Otaku Engineer in Great Tang Dynasty Chapter 1920: Night Assault (Part 1)!

“Blue bird, why haven’t you rested~?”

Taiyuan Inn, Tiedan’s room, looking at Li Tai who just came in, Tiedan couldn’t help asking.

It’s almost four quarters (modern eight o’clock in the evening). Most people have already used dinner and rest. At the post house, except for the imperial army on duty at night, and Han Lizheng, who went to Wangkuo Manor near Longshan, and others, The others went back to their own rooms after dinner.

(No way, who made the ancient people’s biological clock be like this)

Tie Dan is sitting at the table reading a book at this time. This is the math textbook for the next semester of Yanhuang Academy. Li Zexuan has compiled it before entering the barracks, but it has not been printed on a large scale. After all, it is his brother-in-law. Li Zexuan still opened a little back door for Tiedan in this regard.

“I can’t sleep!”

Li Tai walked in, and then sat down opposite Tiedan unceremoniously. Seeing the book in Tiedan’s hand, he couldn’t help muttering:

“Tiedan, you are not kind! Everyone is rushing for the telegraph relay station, but you are enjoying the “small stove” that the mountain grows by yourself. You are called unfair competition!”

Speaking of this, the little fat man has an aggrieved face. It looks a bit like when a modern campus sports meeting, students are participating in the sports meeting on the playground, but some people find that some students are quietly studying in the classroom. .

Tie Dan put down the book in his hand and said with a speechless expression: “What is unfair competition? Master gave me the math textbook for the next semester, you haven’t read it before!”

He has the mathematics textbook for the next semester of the college in his hand. This is not a secret. At least Li Tai, Meng Wenhao, and Qin Huaiyu have known it for a long time, and they have also borrowed from Tiedan before. Not rejected.

“It seems to be stable today, but I always feel that we are about to enter the eventful autumn soon. As a student of Yanhuang Academy, we should uphold Master’s wishes, set up a heart for the world, set a destiny for the people, and continue to learn for the holy. Peace forever, together with the war between the Tang Dynasty and the Turks in the second half of the year, Yanhuang Academy will not be able to take care of ourselves alone. At that time, we may be running around as we do now! So I want to take advantage of the time every night to preview the courses for the next semester in advance. , So as not to lose your homework!”

Close the booklet and put it on the table. Tie Dan suddenly sighed and said softly.

Actually, as he said, Li Zexuan founded Yanhuang Academy in the hope of nurturing a group of people who are truly useful to the country and the nation, rather than nerds who only die to read books, so whether it is the Guancheng in April this year The war is still going north to exterminate the locusts in June, and now coming to Taiyuan and Yunzhou to establish telegraph relay stations. In these incidents, there are more or less the shadow of Yanhuang Academy!

As the first batch of students in Yanhuang Academy, and what Li Zexuan thinks is the golden generation of Yanhuang Academy, Tiedan, Li Tai, Li Ke and their students in this class have been placed too many high expectations by Li Zexuan, and Li Zexuan hopes them Not only can you learn the homework in the academy well, but in the process, if the country needs it, the students of the academy must also do it!

If the Tang Dynasty wants to last forever, it needs too many people like this who can serve the country! This is also the main reason why Li Zexuan risked the world’s unrest, founded Engineering and Yanhuang Academy!

“Hmm! Tiedan, you are right, I have thought about it recently!”

Li Tai nodded, and did not continue to tease the iron egg about the teaching materials. The longer he stayed in Yanhuang Academy, the more he could feel that this Academy is closely connected with the destiny of the country and the nation. The two of them were silent. For a moment, Li Tai turned around and said: “Tiedan, I just thought of something in the room just now, do you think Zhao Deyan will attack the post tonight~?”

“Attack on the post? How is it possible~?”

Li Tai’s unintentional words were like a thunder, which blew into Tiedan’s ears. Tiedan was startled and shook his head subconsciously.

“What’s impossible in this?”

Li Tai curled his lips and said, “You know, all our conversations in the cell were overheard by a man in black. General Dugu and your father thought that the man in black was probably Zhao Deyan. People, and everyone thinks that Zhao Deyan will send someone to go to Longshan to notify Wang Kui after he learns the news.

At first I thought so too, but after I went back to my room, I thought about it carefully. After General Dugu asked your father to lead two hundred forbidden troops to the secret manor of Wang Kui, the rest of the forbidden troops at the post house was also Only two hundred people are left!

From the previous fights, it can be seen that Zhao Deyan is very tricky, and this person likes to use the sword to stray forward. I think he will definitely make a desperate bet when he learns that our rear is empty. All forces gathered to attack the post house! “

After listening to Li Tai’s bold conjecture, Tiedan’s eyes widened in horror. Indeed, after they were interrogating Star Wolf in the cell before being eavesdropped on by a mysterious person, they might be as Li Tai said. All of them have entered a misunderstanding of thinking: since Zhao Deyan is in the same group as Wang Kui, after learning that Duguxin is about to send troops to encircle Wang Kui’s “old nest”, Zhao Deyan will definitely send someone to inform the news as soon as possible. Yu Wang Kui, or send someone to help Wang Kui get out of trouble!

But obviously, they all ignored it, or didn’t even think of another possibility-Zhao Deyan wouldn’t care about Wang Kui’s life and death at all!

Li Tai’s conjecture is very bold. It sounds hard to believe at first, but Tie Dan thought that after they entered Taiyuan City, faced with a series of accidents, all the bold conjectures Li Tai put forward before One by one was fulfilled or confirmed, which shows that Li Tai’s insight and control of the situation are the strongest among them!

Seeing that Tiedan’s face was cloudy and sunny, and his eyes flashed with hesitation, Li Tai continued: “In addition, Tiedan, think about it, Wang Kui secretly cultivated so many killers, and he has kept all of them from the Wang family for so many years. , It can be seen that this person is scheming and suspicious. Do you think he will easily inform Yu Zhao Deyan where these killers are hiding before the Dongchuang incident?

If he did not inform Zhao Deyan in advance, then Zhao Deyan would not send anyone to notify him or save him after he learned the news! On the contrary, I think he is more likely to choose to attack the post! “

Hearing this, Tiedan got up with a serious face and said: “Qing Que, your analysis is very reasonable. I think we should immediately inform General Dugu of your conjecture, and let him find a way to enhance the post Defensive power!”

Tie Dan doesn’t care much about his safety. After all, he has martial arts. Even if Zhao Deyan sends someone to attack the post, he will have a chance to run if he can’t beat it! But Li Tae can’t! Li Tai doesn’t have martial arts, and he is fat and can’t run fast. If Zhao Deyan gathers all the horses to attack the post house at this time, Li Tai is likely to fall into the enemy’s hands!

Even if the possibility is only one in ten thousand, he dare not take the risk! Because no one can bear the thunderous anger of Li Er afterwards!

“Okay! I didn’t expect you to agree with Tiedan!”

Seeing that someone finally agreed with his point of view, Li Tai said excitedly: “Go! Let’s go to General Dugu now!”

After that, Li Tai stood up and left with Tie Dan.


“As the defender expected, there are not many imperial troops left at the post house!”

On the big tree on the south street of the post house, Xuanye is like a feather standing on the top of the tree. Using the lights in the post house and the torches in the hands of the soldiers patrolling in the post house, he quickly estimated The existing defensive force in the post.

As previously expected by Zhao Deyan, there are only more than two hundred soldiers left behind at the post house, and he brought a total of 110 people. Judging from the number, it is indeed inferior to the forbidden army. Over there, almost all the people on his side are masters of the rivers and lakes, and although the Forbidden Army is well-trained and proficient in various battle formations, their main general is still seriously injured!

Without the main general, it is equivalent to the absence of the main backbone, and the combat power of the Forbidden Army will be greatly reduced!

Xuan Ye is very confident in this battle!

He must also have confidence. If Li Tai cannot be captured alive, then his “boss” Zhao Deyan will definitely fall into the hands of the government and be slaughtered!

After investigating the imaginary and reality, Xuanye jumped up and fluttered down the treetops, and came to a corner of the street. There were more than a hundred people hidden here. At this time, all of these people were naked and hidden in In the night.

“How is the situation~?”

When they saw a figure walking towards this side, everyone was first vigilant. After the figure approached, Tian Ying quickly stepped forward and couldn’t wait to ask.

“The situation is the same as the guards expected. There are only about 200 guards in the post, and no more than 250 guards at most!”

Xuan Ye said~ IndoMTL.com~ Great! “

Hearing this, Tianying couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, and said excitedly.

Xuan Ye looked at the people around him, then lowered his voice, and said in a deep voice: “The time is urgent. I will use hidden weapons to kill the secret guards in the east, and then we will use light work directly from the east wall. Fly into the post house, if you do not work lightly, stay outside and guard the front and back doors of the post house to prevent King Wei from stealing it!”


Previously, when Zhao Deyan turned back to the inn, he handed over the command of this team to Xuan Ye and Tianying. Naturally, everyone had no objection to Xuan Ye’s arrangement, and they all responded.

Tianying thought for a while and said: “Do you want me to help you~?”

At a critical time, this guy also abandoned his previous prejudice against Xuanye. Now he only wants to complete the task that Zhao Deyan confessed. As for the credit, it is not too late to grab the credit when the overall situation is set!

“No need!”

Xuan Ye took a deep look at Tianying, and then said: “After I break into the post house, I will take someone to deal with the imperial army. You sneak into the post house room to find King Wei. After we catch King Wei, we will immediately evacuate. Don’t make extravagant branches!”

As everyone knows, it must be a great achievement to catch Li Tai. It’s not that Xuanye doesn’t want this credit, but he understands that, as their side’s strongest combat power, if he doesn’t lead people to attack. They couldn’t win this battle at all. For the sake of the overall situation, he couldn’t care about the merits at the moment!


When Tianying heard the words, he felt a little touched in his heart. After hesitating for a moment, he nodded.

“Go! Do it!”

Xuan Ye waved at the crowd, and said: “I will use all the methods you are good at for a while. This battle can only be won without defeat!”




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