Otaku Engineer in Great Tang Dynasty Chapter 1432: Iron Knight, debut!


In the morning of Chang’an City, the streets are like weaving, the screams of traffickers and pawns, the chatting and laughing among the people, the sound of newspaper sellers selling newspapers, and the reading from the Guozijian and Hongwenguan Sounds, these kinds of sounds, constitute the various forms of sentient beings in Chang’an City in the morning!

But today’s Chang’an city is mixed with a different sound. It is the “da da da” sound of iron ingots hitting the bluestone road. It is crisp and cold, and it feels cold to the bones!

Everyone followed the sound and took a breath. They saw a group of heavily armed knights riding high-headed horses and marching toward this side in awe-inspiring manner. The hoofs of the war horses seemed to be tied. There was a mass of iron ingots, which caused the crisp “dada da” knocks on the street.

However, these are not the most critical. The most intimidating thing is that a knight in the team is actually full of iron armor. Except for the eyes, no body parts are exposed, the head, neck, and limbs. , His hands and feet were all wrapped in iron armor, and even the war horse under his hip was covered with a set of shiny iron horse armor. From a distance, this man seemed to be a knight cast directly from steel!

Powerful! Cold! ruthless!

This is the most intuitive feeling this steel knight gave to the people next to the street. People who are close even have a feeling of suffocation!

So, there is no need for someone to clear the way. Every time the Iron Knight walks, the crowd will automatically disperse. This is a deterrent from the soul!

For the unknown, most people are subconsciously afraid, let alone this kind of steel knight who makes people look terrified!


This team of knights is still advancing without delay. The streets that were still lively before became quiet immediately after the team passed by. Not far away there was a team of Wuhou After the anomaly, he rushed over immediately, but after seeing the sergeant next to the steel knight, the headed Wuhou couldn’t help but waved, and the Wuhous just turned and left!


Seeing this, the surrounding people took a breath again, secretly asking what the origin of this cavalry came from, Wuhou even hurriedly avoided when he saw it?

Although they had doubts in their hearts, no one dared to ask at this time. After all, everyone was afraid to annoy the Iron Knight.

After this strange cavalry went away, the people on the street couldn’t help discussing each other immediately.

“God! What is the origin of the cavalry who was wearing armor just now? It looks terrifying! Just like the undead cavalry coming out of the underworld!”

“Shih~! The second king, you’re talking like you’ve seen a **** cavalry! Tut! But the man who wears steel armor all over his body is really evil. Standing beside him, I feel The soles of your feet are breathing cold!”

“Yes, that’s right! That person is terrifying! Just now, if I didn’t cover my third child’s mouth, I guess this kid was scared to cry on the spot!”

“Why would anyone in this world wrap the whole body in iron armor? Wouldn’t it affect walking?”

“That’s right! The iron armor is down, it’s 40-50 catties, and it’s inconvenient to move with iron wrapped around the limbs!”

“No, right! I just saw the knight’s hand holding the reins and the hand holding the horse, which are very flexible!”

“Hey! How is that possible? If this is the case, this knight is on the battlefield. Isn’t it invulnerable and unbeatable?”

“Hey! Really! That man’s whole body, except his eyes, is covered with iron armor, and even the horse under his hips is wearing horse armor. Who can break his defense!”

“Where did this cavalry come from? Why didn’t the Wuhous of Wuhou Mansion stop them?”

“I…I just seemed to see the leader of Yonganhou’s Pang!”

“What? Zheng Laoqi, did you read it right?”

“It should be correct, I have met Leader Pang before!”

“Hey! Doesn’t that mean that the cavalry belongs to Lord Hou? It can even be said that the person in the steel armor is Yongan Hou?”

“…Maybe it’s really possible! I just don’t know what Hou Ye did with his soldiers coming to Chang’an City? Does Hou Ye want to…”


“What do you think? Thinking of you! How can you rebel with those ten cavalry soldiers? Besides, Yonganhou is upright and loyal, and he is even more loyal to your Majesty today. How can you do that rebellious act?” /


The people talked a lot about the cavalry that suddenly appeared. At this time, the early dynasty was also going on lively.

“…As of now, more than 100 prefectures and counties close to the Yellow River Basin have built more than 30,000 ditches and built more than 4,300 waterwheels. The current drought conditions in all prefectures and counties have been alleviated without any impact. By this year’s seedling planting, it is expected that in half a month, the people will be able to harvest wheat!”

In the Taiji Hall, Xiao Yu, Shangshu from the Household Department, is reporting to Li Er the drought resistance of various states and counties in Guanzhong.

Li Er, sitting at the top, did not show the slightest joy after listening to Xiao Yan’s report, because although the drought in Guanzhong has been greatly alleviated, and the summer harvest will be available in half a month. , But Li Erzong felt that the court had spent so much effort in the end, it was very likely that he was “feeding the locusts”!

According to the predictions left by Li Zexuan before, the locust plague is coming soon!

“Well! Xiao Aiqing has worked hard!”

After a while, Li Er recovered from his meditation and nodded.

“Your Majesty!”

At this moment, Wei Zheng took a step forward and said, “The old minister thought that the drought in Guanzhong could be alleviated so quickly, and Yongan would have contributed to it! If it weren’t for the waterwheel he designed, most of the fertile land in Guanzhong area may be returned. In a dry state, let alone planting rice seedlings and harvesting in summer!

His Majesty has always been rewarded, and there have been penalties. Therefore, the old minister believes that Yonganhou has made a waterwheel and dedicated the waterwheel drawings to the court, and deserves a reward! “

Please reward! And it’s not for your own reward!

When the officials heard this, they couldn’t help but look at Wei Zheng with a strange expression. When did the dignified Wei Xuancheng ask for rewards for others? Could it be that the sun came out from the west today!

Cheng Yaojin stared at Wei Zheng’s back with a smile on his face, and secretly asked why the older Wei looked more pleasing to the eye?

But no matter what others think, Wei Zheng himself has no selfish intentions. The reason why he wants to help Li Zexuan ask for a reward is mainly because of the sentence Li Zexuan said at the beginning of the Bahe River: ; Far away from the world, worry about his monarch” moved him, he felt that Li Zexuan is a very good junior, worthy of support!

Li Er also looked at Wei Zheng curiously, and then said lightly: “We don’t have to worry about this matter! This time Li Zexuan has done a good job in fighting drought, and I have already rewarded him in private!”

Wei Zheng frowned, subconsciously thinking that Li Er was deliberately perfuncting him, so he handed over and said: “The minister dare to ask your majesty how he rewarded it?”

No matter how good the temper is, Li Er can’t help being a little angry at this time. He frowned and said displeased: “Huh? Wei Aiqing is suspicious of me?”

The coldness in the words can be heard by fools, but Wei Zheng, who is accustomed to the big scenes, is not afraid, “Old officials dare not!”

Wei Zheng arched his hands.

He said he didn’t dare, but the look on his face, a fool could see that he was duplicity!


Li Er pointed at Wei Zheng, and wanted to go crazy in class, but at this moment, a Jin Wuwei came in and clasped his fist:

“Your Majesty, please see you Yonganhou!”

Li Er couldn’t help but laugh, and said: “Quickly declare! Just let Wei Aiqing confront him, and see if I have rewarded Yonganhou!”

After that, he glanced at Wei Zheng in the hall lightly.

But who knows that Jinwuwei did not take the order, but hesitated: “Your Majesty, request to bring soldiers, wear armor, and ride into the temple! He said he wanted to give his Majesty a surprise!”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked!

All the civil and military officials, eunuchs and palace ladies were stunned, and even Li Er couldn’t help being stunned!

Since Qin Shihuang opened the early dynasty, in all dynasties, there has never been a courtier wearing armor, holding weapons, and riding a war horse in the early dynasty. This is disrespect for the emperor and is a treason!

“Absurd! Fooling around!”

Wei Zheng was the first to reprimand: “Your Majesty, Yong’an Hou acted recklessly and had no ruler. The old minister asked your Majesty to rule Yongan Hou’s crime of “disturbing the court and having no ruler”!”

Li Er has been relieved from the shock at this time, and can’t help but smile: “Wei Aiqing, it was you who asked for reward for Yong’an Hou before, and now you are the one who asks for Yongan Hou’s crime, you This is repeated over and over again, how can I be good?”

Wei Zheng struck his neck and insisted proudly: “Your Majesty, these are completely different things! The old minister also said before, Your Majesty, you always have a clear distinction between rewards and punishments. Naturally, you should be rewarded where you have made merit. Place, of course should be punished!”

Li Er nodded and said solemnly: “Okay! What a meritorious reward, and a penalty! If you come, let Yong’an Hou come in immediately, and let the hundreds of civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty come in to comment. Is it meritorious, or has it!”

“Your Majesty, don’t do it! How can there be courtiers carrying armor and riding up to the hall on the court?”

Wei Zheng was shocked and said quickly.

Li Er waved his hand and said: “My will has been decided, right and wrong, after Yonganhou goes to the palace, all the Aiqing will comment on it!”

Wei Zheng had no choice but to return.

He was full of doubts. He didn’t understand that Li Zexuan clearly had a great future to go, why he had to do such a ignorant thing to ruin his future.

“Second brother, this…… Xiaoxuan will be fine, right?”

Cheng Yaojin looked anxious, and asked Qin Qiong beside him in a low voice.

Qin Qiong shook his head and said: “Knowledge, stay safe and restless! Look at the situation before you talk, it may not be a bad thing!”

When Cheng Yaojin saw this, he had no choice but to settle down and wait for Li Zexuan to enter the hall.

In the ranks of civil servants, Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling and others have been silent all the time, which makes people wonder what they are thinking!


Not long after, there was a crisp “Da Da Da” sound from outside the temple, and everyone followed their reputations and saw a knight wearing a silver full-body armor holding a cold shining horse in his hand. Riding a war horse wrapped in horse armor, slowly walked into the hall!

“Boom boom boom!”

Faced with such a mighty but strange cavalry, many officials in the civil service team were frightened and took a few steps back. In the military attache camp, many generals had eyes when they saw the steel cavalry. Shine!

It’s like the light in the eyes of a wolf when it sees its prey!


Before coming to the team of hundred officials, the steel knight jumped flexibly from the horse, then pinned the horse to the saddle, and held his fist towards Li Er and said: “Courier Li Zexuan, see your majesty! Today is leading the armour and the war horse , The main reason is that there is a reason, and I hope your majesty will forgive me!”

Everyone was shocked at the moment!

They were not surprised by what Li Zexuan said, but Li Zexuan just dismounted and held his fists in one go, without any stagnation at all. This made the civil and military officials, especially the generals, almost surprised one by one. Exhale!

Li Er is also an expert in the military formation. How can he not see the outstandingness of Li Zexuan’s armor, he waved his hand and said: “Yonganhou don’t have to be polite! What kind of armor are you wearing?”

Li Er’s question is knowingly~IndoMTL.com~Because Li Zexuan told him about the new-style armor a few days ago, now I ask again, mainly for the civil and military officials.

Li Zexuan also roughly understood what Li Er meant, so he replied: “His Majesty, the minister wears the latest vanadium steel armor made by the workshop. This armor is not only lighter than Mingguang armor, but also has defensive power and defense range. It is also far better than Mingguang armor. This plate armor can withstand all sword and arrow damage. With a horse wearing a horse armor, a cavalry of this type can run rampant on the battlefield and be invincible!”

“Plate armor!”

After listening to Li Zexuan’s introduction, all the officials in the hall changed their colors in amazement, and they talked quietly.

“What? The weight of this plate armor is even lighter than the light armor. How is this possible?”

“Yes! This plate armor obviously covers the whole body, and the Mingguang armor only protects the key parts. How can the plate armor be lighter than Mingguangkai?”

“But this plate armor is indeed very flexible. Just now Yonganhou jumped directly from the horse, indicating that wearing the plate armor does not affect normal movements!”

“This alone is very powerful! After all, it can protect all parts of the body, and it is invincible on the battlefield. It is completely invincible!”

“If this kind of plate armor can be fully equipped in the army, why should I be afraid of Turks?”

“Yes, that’s right! A plate cavalry like this can completely destroy the Turks!”

When hundreds of civil and military officials were talking about it, Duan Zhixuan suddenly took a step forward, clasped his fist and said: “Your Majesty, the minister dares to try the defensive power of this bright light armor in court!”

As soon as the voice fell, the hall suddenly became quiet, and the gazes of the civil and military officials turned to Li Er.

Li Er pondered for a moment and nodded: “Quasi!”


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