dissatisfied and incites Confucian students to make trouble, they will definitely shake the country!”

Queen Changsun thought about her mouth in surprise, and said: “Your Majesty, is it so serious?”

“Of course!”

Li Er stood up and looked out the door, and said with his hand: “Although Li Zexuan is now teaching arithmetic in the Imperial College, the content, methods, and system of students’ learning have undergone earth-shaking changes, and These changes are still affecting other academies all the time. He is already developing his new learning under the guise of arithmetic! No, he is a new learning under the cloak of arithmetic!”

“I was not the only one who discovered this. Some doctors from the Imperial College also found out. I have heard Kong Yingda say that Cui Shanyou of the Imperial College has more than once asked Li Zexuan for his corrupting academic style. I was expelled from the Imperial College. Although Kong Yingda sternly refused, it is said that Cui Shanyou did not give up, and he has further intentions to contact the other great scholars in the Imperial College to write a letter together!”

“Cui Shanyou? His concubine has heard of this person before. It is said that he is quite proficient in Scripture and righteousness. He thought he was a man of righteousness, but why is he so unreasonable~?”

The eldest grandson nodded, speaking incomprehensibly.

“Sneez~! Know the righteousness~? Haha, these people are just for profit after all!”

Li Er snorted and didn’t want to talk too much on this topic. He just thought in his heart: If I strongly support Li Zexuan’s new learning, then I am afraid that I will be the world’s thousands of Confucian disciples, in order to protect Confucianism. The orthodox status of Cui should be transformed into the current Cui Shanyou!

The Queen of Longsun is not stupid. She just didn’t expect this for a while. When Li Er said so, she immediately understood it, but as a queen, she knew that she could only remain silent on this sensitive topic. Because if you talk more, you will lose!

The room was silent for a while, and Li Er suddenly smiled and said:

“Hehe~, it seems that I didn’t let Cheng Qian go to the Guozijian School of Mathematical Studies at that time. It was really correct. Otherwise, there will be more Confucian scholars who can’t sit still at this moment, right?”

When Li Er mentioned the word “Daru”, the syllable bite was particularly heavy. I guess he was also dissatisfied with some people in his heart!

“Yes~! Cheng Qian, as the crown prince of the country, represents his majesty’s attitude in every move. If he even went to the school, the ministers would definitely not agree! But this is difficult for the concubine to listen to. It is said that he not only has a very good relationship with Li Zexuan, but also is very interested in Li Zexuan’s new mathematics! He has been studying the textbooks of the Mathematics Museum in the East Palace, and today it is estimated that he is still studying the test papers of the monthly exam just passed by the Mathematics Museum! From time to time, I ran to Qingque for advice! As a result, the relationship between the two brothers has improved a lot!”

After hearing Li Er’s words, Empress Longsun began to feel sorry for her son.

“Hehe! As the prince, he should sacrifice something for this! The question now is, where should Li Zexuan be placed?”

Li Er first smiled naturally, and then he began to frown again after thinking of Li Zexuan.

“Why don’t your Majesty ask Li Zexuan what he thinks? This kid has always had a lot of ideas~IndoMTL.com~There are some ways to think about it!”

The queen eldest grandson stroked the hair on her forehead and said.

“Hey! That’s a great idea! Guanyin maidservant is really smart! Haha~!”

Li Er’s eyes quickly flashed a faint light, he said excitedly.


East City.

Chen Ji Noodle House.

Yes, it was the noodle restaurant where Li Yu and Meng Wenhao were almost pitted last time.

“Tianhua, are you too stingy? Please come to this small noodle restaurant if you invite me and Feichen to dinner?”

In front of the noodle restaurant, the three lone seedlings of Jinyu College were sitting on a stool waiting for the boss to serve food, oh no, it was on the top, then Hua Hongyi looked at the bad environment around and couldn’t help but complain.

“Yes! Tianhua, you are not kind! This time the “Datang Daily” has given you such good terms, how much money you have to make when you write this novel! And it is you today It’s the first time that my novel has been published in the newspaper. Don’t ask us to go to Zuixianlou to celebrate. No matter what, you can’t come to this broken noodle restaurant~!”

Liao Feichen also quickly agreed.

Chen Tianhua’s mouth twitched slightly, and he was still Drunk Xianlou~. His one-month manuscript fee is probably not enough for the three of them to eat a meal in Drunk Xianlou.

“Feichen, Hongyi, haven’t I got paid yet? The “Datang Daily” side only settles this month’s salary next month! When the salary is paid, I will take you to eat. Good meal, but I definitely can’t go to Zuixianlou! Besides, the Yangchun noodles in this noodle restaurant are not bad too!”

Chen Tianhua is helpless, local tyrants are always used to be slaughtered!

“Father, the little white face with a mole outside, scolded our noodle restaurant as a broken noodle restaurant, should I go and beat him!”

Not far away, in the kitchen, “Baby Giant” whispered a report to Boss Chen who was just below.


(End of this chapter)

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